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E-cigarettes are known by many different names. They are often called e-cigs, e-
hookahs, vapes, vape pens, tank systems, or mods. They come in many different
shapes and sizes—some look like a regular cigarette, some look very different.
There is a lot of talk about e-cigarettes. Some of it is true, but some of it is not.
You may have seen ads or stories on the internet that say e-cigarettes are not
harmful, or are a good way to help smokers quit smoking. However, doctors and
researchers still have a lot to learn about the health effects of e-cigarettes. While e-
cigarettes may be less harmful than regular cigarettes, this does not mean that they
are harmless.
What is e-cigarette?
E-cigarette is battery-powered devices that work by heating a liquid into an
aerosol that the user inhales and exhales. The e-cigarette liquid typically contains
nicotine, propylene glycol, glycerin, flavorings, and other chemicals. Nicotine is
the addictive drug found in regular cigarettes and other tobacco products. Research
shows that e-cigarette aerosol often contains substances that can be harmful,
including flavoring chemicals (like diacetyl, which is linked to lung disease),
metals (like lead), and other cancer-causing chemicals.
Most e-cigarettes are made up of the following parts:

The mouthpiece:
This is a cartridge fixed to the end of
a tube. Inside is a small plastic cup
containing absorbent material soaked
in a liquid solution.
 The atomizer:
This heats the liquid, causing it to
vaporize so that a person can inhale
 The battery:
This powers the heating element.
 The sensor:
This activates the heater when the
user sucks on the device.
 The solution:
E-liquid, or e-juice, contains a
combination of nicotine, a base,
which is usually propylene glycol,
and flavoring.
What is in e-cigarette aerosol?
 The e-cigarette aerosol that users breathe from the device and exhale can
contain harmful and potentially harmful substances, including:
• Nicotine
• Ultrafine particles that can be inhaled deep into the lungs
• Flavoring such as diacetyl, a chemical linked to a serious lung disease
• Volatile organic compounds
• Cancer-causing chemicals
• Heavy metals such as nickel, tin, and lead


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