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Salahaddin University

College of sciences
Chemistry department

Proteins in
Radwan jamal
Abdullah salim
Mohammed rashad

Group F
1. Blood component
2. Blood plasma
3. Albumin
4. Determination of albumin in blood
5. Function of albumin
6. Source and synthesized
7. Structure of albumin
8. Fibrinogen
9. Function of fibrinogen
10. Protein C
11. Conclusion
12. References
Blood Components

 Blood can be divided into two main parts, the blood plasma and the blood cells.

 Blood cells (RBC, WBC, Plate platelets…) represent approximately 45 % (by

vol.) of entire blood.

 The blood plasma or liquid portion of the blood represents approximately 55 %

of the entire blood.
Blood plasma
 There are many types of components dissolved in blood plasma, which exhibit
very different functions.

 The components of blood plasma can be divided into several groups:

 Water, minerals salt and ions, gases, low and high molecular weight component,
 Major component in blood plasma.

 Normal range: 3.5-5.0 g/dl

 Half life: 20 days

 Molecular weight: 65, 500 Dalton.

Determination of albumin in blood
 Manually by spectrophotometric: Using BCG reagent.

 By instrumental: like cobas,…

Determination of albumin in blood
Function of Albumin
 Transport function.

 Colloidal osmotic pressure.

 Nutritive functions.

 Buffering functions.
Source and synthesized
 Liver produce 12g of albumin per day.

 Sources: egg, chicken, fish, yogurt……

Structure of albumin
 Fibrinogen is a glycoprotein that circulates in the blood and is also found in
platelet granules.

 Molecular weight: 340 kDa

 Normal value - 0.3-0.4 g/dl

Fibrinogen Function
Protein C
Protein C
 Is one of the important Protein in plasma synthesized by liver.

 Molecular weight: 62,000 daltons

 Normal value: 3.9-5.9 micrograms/ml

 Work as natural anticoagulant and

prevent abnormally clotting blood in the body.
Protein C
 Low Protein C cause higher clotting in blood especially in pregnant women.

 synthesized this protein would depend on vitamin k.

 Protein C and S work together.

o What compositions of blood.

o Significance of albumin protein.

o Protein C and fibrinogen protein functions in the body.

 Michael liberman, alias peet. (2018).Mark’s Basic medical biochemistry: A chlinical approach. 5 th
edition. Wolters Kluwer.

 Johann Schaller, et al. (2008). Human Blood Plasma Proteins: Structure and Function. 1 st
edition. ohn Wiley & Sons Ltd.

 Satyanarayana U. chakrapani U. Biochemistry, 4 th edition,2014. Elsevier Health sciences

 Raymond C rowe, paul j sheskey and marian E Quinn, handbook of pharmaceutical

excipient, 6th edition, by pharmaceutical press London.

 Shalaw kh. Qaladzay. (2019) Testing and analytical disease in Medical laboratory.

 P.G.Hill. review article. The measurement of albumin In serum and plasma. department of
Biochemistry, Derbyshire Royal Infirmary, London Road, Derby, UK .

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