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Business Communication

 The word “communication” is derived from the Latin word ‘communicare’ that means
to impart, to participate, to share or to make common. It is a process of exchange of
facts, ideas, opinions and as a means that individual or organization share meaning
and understanding with one another.
 In other words, it is a transmission and interacting the facts, ideas, opinion, feeling
and attitudes.
 It’s the life blood of an organization

 Its any kind of behaviour which results in exchange of meaning(AAM)

 American Management Association defines, ‘Communication is any behaviour that results in an
exchange of meaning’
 Peter Little defines communication as, ‘Communication is the process by which information is
transmitted between individuals and/or organizations so that an understanding response result’.
 Newman and Summer Jr. state that, ‘Communication is an exchange of facts, ideas, opinions or
emotions by two or more persons’.
 According to Keith Davis, ‘The process of passing the information and understanding from one
person to another. It is essentially a bridge of meaning between the people. By using the bridge
a person can safely across the river of misunderstanding’.
 For instruction
 For integration
 For information
 For evaluation
 For direction
 For teaching
 For influencing
 For image building
 For employees orientation

 The communication situation is said to exist when

 There is a person (sender/transmitter) who wants to pass some information;
 There is another person (receiver) to whom the information is to be passed on;
 The receiver partly or wholly understands the message or information passed on to
 The receiver responds to the message or gives feedback.
 Communication is the life blood of the business. No business can develop in the
absence of effective communication system.
 Communication is the mortar that holds an organization together, whatever its
business or its size.
 When people within the organization communicate with each other, it is internal
communication and when people in the organization communicate with anyone
outside the organization it is called external communication.
 Ability to work well in teams, to manage your subordinates and your relationship
with seniors, customers and colleagues depends on your communication skill.
Communication Involves
 It’s a two way process involving two entities Sender and Receiver
 Environment
 Encoding
 Decoding
 Reponses

 Communication should be
 Adequate
 Brief (Brevity)
 Clear
Environment- Internal & external

 Internal
 Employees
 Customers
 Suppliers
 Creditors
 Customers

 Political
 Economic
 Social
 Technological
 Environmental
 Legal
Communication Skills
 Reading (written)
 Writing (written)
 Speaking (Oral)
 Listening (Oral)

 Communication is divided into external and internal communication

 External communications are those communications which are occurring outside
the organization
 Internal communications are those which are inside the organization.
 All communication takes some way or passage through some well defined, easily
identifiable stages.
 “Proper Channel” means the sender of written communication means to pass information
to the addressee through somebody occupying an important position in a hierarchical
system of an organization
 Channel therefore becomes synonymous with the position or post through which the
communication passes
 A channel is used by the sender and receiver to communicate
 A channel can be classified into formal or informal channel
Internal Communication - Channels

 Internal communications are further divided into two parts, formal or official and
 Formal: Formal communication flows along prescribed channels which all
members desirous of communicating with one another are obliged to follow.
 Informal: Along with the formal channel of communication every organization
has an equally effective channel of communication that is the informal channel
often called grapevine, because it runs in all directions—Horizontal, Vertical,
Channel Effectiveness

 For channel to be effective it should accomplish the objective, be economical and

socially acceptable.
 It should facilitate building relationships, trust, bridging gaps, facilitate effective
feedback, be transparent.
 4 parameters are used measure the effectiveness of a channel

 Intension
 Message
 Time
 Expectation
Channel Effectiveness (Formal)

 Formal channel influences effectiveness in two ways

 Firstly formal channel covers an ever widening distance as organization grows
 Secondly formal channel can inhibit or stand in the way of free flow of
information between organizational levels
 On a positive side the formal channels by virtue of their tendency to monitor and
filter information keep the higher level managers from getting bogged down with
Downward communication

 When the communication flows from higher level to lower level

 Helps to explain to subordinates the organizational plans, policies program and
 Helps to convey to the subordinates the expectations of management from them.
 Provides motivation to the subordinates
 Acts as a mean to control the activities of the subordinates with active feedback
 message may be distorted in the transmission
 delay in transmission If a particular authority is not present
Upward communication

 This communication flows the message from subordinates to superiors

 Provides feedback to the superiors
 Introduction of new schemes without unduly opposition from the employees.
 Helps in to promote harmony between the management and the employees
 Problems and grievances are redressed
Horizontal/Lateral communication

 This communication flows between persons at the same hierarchy level either of
the same or other department or division of the organization

 When a number of people irrespective of their status, sit down and confer with one another to arrive at
a decision acceptable to all, it is called consensus.
 The format of these communications is predetermined and can not be altered
 Consensus involves consultation
 Chief executive takes up the problem and analysis it to understand
 Collect additional facts and information
 Try to find out various means to solve it.
 Find alternatives.
 He contacts the members individually or invites them to a meeting
 Problem is spelled out to the members
 To carefully listen all members view
 Arrived at solution

 Decisions are taken after consultation among various members; they find it easy to accept them.
 It promotes harmony among the members of the group.

