Analysis of Shallow Well Water Quality

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Supervised by Prof. K.G.N. Nanayakkara


• Introduction
• Literature reviews
• Methodology
• Results and discussion
• Conclusion
• Recommendations
• References

• Groundwater is the largest available global freshwater resource

• Monaragala is the second largest district in Sri Lanka – 11 DSDs and 319 GNDs
• Monaragala district
 Severe drought period continue the every year – shortage of quality
drinkable water
 Present pipe borne water coverage is around 32.3%

 Majority of people depend on dug wells and unprotected water sources

 CKDu endemic and dental fluorosis

 Water quality assessment is very crucial in these areas.

• Analyzing to assess the quality of groundwater from selected DSDs in the
Monaragala district
• To analyze the water quality parameters of shallow wells and study the
relationship between parameters
• To develop a water quality index for selected DSDs of Monaragala district
for assessing the suitability of groundwater for human consumption
• To study the spatial distribution of ten groundwater quality parameters in
selected DSDs.

• 6 DSDs were selected where CKDu patients were reported (high and
• Twelve water quality parameters (colour, turbidity, pH, chloride, fluoride,
alkalinity, total dissolved solids, total hardness, total iron, total coliform, E.
coli) were used to analysis
• Investigating the effect of seasonal variation on groundwater quality was
not covered in this study.

Groundwater quality Groundwater quality

assessment Groundwater issues assessment
parameters techniques

Quantitative issues Qualitative issues
analysis ,GIS
• Most Sri Lankan people use small and unprotected wells for drinking
purposes (Mikunthan and De Silva, 2008)
• Water stress is caused by agricultural development due to partially or
initially subsidized groundwater irrigation or combined groundwater–
surface water irrigation, as well as high valve non-paddy cultivation
(Kikuchi et al., 2003; Karunarathana and Pathmarajah, 2002)
• Due to the open pit latrines' soakage and septic tank, fecal has been
contaminated with shallow groundwater (Nagarajah et al., 1988)
• people have to suffer from water borne diseases such as typhoid,
infectious hepatitis, dysentery, diarrhea, etc. due to bacterial pollution due
to not having proper protected wells (Shortt et al.,2003)

• Widespread use of pesticides has contaminated the groundwater

resources (Gnanavelrajah, 2003)
• Mohd Saleem et al. (2016), Rathnasri and Manage (2015), Cooray et al.
(2019), etc., used the weighted arithmetic water quality index method to
find the water quality index (WQI).
• Mahagame et al. (2016) used CCME WQI method to assess the suitability
of ground water
• The strength of a linear relationship between two variables can be
evaluated using Pearson correlation analysis (Selvakuma et al., 2017)

• Regression analysis is the technique that is used to assess the strength of

a relationship between one dependent variable and independent variables
• Hem (1985) formed a linear regression between TDS and EC
• Narayanan C. Viswanath et al. (2015) formed a muliple linear between
TDS , Cl- and Ca2+
• Factor analysis is used for data reduction and summarization
• PCA was performed to determine the correlation between both locations
and water quality parameters(Mahagamage et al., 2019)

• Narayanan C. Viswanath et al. (2015) used PCA analysis to

develop a multiple linear regression
• GIS is a powerful tool for analyzing water quality data (Jeihouni
et al., 2014)
• GIS was used to assess the spatial patterns of nitrate, chloride,
sulphate, and fluoride concentrations (Hudak et al., 2003)
Assessment of groundwater quality

Multivariate Statistical
General Statistics analysis
Water quality
index calculation
Validity and reliability Correlation regression Factor Analysis GIS
test analysis analysis

Principal component Developing

analysis (PCA) spatial
distribution maps

Conclusion and recommendation

Study area



137 groundwater samples
Sevanagala were collected
• Validity and reliability test
To see whether it could be used for the research analysis
• Correlation analysis (CA)
To find the strength of a linear relationship between two variables
• Multiple linear regression
To determine the linkages between a dependent and a single or more
independent variables
Y = β0 + β1X1+ β2X2+…….+ βnXn+ε
SPSS version 23 software package
• Principal component analysis
To data reduction and summarization
• Developing a water quality index (WQI)

