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Department of Pathology

IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan

Penile tumors
WHO update
Department of Pathology
IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan
WHO 2016 Pathological classification of Department of Pathology
IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan

penile intraepithelial neoplasia (PeIN)

Non–HPV-related PeIN

Differentiated (simplex) PeIN

HPV-related PeIN

Basaloid PeIN

Warty PeIN

Warty–basaloid PeIN

Other rare patterns of PeIN

Department of Pathology
IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan


Differentiated PeIN commonly affects the foreskin, and

undifferentiated PeIN tends to affect the glans.

However, both types may affect any penile anatomical

Differentiated PeIN
Department of Pathology
IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan

• Differentiated (simplex) PeIN is characterized

by a thickened epithelium, usually associated
with elongated and anastomosing rete ridges,
subtle abnormal, whorling and keratin pearl
formation (usually in deep rete ridges),
spongiosis and sometimes acantholysis, and
atypical basal layer cells (with nuclear
enlargement, hyperchromatic nuclei, and
prominent nucleoli).
• Parakeratosis is common.
Department of Pathology

IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan

At low power, the atypia seems to be present only in

lower levels of the epidermis; however, at higher power,
it is clearer that there is subtle but abnormal maturation in
all levels of the epithelium in the majority of cases. There
is a spectrum ranging from mostly basal cell atypia (in
few cases), to obvious atypias in about a third to two
thirds of the epithelial thickness (in the majority of cases)
and (rarely) pleomorphic features.

It is optional to grade differentiated PeIN

in low- and high-grade categories.
Department of Pathology
IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan

differentiated PeIN
may be difficult to distinguish
from reactive conditions such as
squamous hyperplasia,
pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia
lichen simplex chronicus
”hyperplastic lichen”
High grade squamous
Department of Pathology
IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan

intraepithelial lesion

•Marked atypia throughout the entire epithelium

•The cells are large and pleomorphic , marked inflammatory infiltration
•Atypical mitoses
Undifferentiated PeIN Department of Pathology
IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan

basaloid type

Acanthotic thickening of the epithelium, which shows partial

replacement by small basaloid atypical cells.
basaloid PeIN Department of Pathology
IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan

• replacement of the squamous epithelium by small

basaloid (round or oval) atypical cells

• mitoses are frequent

• it is similar to vulvar or cervical analoguous lesions

• it occurs in >50% of basaloid invasive carcinoma

• HPV-related
Undifferentiated PeIN Department of Pathology

warty type IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan

Warty intraepithelial lesion
Department of Pathology
IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan

• Flat or exophytic papillary lesions

• Hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis,marked nuclear

pleomorphysm, koilocytosis, atypical mitoses

• HPV-related

• Mixed with basaloid type PeIN

Department of Pathology
IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan

Warty–basaloid penile intraepithelial neoplasia

In this variant, there is a variable mixture of warty and

basaloid cells. These mixed lesions tend to have a

spiking surface with koilocytic changes, whereas the

lower half of the epithelium is predominantly composed

of small basaloid cells.

Department of Pathology
IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan

Warty basaloid neoplasia

• Shares with warty SCC a higher association with

HPV infection

• Probable common pathogenesis:

• Warty – basaloid SCC is a recognized entity (>10%

of basaloid cells) with intermediate features (grade,
nodal mets, survival), similar to usual P-SCC

Chaux et al Mod Pathol 23:896–904;2010

Department of Pathology
IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan
Department of Pathology
IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan

• Penile intraepithelial neoplasia (PeIN) is an

alteration of the penile squamous epithelium
characterized by dysplastic changes. PeIN is a
putative precursor of invasive squamous cell

• HPV related and HPV unrelated lesions have

distinctive morphological expressions , the former
predominantly composed of small basaloid cells
with more or less prominent koilocytic changes
and the latter composed of keratinizing squamous
cells (differentiated)
Department of Pathology
IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan

From the pathogenic point of view, penile cancers may be grouped in

human papillomavirus-related and unrelated tumors, each one of them with
distinctive morphologic features. The former are predominantly composed
of small, undifferentiated basaloid cells, with more or less prominent
koilocytic changes, and the latter of keratinizing differentiated squamous
cells. The same cellular types are observed in precancerous lesions. On the
basis of these observations, we constructed a novel nomenclature for penile
precancerous lesions and classified them as penile intraepithelial neoplasia
(PeIN) of differentiated, warty, basaloid, and warty-basaloid types
p16INK4a Department of Pathology
IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan
Department of Pathology
IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan
Department of Pathology
IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan
WARTY CARCINOMA Department of Pathology
IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan
WARTY CARCINOMA Department of Pathology
IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan

Mean age 51 years

Multiple anatomical compartments involved
HPV+ 22-100% ( HPV 6/16)
Mean size 5 cm
BASALOID CARCINOMA Department of Pathology
IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan
BASALOID CARCINOMA Department of Pathology
IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan

• 4%-10% of penile SCC

• Solid tumor, deeply invasive into the corpus
• spongiosum or cavernosum
• HPV 70-80%
• Recurrence 30%; nodal mets 50-100%
• High mortality (up to 25%)

Chaux et al J.Urology 2010

Basaloid penile SCC Department of Pathology
IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan
BASALOID CARCINOMA Department of Pathology
IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan
Warty-Basaloid penile SCC Department of Pathology
IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan

• Shares with warty SCC a higher association with

HPV infection

• Probable common pathogenesis:

• Warty – basaloid SCC is a recognized entity (>10%

of basaloid cells) with intermediate features (grade,
nodal mets, survival), similar to usual P-SCC

Chaux et al Mod Pathol 23:896–904;2010

Department of Pathology
IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan
PAPILLARY CARCINOMA Department of Pathology
IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan

A Cubilla
PAPILLARY CARCINOMA Department of Pathology
IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan
VERRUCOUS CARCINOMA Department of Pathology
IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan
PSEUDOGLANDULAR Department of Pathology

IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan
PSEUDOGLANDULAR Department of Pathology

IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan
“Adenoid pattern” Department of Pathology
IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan
SARCOMATOID CARCINOMA Department of Pathology
IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan
Department of Pathology
IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan
PSEUDOHYPERPLASTIC Department of Pathology

IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan
Department of Pathology
IRCCS National Cancer Institute Milan

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