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The States of Matter

Teacher Nestlee  
Grade 3- Sapphire
There are different types of matter 
Solids, Liquids and Gases  (2x)

A solid keeps it shape, but liquid doesn't

A gas will always fill up it's container

There are different types of matter 

Matter Song  Solids, Liquids and Gases(2x)

Matter has a weight and it takes up space

A bowling ball and air, they're both matter

There are different types of matter 

Solids, Liquids and Gases(2x)
Is anything that occupies
space and has weight. 
you can see 
You can hold 
Has definite shapes
A Solid has a definite shape
 Has
its own shape and stays in
one place unless it is moved.
a. Regular shapes
b. Irregular shapes
A solid has a definite size

A solidwill also keep its size unless

you do something to change it. 
A solid has a definite volume

Volume is the amount of space that

an object occupies
A solid has a texture.
Texture is the feel or appearance of
the surface of an object. Different
solids may have smooth or rough
A solid may have color, smell or
Some solids may have color, smell,
or taste. Others may have none of
these at all
Handling solids 
1. Glass is a solid that can break when hit or dropped. Be very careful when you handle objects made
of this materials, such as drinking glasses.

2. When handling object made of wood, especially those that are heavy, such as blocks and baseball
bats, do so with care and caution 

3. Be careful when handling plastic objects as some of them can have cracks that can scratch your

4. Objects made of paper should never be placed near a source of fire.

5. When using steel be extra careful to avoid cutting or hurting yourself. 

 You can see
 You can't hold 
 No definite shape 
 It flows
A liquid does not have a definite shape
and size

Itonly takes the shape of the

container in which it is placed .
A liquid has a definite volume
 If
you pour water from a drinking glass
into a cup or a mug, the water will take
up the same amount of space. 
A liquid flows 

 Youcan hold solids but you can't do the

same with liquids.
Handling liquids
1. Never drink liquids, such as water and juices, without carefully checking if the liquid is safe for
you to drink

2. In your house and school, liquid products used for cleaning should be stored out of your reach. If
they are left lying around do not play with them. These products contain ingredients or materials
that can harm you. 

3. Naver take any medicine without the supervision of your parents or another trusted adult I  your

4. Be careful when using liquid hair products, such as shampoos and conditioner. They could sting
when they get into your eyes. When this happens, immediately rinse your eyes with water. 
 You cannot see
 You cannot hold
 No definite shape
 You can feel 
A gas does not have a definite
shape and size

 Likeliquids, a gas does not have a fixed shape 

and size. Instead, it fills in the shape of its
A gas flows
 The air you breathed on your palm could spread
out and flow in any direction and you would not
see this action.
A gas expands

 A gasexpands to fill the shape of its

 Oxygen- a gas that people and animals breathe

 Carbon dioxide- a gas that people and animals

breathe out 

 Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)- stored in tanks

Handling gases
 Never play with matches especially near gas tanks that contain LPG. 
 If you smell gas near an LPG tank, move away from the tank, then tell an adult about what
you have observed.
 Some products contain gases that can kill mosquitoes and cockroaches can also harm you when
you breath them in or when your skin absorbs them. 
 When you have to work with gases, such as during science experiments, make sure to wear
protective gear for your eyes such as goggles.
 Choose  the word that fits the property being described on the left. 

1. In can flow .                                                      soy sauce            pencil

2. It does not have a definite shape.                   juice                     rice

3. It does not have a definite volume.                 bag                       air

4. It has a pleasant smell.                                    kerosene              perfume

5. It has sour taste.                                               calamansi            water

Classify each of the following objects according to its state. Write its name in the correct column
of the table below. 
cake  fish sauce vinegar carbon dioxide
air pencil kerosene helium
sand syrup sugar lemonade
milk Ice cube oxygen

Solid  Liquid  Gas 

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