CCME WQI method was used to develop a WQI

Following equations were used

WQI Values Categories Characteristics

 Conditions usually deviate from natural or desirable levels

0-44 Poor
 Water Quality almost always threatened or impaired

 Conditions often deviate from natural or desirable levels

45-64 Marginal
 Frequent treat to the water quality

 Conditions sometimes deviate from natural or desirable levels

65-79 Fair
 Water quality occasionally threatened or impaired

 Conditions rarely deviate from desirable limits

80-94 Good
 Minor degree of threat to the water quality
 All measurements within objectives virtually all of the time
95-100 Excellent
 Conditions very close to pristine water quality levels
 Virtual absence of threat or impairment

• Developing spatial distribution maps

 Spatial interpolation is the procedure of estimating the value of
properties at unsampled sites within the area covered by existing
In this study, kriging method was used for interpolation using ArcGIS
• General statics - validity and reliability test
Reliability statistics Sum of Mean
  squares df square F Sig
Cronbach's Between people 26580715. 3322589.48
Alpha No of Items 914 9   
0.995 137 Within people Between 10282079.
136 75603.528 4.561 .000
items 873
Residual 18034366.
1088 16575.704
Total 28316446.
1224 23134.351
Total 54897162.
1232 44559.385
Grand mean = 139.18366

Cronbach's Alpha was 0.995, with a significance level of P< 0.005. So the internal
consistency was excellent and the research tool was reliable and gave acceptable results.
(Pallant, 2013).
• Correlation analysis










Coliforms 1.000                      

E_Coli .714 1.000                    

Colour -.098 -.076 1.000                  

Turbidity -.075 -.057 .902 1.000                

pH .178 .177 -.089 -.146 1.000              

EC .235 .120 -.158 -.193 .457 1.000            

Chloride .171 .111 -.043 -.069 .134 .562 1.000          

Alkalinity .254 .103 -.225 -.268 .589 .817 .344 1.000        

Fluoride .156 .080 -.134 -.139 .344 .766 .484 .596 1.000      

Hardness .274 .175 -.250 -.275 .600 .641 .253 .870 .502 1.000    

T_Iron -.095 -.082 .705 .506 -.271 -.270 -.075 -.351 -.219 -.361 1.000  
Red colour (>0.75) – strong correlation ; Green colour (0.5-0.75) – moderate correlation
TDS .208 .104 -.170 -.202 .465 .980 .535 .812 .761 .637 -.282 1.000
• Multiple linear regression analysis
 Dependent variable - Fluoride.
 Independent variables - EC, Chloride and Total iron
 Multicollinearity diagnostic was done before developing the equation.
Chlorid Total Coefficientsa
  EC e iron
EC Pearson
Sig. (2-tailed) Collinearity statistics
N 135    
Chloride Pearson Model Tolerance VIF
.547** 1   1 EC
correlation .647 1.545
Sig. (2-tailed) .000     Chloride
.695 1.440
N 135 135  
Total Iron Pearson Total Iron
.919 1.088
-.270 **
-.070 1
a. Dependent variable: Fluoride
Sig. (2-tailed) .002 .418  
N 135 135 135
Correlation < 0.9 , tolerance > 0.2 ; VIF < 5 – No
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
• Multiple linear regression analysis

  Minimum Maximum Mean N

Predicted value 0.0999 6.3094 0.8204 0.66292 135

Residual -1.50441 1.71879 0 0.53264 135

Standard predicted
-1.087 8.28 0 1 135

Standard residual -2.793 3.191 0 0.989 135

Standard residual minimum and maximum is between -3.29 and +3.29 – No outliers
• Multiple linear regression analysis

Change statistics

Adjusted R Std. error of Durbin-

Model R R square R square Sig. F
square the estimate F change df1 df2 Watson
change change

