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School Climate and

impact on Student
learning outcome
What is School Climate
Quality and Character of school life.

It is based on patteres of
● Students’
● Parents’
● School personnel’

experience of school life and reflect

norms, goals, values , interpersonal
relationships,teaching and learning
Positive results of strong school climate improvement work can be
grouped into five “buckets

1. Safety
2. Teaching/Learning
3. Institutional Environment
4. Interpersonal Relationships
5. Social Media
Government intervention
India has made great strides in improving Around 50 per cent of adolescents do not
access to quality education, increasing complete secondary education, while
elementary school enrollment and reducing approximately 20 million children not
the number of out-of-school children. attending pre-school.

An estimated 6.1 million children out of Half of primary school-going children –

school in 2014 reduced from 13.46 million in which constitutes nearly 50 million children
2006. Out of 100 students, 29 per cent of – not achieving grade appropriate learning
girls and boys drop out of school before levels.
completing the full cycle of elementary
education, and often they are the most
marginalized children

Around 50 per cent of adolescents do not

complete secondary education, while
approximately 20 million children not
attending pre-school.
The solution
The three programming areas prioritized at UNICEF is working closely with the
the beginning of the country program in 2018 Government of India, state governments
based on UNICEF’s mandate, presence and in 17 states, civil society, academic
knowledge of other stakeholders and institutions and private sector.
partners, capacities, available resources,
gaps/needs and lessons learned, remain
relevant. These are: The following intermediate outcomes
● Early childhood education have been identified:
● Out-of-school children • Number of out-of-school children
● Quality teaching and learning reduced in nine high concentration
• Increased enrolment of children in early
childhood education program
• Improved enabling environment for
learning in selected states
Challenges and some suggestions
● Analyzing staff perceptions for the school level achievement would have made more statistical and
theoretical sense, if staff perception ratings had not to be aggregated as means by school

● The inclusion of additional schools would have increased the power of the statistical model and may
have enabled the analysis of staff perceptions on the school level. Hence, future studies should employ
data from a larger number of schools to cross-validate the current findings

● The study was neither observational nor experimental because of which deriving concrete inferences are
not possible

● Rather than relying on student achievement at one point in time, growth in student achievement could be
used as an outcome construct. For example, differences in the same cohort's level of
academic achievement could be analyzed (the difference between National Assessment Program  data at
time 1 [Grade 7] and time 2 [Grade 9])
Challenges and some suggestions
●  School climate perception is not static and changes and evolves during different points in the school year
(for example, proximity to holiday periods or exam periods). Hence, longitudinal designs should be
adopted in future research, as they would account for the impermanency of school climate perception 

● Future studies should control for other known critical predictors of achievement.  Teaching and learning
is a complex process and numerous factors affect students' academic achievement. Future studies could
include more covariates that have been known to influence academic achievement, such as parental
involvement, leadership, teacher credentials, students' IQ, students' motivation and attendance 

● Students learning disabilities and attribution styles may also be important considerations as they can
affect the student-teacher relationship. In a comprehensive meta-analysis as a synthesis of more than 800
studies relating to academic achievement, found that among the most significant factors are feedback,
metacognitive strategies and reciprocal teaching
Issues in School Education

Poor quality Education. Inverse relationship Improper

Bridging of learning between grades of school/college
gap is of outmost learners and their infrastructure
priority performance
Initiatives taken by GOI
The Kothari Commission on
Education (1964-66)
Recommended making evaluation a continuous process in order to improve the learning standards
of children.

Rashtriya Madhyamik
Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) (2009)
The centrally sponsored scheme for Universalization of Secondary Education
The Samagra Shiksha (2018)
Implemented by the Central and State Governments from pre-school to Grade XII which intends to
improve school effectiveness ensuring equal opportunities for schooling and equitable learning
outcome for all children.
National Education Policy 2020
This new policy has emphasized on development of a new structure of school education
accordingly giving importance to pre-primary and early grade schooling as the foundational stage
of education.
Overview of School climate and Student outcomes in Indian context

Points of Human Interaction -

- Microsystem (immediate environment)
- Mesosystem (school, outside environment, etc)
- Ecosystem (social and cultural values)
- Macrosystem (social and cultural values)
- Chronosystem (changes over time)

• Mean score was highest for the headmasters belonging to open climate type and was found to be
lowest in closed climate type schools
• Organizational climate of schools were fundamentally impacted by the leadership behavior of
headmasters and there was a difference in rural and urban secondary schools in terms of the
organizational climate
• School effectiveness will be best increased by a familiar climate
• Interpersonal Trust (IPT) dimension was seen by students and teachers as one of the prime elements
for enhancing the academic climate. Both academic climate and academic achievement were seen as
having a significant correlation. 
Six types of organizational climates in School and their effects on students
Higher (29.82%)
Closed (23.43%)
Autonomous (14.91%),
Controlled (14.91)
Familiar (8.52%)
Paternal (6.39%).
Academic achievement was fundamentally higher of students studying in schools having a holistic
environment when contrasted with students studying in schools with less stimulating environment

Schools with high morale brought about better student performance as compared to average and low morale
holding schools. School climate and morale had a direct correlation with innovation in school settings as well
as scholarly output of the students.

No significant difference found in style of learning and thinking of students in government and smart schools.
However, a significant difference was found in academic achievement of students studying in smart schools
and government schools. Female secondary students of government schools performed better as compared
to male secondary students in the same schools. 

It was measured in terms of feeling of fulfillment, anxiety, adjustment, and motivation. Students enjoyed going
to school but felt that teachers are teaching just for the sake of it in a mechanistic manner. 
Thank you

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