Task and Function Overview

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Task and Function Overview

• Tasks are subroutines that can be called anytime in the module they are
defined, but it is possible to define them in a different file and include the file
in the module.
• A task is enabled from a statement that defines the argument values to be
passed to the task and the variables that will receive the results. Control is
passed back to the enabling process after the task has completed.
• Thus, if a task has timing controls inside it, then the time of enabling can be
different from the time at which control is returned. A task can enable other
tasks, which in turn can enable still other tasks—with no limit on the number
of tasks enabled. Regardless of how many tasks have been enabled, control
does not return until all enabled tasks have completed.
Characteristics of task
• Task can include time delays, functions can’t.
• Tasks can have any number of inputs and outputs, functions can have
only one output.
• If a variable is declared within the task it is local to the task and can’t
be used outside the task.
• Tasks can drive global variables if no local variables are declared.
• Tasks are called with statements and cannot be used in a expression,
functions can be used in a expression.
Task Example
module task_calling (adc_a, adc_b, adc_a_conv,
input [7:0] adc_a, adc_b;
output [7:0] adc_a_conv, adc_b_conv;
reg [7:0] adc_a_conv, adc_b_conv;
task convert;
input [7:0] adc_in;
output [7:0] out;
out = (9/5) *( adc_in + 32)
always @ (adc_a)
convert (adc_a, adc_a_conv);
always @ (adc_b)
convert (adc_b, adc_b_conv);
• Functions are like tasks, with some differences. Functions cannot drive
more than one output and cannot have time delays.
• The purpose of a function is to respond to an input value by returning
a single value.
Distinctions Between Tasks and Functions
• A function must execute in one simulation time unit; a task can
contain time-controlling statements.
• A function cannot enable a task; a task can enable other tasks and
• A function must have at least one input argument; a task can have
zero or more arguments of any type.
• A function returns a single value; a task does not return a value.
Function Example

module function_calling(a, b, c, d, e, f);

input a, b, c, d, e ;
output f;
wire f;
function myfunction;
input a, b, c, d;
myfunction = ((a+b) + (c-d));
assign f = (myfunction (a,b,c,d)) ? e :0;

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