1 .780 0.608 0.599 0.5387 0.608 67.642 3 131 0 1.567

R square statistics, which is 0.608 with a statistical significance of P < 0.05. This
suggests that 60.8% of the variants in the fluoride were predicted from EC, chloride,
and total irons. The Durbin-Waston statistics was 1.567 and between +1 and +3,
which means that the independence of the observations has been met.
• Multiple linear regression analysis
ANOVA table
Model Sum of squares df Mean square F Sig.
1 Regression 58.889 3 19.630 67.642 .000
38.016 131 .290
96.905 134

significance is less than 0.0005, the regression model is a good fit for the data

• Principal component analysis (PCA)
KMO and Bartlett's Test
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling
.740 KMO value is higher than 0.5 and from
Bartlett's Test of Approx. Chi-Square 1504.097 Bartlett's Test of Sphericity (P< 0.05).
Sphericity df 66 Therefore, the data is adequate for
Sig. .000 PCA


  Initial Extraction
Coliforms 1.000 .852
E_Coli 1.000 .865
Colour 1.000 .965
Turbidity 1.000 .837 Communalities value is higher for all the
pH 1.000 .724
EC 1.000 .923
variables. Hence variables are contributing
Chloride 1.000 .736 much to all factors
Alkalinity 1.000 .884
Fluoride 1.000 .718
Hardness 1.000 .810
Total Iron 1.000 .661
TDS 1.000 .909
Extraction Method: Principal
Component Analysis.
Total variance explained

Extraction Sums of Squared Rotation Sums of Squared

Initial Eigenvalues Loadings Loadings

Compone % of Cumulative % of Cumulative % of Cumulative

nt Total Variance % Total Variance % Total Variance %

1 5.085 42.377 42.377 5.085 42.377 42.377 4.525 37.704 37.704

First four eigen
2 2.132 17.764 60.142 2.132 17.764 60.142 2.447 20.393 58.097
values > 1.000 –
3 1.608 13.402 73.544 1.608 13.402 73.544 1.718 14.320 72.417

4 1.060 8.831 82.374 1.060 8.831 82.374 1.195 9.957 82.374 First four
5 .515 4.292 86.666            
explain 82.374%
6 .493 4.104 90.770            
variance of the
7 .417 3.478 94.248             total variance
8 .282 2.350 96.598            

9 .262 2.187 98.786            

10 .077 .643 99.429            

11 .050 .414 99.843            

12 .019 .157 100.000            

Component Matrixa
Factor loading classification
1 2 3 4
EC .901 .269 -.142 -.139 >0.75 Strong
TDS .897 .251 -.163 -.120 0.75 – 0.5 Moderate
Alkalinity .896 .113 -.091 .244
<0.5 Weak
Hardness .819 .026 .015 .371
Fluoride .754 .256 -.174 -.233 Selvakumar et al. (2017)
pH .616 .082 .056 .579
Colour -.407 .878 .024 .167
Turbidity -.419 .799 .050 .145
T_Iron -.497 .640 .045 -.051
E_Coli .249 .014 .893 -.072
Coliforms .358 .052 .844 -.091
Chloride .520 .297 -.059 -.612
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
a. 4 components extracted.
Rotated component matrixa
  1 2 3 4
EC .957 -.071 .047 .001
TDS .949 -.085 .023 .019
Fluoride .838 -.046 -.003 -.119
Alkalinity .837 -.171 .053 .388
Hardness .700 -.207 .127 .510
Chloride .668 .034 .106 -.527
Colour -.089 .977 -.041 .044
Turbidity -.130 .905 -.018 .027
T_Iron -.229 .761 -.022 -.171
E_Coli .068 -.038 .926 .034
Coliforms .192 -.043 .901 .029
pH .500 -.063 .112 .677
Rotation method: Quartimax with Kaiser Normalization. a

• Spatial distribution of groundwater quality parameters

 Spatial distribution of pH

Only Bibila DSD has low pH values,

less than the minimum permissible
limit, except for the few GNDs
Spatial distribution of EC

