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The Divine Inspiration and Interpretation tell about the Words of God
being created through writings of His chosen men/authors.
Through the process of their writings, the authors had God’s Holy Spirit
guiding them until they finish their works. Although the process is not being
explained in any Scripture, the writings provide examples of God’s Spirit
coming upon people.

How Did The Divine Inspiration and Interpretation Happened?

1. The Divine Inspiration Originates with God.

2. God supernaturally guided the writers of Scripture to Inscribe His Truth.
3. The writers were chosen by God.
How does GOD speak to us?

GOD speaks to us through men who He have chosen to write and deliver His words to us. He had
these men (authors and editors) to write down exactly what He wanted to say. In doing so, God the
Holy Spirit overruled human imperfections, so that the end result was truthfully God’s Words.

How do we know it is God?

It is God when it touches our hearts and feeds our spirituality. We all know that God created
human with spirit and this spirit guides us to not lose hope or path in our lives. But sadly, it is being
left out when it comes to nurture. We tend to learn the other aspects of life without prioritizing our
spirituality (for most at least), so we will know if it is God when we see the value of all His words
imparted to us.
What are highlights of the topic assigned to the group?
The highlights are the facts that God chose men to write His Words despite the fact that humans
are born sinners. Also, the Holy Spirit played an important role to the process of creating the
Scriptures making these authoritative even until the authors died.

What insights did the group gain from the reading?

The Bible is fully written by the hands of humans but with the Words of God through the
guidance of the Holy Spirit also sent by God.

How may the group apply these insights in their ordinary daily living?
Whether we admit it or not, we all know that most of us have Bibles in our houses. But, we do not
read it or sometimes even touch it. Without knowing that these Writings were even though made by
men, still have the Holy Spirit of God. So learning about this Divine Inspiration and interpretation
became an eye opening to us to care so much to the Words of God by simply reading the Bible we

“Knowing this first of all, that no 1. It was never a decision of the

prophecy of Scripture comes from human authors that determine what
someone’s own interpretation. For no was written in Scripture.
prophecy was ever produced by the
will of man, but men spoke from God 2. The ultimate source of writing was
as they were carried along by the God the Holy Spirit; he made the
Holy Spirit.” decision of what should be written.
- 2 Peter 1:20 – 21 ESV

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