 Member is forced to subscribe to a view he doesn’t hold.
 Sometimes it may project the false image of management because members think that management may
not be able to handle their problem efficiently
Grapevine/Informal Communication
 Forms of grapevine communication
 Single chain: In this type of chain ‘A’ tells something to ‘B’ who tells it to ‘C’ and so
on it goes down the line.
 This type of communication flows from one person to another person through single
chain or communication flows one by one.
 when one person passes certain information to other and they treat the message as
confidential or secret which further communicated by another with same feeling of
confidentiality and secrecy
Star chain

 In this type of chain person speaks out and tells everyone the information he/she
has obtained. This chain is often used when information or a message regarding
an interesting but non job related nature is being conveyed. Sometimes it also
called gossip chain.
Cluster chain

 In this type of chain ‘A’ tells something to a few selected individuals who again
inform a few selected individuals. And the information flows in similar manner to
other individual.
Probability chain

 The probability chain is a random process in which a transmission of the

information to other in accordance with the laws of probability and then these tell
still others in a similar manner. The chain may also be called random

 Under grapevine message travel or transmitted faster than any other form of
 It supports other channels of communication
 Feedbacks are quick
 It develops cohesiveness and promotes harmony between members of group
 By using grapevine communication, employees feel emotional relief

 There is a great possibility of distortion of message between members of group

 Transmission of message depends upon willingness of sender and what method
they used in grapevine which causes sometimes transmission of incomplete
How to make effective

 The managers should try to spot the leaders. So the harmful rumours do not reach
the employees
 Involve the workers in the decision making process
 The management should immediately use the official channels to contradict the
Means/Media of communication

 Media of communication
 Verbal
 Nonverbal
 Verbal
 Oral
 Written
 Nonverbal
 Sign language
 Visual signs
 Audio signs
 Body language
Verbal communication

 Verbal communication is when we communicate our message verbally to whoever

is receiving the message.
 It is of two types oral and written which have their own advantages and
Oral communication

 Oral communication is the communication where the message or

 information exchanges by spoken words
Written communication

 Written communication is the communication where the message exchanges by

written words. Letter, telegraph, fax, e-mail are examples of written
 Written communication guarantees that everyone concerned has the same
 It provides a long lasting record of communication for future. Written instructions
are essential when the action called for is crucial and complex.
 Written communication should be understandable, brief, truthful and
Non-verbal communication

 Gestures; body languages or posture;

 facial expression and eye contact;
 object communication such as clothing, hair styles or even architecture; symbols

 Wrong Choice of Medium

 An unsuitable medium is one of the biggest barriers to communication.
 Physical Barriers
 Noise (loud noise of machines)
 Electronic noise interferes in communication by telephone or loud speaker system.
 The word noise is also used to refer to all kind of physical interference like bad hand writing, bad photo-copies
 Time and distance
 Congestion in telephone and network facilities
 People working in different shifts
 Faulty seating arrangement in a hall
 Semantic Barriers
 Interpretation of words
 Murphy and Peck in their book ‘Effective Business Communication’ mentioned, the little word ‘run’ has
 71 meanings as a verb
 35 as noun
 4 more as an adjective
 Bypassed instructions
 “Take it to be our stockroom and burn it”
 In official language burn it means to make more copies of the same document
 Bypassing is said to have occurred if the sender and the receiver of the message attribute different meanings to
the same word or use different words for the same meaning
 Denotation & Connotations
 Denotative—The literal meaning of a word is called its denotative meaning.
 It must inform and names objects without indicating any positive or negative
 Connotative—It allows qualitative judgments and personal reactions Like—Honest, cheap, sincere etc
 Socio-Psychological Barriers
 Attitude and opinions
 Emotions
 Closed Mind
 Status-consciousness
 The source of information
 Faulty transmission (In oral communication, something in the order of 30% of the information is lost
in each transmission.)
Overcoming barriers
 Eliminating differences in perception
 Use of simple language
 Reduction and elimination of noise level
 Active listening
 Emotional state
 Simple organizational structure
 Avoid information overload
 Give constructive feedback
 Proper Media selection
 Flexibility in meeting the targets
 Completeness (Who, What, Where, When, How)
 Consideration
 Conciseness
 Courtesy
 Clarity
 Correctness ( use right language, correct facts)
 Concreteness (specific, definite, vivid rather than vague)

 Use simple word, easy to understand words

Avoid them Use them
Compensate Pay
Facilitate Help
Utilise Use
 Use Single words for long phrases
At all times Always
For the purpose of For
Previous to Before
On account of Because
 Avoid ambiguity
Go. slow work in progress
Go slow. work in progress
 Avoid double entry
Actual fact Fact
End result Result
Period of one week One week
Previous experience Experience

 Checking for the five w’s questions.

 Who
 What
 When
 Where
 Why

 Include only relevant facts

 Avoid repetition
 Organise your message well

 Adopt the you-attitude

 Avoid gender bias

 Avoid Use
 Chairman Chair person
 Policeman Police Sir/Madam

 Answer the letters promptly

 Omit irritating expressions.
(You neglected, you irresponsible, you are unaware).
 Apologise sincerely for an omission/thank enormously for a favour

 Give correct facts.

 Send your message at the correct time.
 Send your message in the correct style.

 Always use specific fact and figures.

 Message should be definite and vivid.
 Avoid exaggeration.

 Clarity
 Timing
 Channels
 Adequacy
 Flexibility
 Two way
 Participation
 Use of grapevines
 Integrity

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