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 Continues data : such as data that includes fractions, decimals, so we

assume infinite numbers between any two specific values , for
example temperature is continues data since the difference between
any two given temperature is infinite.
qualitative quantitative
 Deals with description. deals with numbers.
 Data can be observed not. data can be measured.
Measured colors, tests, height, length, weight, temperature.

appearance, beauty etc.

 Ratio: a ratio data has tree properties
1. Ratio of two variables: Y1/Y2
2. Distance between two variables:Y1-Y2
3. Ordering of variables or ranking of variables Y1>Y2, Y1<Y2
 Interval data: interval data do not satisfy the first property of ratio
data but satisfies the other two properties.
 Ordinal data : ordinal data satisfies only ordering or ranking
properties of ratio data, but do not satisfies the other two
 Nominal data: nominal data do not satisfies any properties of ratio
data means do not have any features of ratio data.
NOTE there is difference between nominal and binary data
Nominal data: includes more than two categories e.g. Martial status.
Binary data: includes any two categories e.g. gender( male, female).
1. Telephone surveys.
2. Mailed questioner surveys.
3. Person interview surveys.
4. Direct observation of situation.
5. Group discussion.
6. Using available data( secondary data).
Population: a population consist of all subjects that are being studied.
Sample: a sample is a group of subjects selected from population .
Data determination
1. Solven’s way
N:populatio n:sample
e:level of significant

For example let us assume N:60
n= =53 0r
n= first find no= ==400
.: n= ==53
Sampling technique or sample selection techniques
 Random sampling : are selected by using chance method or random
numbers so every possible sample of specified size has an equal
chance of being selected.
 Systematic random sampling : a statistical sampling techniques that
involves selecting every Kth , them in the population after a random
selecting point between 1 and k. the value of k is determined as the
ratio of the population size over the desired sample size
 Stratified random sampling : a statistical sampling method in which
the population is divided into subgroups called strata, so that each
population item belong only on stratum, the objective is to form
strata such that the population value of interest with in each stratum
are as much a like possible. Sample item are selected from each
stratum using random sample method
 Clustered sampling : a method by which the population is divided
into groups or clusters that each intended to be mini population.
A sample random sample of M clusters is selected, the item chosen
from the cluster can be selected using any probability sampling
Summary of sampling technique
 Random : subjects are selected by random numbers.
 systemic : subjects are selected by using every kth numbers after the
first subjects is randomly selected from 1 through k.
 Stratified :subjects are selected by dividing up the population into
groups (strata) and subjects are randomly selected with in groups
 Cluster: subjects are selected using intact groups that representative
of the population.
Non- probability sampling
This is also referred to as biased sampling and is
used when the researcher is not interested to a
good sample that can represent a population.
Non- probability sampling takes the following

Purposive sampling
This is where one select participants who have
the required information according to the
objectives of his/her study. The participants are
selected according to the researchers interest in
them. But the researcher must specify the
procedure of choosing the participants.
For example a given range, religion sect,
educational level, adult people, males only, ages
20 -25, smokers and etc.
Quote sampling
This is based on where the researcher selected a
different portions in different groups
For example
teachers of primary schools 10
Hospital nurses 15
Shop owners 20
Convenient sampling or accidental sampling
This is where one select participant depending on
how easily he/she can find them for example
radio program, they ask listeners who can call in.
this method is biased. The researcher uses the
most available participants.
 Snow ball sampling
This method is used when the population of
interest is not readily available
HIV-AIDS victims : find one person by all means ,
next ask him if he know someone else than
continue this until you get the required sample.
Types of research studies
 Observational studies: the morally observed what is happening what
has happened in the past tries to draw conclusion based on these
 Experimental studies: the researchers manipulates variables and
tries to determine how this manipulation influences other variables.

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