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By Dana Kaouk and Hala Samhoun

Learning Points
Discrimination of Races and Ethnicities
A. White Supremacy
B. Some Examples of this Discrimination
C.People Who made a change
D. How can you make a change

Discrimination Of Genders:
B- Main Issues Of Gender Discrimination
C- Feminism
D-Ways to Prevent Discrimination
Racial Discrimination
By Dana Kaouk
Racial Discrimination
Incarceration Rates Of African Americans in the US

In 2020, the incarceration rate of African Americans in local jails in the United States was
465 incarcerations per 100,000 of the population -- the highest rate of any ethnicity. The
second highest incarceration rate was among American Indians/Alaska Natives, at 274
incarcerations per 100,000 of the population.
White Supremacy
Police Brutality and Racism against POC

October 14, 1973 – May 25, 2020 Rodney Glen King (April 2, 1965 – June 17, 2012)
King was pulled over by LA Police for speeding. The
was an African-American man who was police say that King resisted arrest and that he was
murdered by a police officer in Minneapolis, either on drugs or drunk. A bystander videotaped the
Minnesota officer’s tasing, kicking, stomping, and beating King with
“I have a Dream my 4 little children will one day live in a nation where
they will no be judged by the color of their skin, But the content of their
-Martin Luther King Leader of the American civil rights movement
“I have fought against white domination, and I have
fought against black domination. I have cherished the
ideal of a democratic and free society in which all
persons live together in harmony and with equal
opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for
and to achieve.
"But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am
prepared to die."
– Nelson Mandela, Supreme court of South
Africa, Pretoria, April 20, 1964
9/11 Attack

“Suicide attackers seized US passenger jets and

crashed them into two New York skyscrapers,
killing thousands of people.”
A terrorist network planned the attacks from
Four planes flying over the eastern US were seized
simultaneously by small teams of hijackers.
They were then used as giant, guided missiles to
crash into landmark buildings in New York and
Two planes struck the Twin Towers of the World
Trade Center in New York.
Decades after 9/11, Muslims battle Islamophobia in US

Mosques were burned or destroyed, and death threats and

harassment followed many Muslims in the weeks following the

Till this day, Muslims and Arabs in America face discrimination due to the events of
9/11 they are referred to as terrorists and are called vile and offensive names
How Can we End Discrimination?
Pay attention to the voices of people who experience racism every day –
listen to friends, classmates, neighbours, and community leaders. 
Share the resources that you have found useful with your community
to help them learn how they can play a role in ending racism and


Racism and discrimination happen around us all the time. Often it is in the form of jokes,
stereotypes or insensitive comments and questions from our friends, family members or
colleagues. If you witness a friend or family member saying racist or discriminatory things, you
should talk to them, if you feel safe to do so. Approach them privately first – in person or via direct


Many social media platforms want their platforms to be safe and
empowering for people of all backgrounds. If you see content that you
think violates their guidelines, report it to the platform. 
Discrimination between men and
By Hala Samhoun
-Gender discrimination is unequal or disadvantageous treatment of an
individual or group of individuals based on gender, or gender to be
routinely privileged or prioritized over another. Gender equality is a
fundamental human right and that is violated.

-Both men and women make a balance in the world and with one
missing there would be an empty unbalanced part in life. both women
and men complete one another

-It harms all of society, with gender stereotypes putting pressure on

people of all genders to live up to an unrealistic ideal. It starts in early
childhood and follows people all the way into adulthood, depriving
them of opportunities and experiences.

-Gender discrimination across the globe impacts the economy,

education, health and life expectancy.
Afghanistan — 44.4%
Yemen — 49.2%
Iraq — 53.5%
Pakistan — 55.6%
Syria — 56.8%
DR Congo — 57.6%
Iran — 58.2%
Mali — 59.1%
Chad — 59.3%
Saudi Arabia — 60.3%

Departing the bottom ten are Oman, whose GEI rose from
60.2% to 60.8%, and Lebanon, whose GEI rose from 59.9% to
63.8%, a very large increase for a single year. Political and
economic opportunities are still extremely limited for women in
many countries, particularly in the Middle East and Africa
Main issues of gender discrimination

Pay differences Restricted access to education

Less freedom to make decisions around their personal &

Lower wages for the jobs and work they do
family life
Feminism is to establish the political,
economic, personal, and social
Till this day women stil don’t
equality of the sexes. Feminism
get their basic legal rights
incorporates the position that society
around the world and for
prioritizes the male point of view and
example some countries
that women are treated unjustly in
some countries forbid
these societies.
women to drive or not allow
them to travel or restrict
It is to put an end to sexism and their clothing
oppression and to achieve full gender there are still countries that
equality in law and in practice. do not have laws against
marital rape and still allow
Many people take the definition child brides, and practices
of feminism in a wromng way such as 'honour' killings and
and claim to think its priortizing female genital mutilation still
women rights over men but exist.
thats not the case
Pink Tax
There are many reasons why the pink
tax exists, including , product
discrimination, and  differentiation..

There are many causes of this,

including the belief that women are
more prepared than men to pay higher
prices for their purchases.

Other Certain types of clothing,

footwear, and gloves made for women
and men are taxed at different levels
when first entering the United States.
While some tariffs are higher for men's
clothing, others are higher for women's.
Ways to prevent this Discrimination

• Ensure equal access to education.

• Empower women in the workplace.
• Protect reproductive rights.
• Engage your kids in gender specific
discussions at home.
• Assign the role of caregivers to boys from an
early age
• Ensure you’re actively encouraging women to
• Review salaries and standardise pay

Raise Awareness
Five actions you can take against racism and discrimination | Voices of Youth
Decades after 9/11, Muslims battle Islamophobia in US | September 11 News | Al Jazeera
20 years after 9/11, Islamophobia continues to haunt Muslims - ABC News (
September 11 attacks: What happened on 9/11? - BBC News
11 racial justice documentaries to further your education - Entertainment (
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