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Fantasy is used for. . .

What is the Fantasy Genre?

• Fantasy is a genre of speculative fiction involving magical elements,

typically set in a fictional universe and sometimes inspired by
mythology and folklore. Its roots are in oral traditions, which then
became fantasy literature and drama.

• Limited only by imaginations, fantasy (authors and directors)

explore themes by creating their own worlds, where dragons battle
in the skies, alien diplomats try to maintain peace between planets,
and strange creatures cohabitate Earth with humans.
What are the Subgenres and Types of
• 1. High or epic fantasy
Set in a magical
environment that has its
own rules and physical
laws, this subgenre’s plots
and themes have a grand
scale and typically center
on a single, well-
developed hero or a band
of heroes. Warcraft Peter Jackson
(2016) (2021)
What Are the Subgenres and Types of
. Low fantasy
Set in the real world.
 Characterized by a preoccupation with earthly goings-on
and fantastical intrusions into "our" world.
Chronicles of Narnia

Spirited Away
What Are the Subgenres and Types of
• Magical realism
• Is where supernatural and natural shared the same roof.
• The story set in the real world and happen to have magical

• Tigers Are Not Afraid (2018)

• Border (2018)
What Are the Subgenres and Types of
• Dark fantasy
• Usually a combination of fantasy and horror.
• Focus on the adventure.

Edward Scissorhand Pan's Labyrinth

(1999) (2016)
What Are the Subgenres and Types of
• Fabbles
• Superhero Fiction
What is Camerata?
• A camerata is a small
chamber orchestra or choir,
with up to 40 to 60

•- - - - - - -
Camerata form a new art, OPERA;
• Opera has its roots in Greek drama and originated in Florence, Italy,
in the late 1500’s, with a small group of men who were members of
the Camerata (Italian for society);
• The intellectuals, poets, and musicians of the Camerata decided
they wanted words to be a featured aspect of music.
• They used ancient Greek drama as their inspiration, including the
use of a chorus to comment on the action.
• An opera, like a play, is a dramatic form of theatre that includes
scenery, props and costumes.
Three principles
Three principlesfor their
for new
art form:
The text must be understood; the accompaniment must be very
simple and should not distract from the words.

2. The words must be sung with correct and natural declamation, as

if they were spoken, and must avoid the rhythms of songs.

3. The melody must interpret the feeling of the text.

Operas are divided into scenes and acts
that contain different types of vocal pieces:
• 1.) Aria, a vocal solo that usually focuses on a character’s emotions
rather than actions.
• 2.) Recitative ,a sung dialogue or speech that occurs between arias
and ensembles. It helps to further the action of the story and shape
the relationships between the characters.
• 3.) Composers, write the score (the music) for the opera.
Operas are divided into scenes and acts
that contain different types of vocal pieces:
• 1.) Aria, a vocal solo that usually focuses on a character’s
emotions rather than actions.
• 2.) Recitative ,a sung dialogue or speech that occurs
between arias and ensembles. It helps to further the action
of the story and shape the relationships between the
• 3.) Composers, write the score (the music) for the opera.
Important component in Opera:
• 1. Performers
They portray characters by
revealing their thoughts
and emotions through the
singing voice.
Important component in Opera:
2. A full symphony orchestra
Accompanies the singing
actors and actresses,
helping them to portray
the full range of emotions
possible in the operatic
/orchestra pit
Important component in Opera:
Important component in Opera:

3. Artisans.
Wigs, costumes, sets
and specialized lighting
further enhance these

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