Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster

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DISASTER OF Zohaib Akhter Qureshi
Hafiza Khalid
HISTORY Raja Danyal
Mohsin Mirza Mughal
Mohammad Aqib
Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant:-
 A Nuclear Power plant located in
 Cheapest way of producing
electricity by the use of 1 kg of
 Plant consisted of 4 reactors,
from which the 4th reactor was
the newest one.
 The accident was occurred on 26 April,2015.
 Widely considered as a worst nuclear power accident.
Reactor plant Scenario:-

 Production of steam by the chemical reaction and

the use of highly radioactive elements.

 Steam produced, used to run the turbines.

 This is how electricity was produced.

What Happened?
Saturday, 26 April 1986.

 Reactor#4 was undergoing

a safety test to test the backup
power supply in a case of a
power loss.
 As the test started reactor
became unstable.
 8 tons of highly radioactive
waste product was exploded directly in the sky.
Immediate Impact:-

 Out of 69 fire fighters 31 died

by the direct exposure to the
radioactive chemicals.

 203 people were hospitalized.

 Many other suffers were the

heart failures, damage to lungs
and immune systems.

 Was the start of crisis.

Reaction by Government:-
 People were moved at safe place by 1200 buses.

 1800 helicopters were used to throw 5000 tons of

compounds on reactor to stable it.
Wind carried radiations:-
 On 28 April, At Forsmark power plant in Sweden,
1600 miles north from Chernobyl an Engineer Cliff
Robinson that he was radiated.

 After being confirmed they demanded an


 After 10 days of disaster toxic cloud moved from

Chernobyl to US and Japan.
Far Reaching radiation:-
Whose fault was it?
 Their was a flaw in the design that reactor can get very
hot quickly.

 Russian Investigator Team was held to know the cause of


 Investigation reveals that disaster could have avoided if

test would have performed properly.
Chernobyl Radioactive Threat:-
 During investigation, fear was being increased of
melting of the reactor that would contaminate the

 15 days they built the tunnel and in 206 days

concreted slab was built to place it under the reactor.
 Authority decided to cover it with concreted wall.
 Disaster cause to check the similar design reactors.

 Decision of completing a 10 year plan by 28 nations

includes covering of Chernobyl reactor by steel shell.

 Costs 768 million.

Long Term Impact:-
 Government estimated 8000 people died.
 Cancer rate risen to 100%.
 25,000 rescue workers died since then of diseases
caused by radiation.
 Areas still impacted today:
Soil,Ground Water
Type of Accident:-
The disaster was caused because of two
• Due to Engineers(Operators And supervisiors
Ghost Town At Chernobyl:-

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