Bibila DSD has the lowest EC values

Highest EC variation can be seen in

Thanamalwila DSD
Spatial distribution of alkalinity

Bibila DSD – within permissible limit

Siyabalanduwa DSD – Majority of GNDs
within the permissible limit

Thanamalwila and Buttala DSDs –

Outside the permissible limit

Sevanagala and Wellawaya DSDs -

Majority of GNDs Outside the permissible
 Spatial distribution of hardness

Bibila DSD – within permissible limit

Siyabalanduwa DSD – Majority of
GNDs within the permissible limit

Thanamalwila and Buttala DSDs –

Outside the permissible limit

Sevanagala and Wellawaya DSDs -

Majority of GNDs Outside the
permissible limit
 Spatial distribution of chloride

Bibila , Buttala , Wellawaya and

Siyabalanduwa DSDs – within the
permissible limit

Thanamalwila and Sevenagala DSD

- Majority of GNDs within the
permissible limit
 Spatial distribution of fluoride

Bibila DSD – within permissible limit

Siyabalanduwa and Buttala DSDs–
Majority of GNDs within the permissible limit

Sevanagala DSD – lower part of GNDs are

within the permissible limit and Upper part of
GNDs exceeds the permissible limit

Thanamalwila and Wellawaya DSDs –

Majority of GNDs Outside the permissible
 Spatial distribution of TDS

All DSDs are within the permissible

limit except few GNDs in
Thanamalwila DSD
 Spatial distribution of total iron

All DSDs are within the permissible

limit except few GNDs in Bibila
and Siayabalanduwa DSDs
 Spatial distribution of colour

Buttala , Wellawaya Thanamalwila

and Sevanagala DSDs – within the
permissible limit

Siyabalanduwa and Bibila DSD -

Majority of GNDs exceeds the
permissible limit
 Spatial distribution of turbidity

Buttala , Wellawaya Thanamalwila

and Sevanagala DSDs – within the
permissible limit

Siyabalanduwa and Bibila DSD -

Majority of GNDs exceeds the
permissible limit
• Water quality index (WQI)

Name of DSD CCME WQI Categories

Wellawaya 52 Marginal

Buttala 68 Fair

Thanamalwila 54 Marginal

Sevanagala 62 Marginal

Siyabalanduwa 51 Marginal

Bibila 73 Fair
• Validity and reliability test results revealed that the research tool was
reliable and gave believable results
• Wellawaya, Thanamalwila, Sevanagala, and Siyabalanduwa DSDs are
in the marginal category, while Buttala and Bibila are in the fair category
• Most of the GNDs within the Wellawaya, Thanamalwila, Sevanagala, and
Buttala DSDs have exceeded the permissible limits of alkalinity, fluoride,
and hardness
• Most of the GNDs within the Bibila DSD have exceeded the permissible
limits of colour, turbidity, and pH
• Most of the GNDs within the Siyabalanduwa DSD have exceeded the
permissible limit of colour and turbidity
• CA showed that Strong correlation between

Colour with turbidity

EC with alkalinity, fluoride and TDS,
Alkalinity with hardness and TDS

Fluoride with TDS

• Multiple linear regression analysis (MLA) predicted the fluoride using EC,
chloride, and total iron
• PCA results explained four principal components
• Frequent water treatment is recommended in Wellawaya, Thanamalwila, Sevanagala,
and Siyabalanduwa DSDs
• Appropriate water treatment is recommended in Buttala and Bibila DSDs
• It is recommended to pay more attention to alkalinity, fluoride, and hardness when
selecting the treatment process in Wellawaya, Thanamalwila, Sevanagala, and Buttala
• Suitable technology is recommended to use to check and remove heavy metals in Bibila
• Separate study can be developed to investigate the effect of seasonal variation on
groundwater quality
• This study can be further developed to compare the groundwater quality in the non CKDu
prevalence areas
• The study can be extended to identify the water quality variations with land use
patterns,rainfall and the geology of this area.
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