Biomes Virtual Tour

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Biomes Virtual Tour

Tropical Rainforest
General Description
General Description
- Near the equator
- Absorbs carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, and increasing local humidity
- Most biodiversity
- Many vegetation
- Heavy precipitation
Abiotic (non-living) Factors
- Precipitation: 50 to 300 inches of rainfall per year.
- Temperature: Between 20C and 34C (equator)
- Shade: vegetation filters out sunlight before it reaches the forest floor
Biotic (living) factors
- Very diverse population of plants and animals
- Amazon rainforest: 80,000 species of plants
- 4 layers
- 1. Emergent: birds, monkeys
- 2. Canopy: 90% of the rainforest's animals
- 3. Understory: plants like vines
- Forest Floor: home to insects
Environmental Concerns
- Logging: cutting down trees for furniture
- Cutting down and burning trees for energy
- Agriculture: cutting down trees for land
What would happen if we cut down the Amazon rainforest?

- Amazon rainforest stores carbon. If they were all cut down, all the stored
carbon will be released into the atmosphere and speed up global warming
- Rainforest is home for many species. Can lead to extinction of many plants,
mammals, and insects
- Many people also live near and depend on the rainforest for survival
NASA. (n.d.). Rainforest: Mission: Biomes. NASA. Retrieved October 3, 2022, from

Johnson, D. (2019, March 2). The characteristics of the Rainforest. Sciencing. Retrieved October 3, 2022, from

Butler, R. A. (2020, July 16). Why are rainforests being destroyed? Mongabay. Retrieved October 3, 2022, from

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