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Business Consultants Vietnam

Dr. Tran Huy Phuong
September, 2022
Business Consultants Vietnam

Academic Integrity
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Academic Integrity

Academic integrity: the honest and ethical manner in which academic

work is done, whether it is an assignment, an examination, an oral
presentation, or a research project or report.
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Academic Integrity

Integrity is important in all areas of life

Personal integrity is not a quality we’re born to naturally
Nurture– Practice – Accountability

Academic Integrity for students

Come to class on time and do not leave early
Read and do all assignments
Pay attention in class, don’t be disruptive
Be respectful of others in class
Do your own work
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Academic Dishonesty/ Misconduct

An act of deception in which a Student

seeks to claim credit for the work or
effort of another person, or uses
unauthorized materials or fabricated
information in any academic work or
research, either through the Student’s
own efforts or the efforts of another.
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Reasons for Academic Dishonesty/ Misconduct

• Pressure to succeed (high stakes, parental pressure)

• Limited time to study
• Fear of losing status amongst peers
• Feeling peer pressure to cheat
• Observing cheating
• Lack of understanding of what plagiarism is
 Citing sources
 Quotations
• Lack of knowledge of institutional policies
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Forms of Academic Dishonesty/ Misconduct

• Falsification & fabrication

e.g. making up research data or editing experiment
results to make one’s work look more favorable
• Aiding academic dishonesty
e.g. writing an assignment for a classmate
• Unpermitted collaboration or help
e.g. asking someone to write or rewrite your essay
for you
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Forms of Academic Dishonesty/ Misconduct

• Cheating
e.g. copying from unauthorized materials during an

• Plagiarism
i.e. using others’ words or ideas as one’s own without
due acknowledgement
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• Plagiarism is the presenting the words,

ideas, images, sounds, or the creative
expression of others as your own.
• The word plagiarism comes from the
Latin plagiarius meaning "kidnapper".
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• If you have included the words and

ideas of others in your work that you
neglected to cite, you have probably
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• What if you copied your own work?

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• Self-plagiarism, also known as auto-

plagiarism, is the act of repurposing or reusing
original work and then publishing it elsewhere
without proper attribution. With this type of
plagiarism, you could either publish an entire
piece in duplicate publications or just parts of
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Intentional Unintentional
Copying a friend’s work
Buying or borrowing papers Careless paraphrasing
Cutting and pasting blocks of
text from electronic sources
without documenting Poor documentation

Media “borrowing” without Failure to use your own

documentation “voice”
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Excuses for Plagiarism

Everyone does it!
It’s okay if
I don’t get caught!

This assignment
I was too busy to
write that paper!
(Job, big game, too much homework!)
I’ve got to get
into a
certain college.!
My teachers
expect My parents
too much! expect “A”s!
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Consequences of Plagiarism

“0” on the assignment

Referral to administrators
Failing a class?
Suspension or dismissal
from school activities--
Receiving a lower grade?
sports and extracurricular
Parent notification
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How to avoid plagiarism

• Quote and cite phrases, sentences, and

paragraphs taken directly from the original
• Quote and cite statistics, charts, graphs and
drawings taken directly from the original
• When you paraphrase or summarize, give credit
to the original author.
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How to avoid plagiarism

• Quoting: quotations are the exact words of an author, copied

directly from a source, word for word. Quotations must be
• Paraphrasing: paraphrasing means putting someone else’s
words or ideas into your own words, as the ideas are taken
from someone else and they must be cited on your Works-Cited
• Summarizing: understand what the author is saying and write
the ideas entirely in your own words.
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• Cut and paste from any source

• Use another student’s work as your own
• Just change a few words from any source for
your paper
• Turn in a paper you wrote for another class
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Citing & Referencing

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What is a reference or citation?

• A way of giving credit for someone's

thinking, writing or research
• You mark the material when you use it (a
citation) and give the full identification at
the end (a reference).
• In academic writing you are obliged to
attribute every piece of material you use to
its author
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What is a reference or citation?

Appears in the text of your essay, wherever you use a

Citation quote or incorporate an idea you have picked up from
another source

Appears at the end of your essay or chapter, or sometimes

Reference at the bottom of each page, and gives full details of the
source of your information

Reference A list at the end of a chapter or essay giving full details of

list sources cited within the essay

A list at the end of your essay which gives the full details
Bibliography of all sources which you have read even if they are not
referred to within the text
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Why cite or reference?

• Credit sources of information & ideas

• Reader can locate for further information if
• Validate arguments
• Increase and spread knowledge
• Show depth, breadth & quality of your
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When to cite?

• Direct quotes
• Statistics/Studies
• Theories
• Facts
• Interpretations
• Paraphrases
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When to cite?
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In-text citation examples

• The prologue to Peter Stevens’ (2003) “The Voyage of the

Catalpa” has a strong Irish flavor yet it is clearly set on the
eastern seaboard of the United States of America.
• We all perceive the world around us in ways that are often
unique to us through a series of personal filters and we
'construct' our own versions of reality (Kelly 1955).
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In-text citation examples

• A study by O'Connor of the CIBA foundation found that 52

scientific journals had used 33 different reference styles (cited by
Garfield 1986, p. 3).
• Oshagbemi (2004) asserts that: "older workers tend to have a
maturity and wisdom that enables them to anticipate problems and
to respond to them calmly and with confidence" (p.2).
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Citation or reference style

• A citation style or reference system is a

standardized system for referring to materials
used in your writing
• There are several different citation styles
developed independently by professional
• University Departments generally stipulate
which style to use for your subject
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The Harvard Referencing style

• The most commonly used system in College

• Also known as the “author date system”
• There are very specific rules for textual
• There are very specific rules for listing your
references at the end of your essay
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The Harvard Referencing style
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Use of Software for referencing

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