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A diverse SOCIETY

Module 3
Task :

Kaleidoscope World
Francis Magalona
Group 1 - The PREDICT

As you listen, imagine what is

being described in the song and
predict what happens.
Group 2 - The ASK Group

As you listen, list down

questions about the ideas
presented in the song.
Group 3 - The GUESS Group

As you listen, list down unclear

ideas or vocabulary and guess
what they mean.
Group 4 - The RESPOND

As you listen, pay attention to

the singer. Respond to the ideas
he presented by either agreeing
or disagreeing.
Group 5 - The FOCUS Group

As you listen, list down key

words that may add value or
meaning to the entire song.
Group 6 - The REVIEW Group

As you listen, list down the big

ideas presented by the singer.
Give your own meaning of these
So many faces, so many races
Different voices, different choices
Some are mad, while others laugh
Some live alone with no better half
Others grieve while others curse
And others mourn behind a big black hearse
Some are pure and some half-bred
Some are sober and some are wasted
Some are rich because of fate and
Some are poor with no food on their plate
Some stand out while others blend
Some are fat and stout while some are thin
Some are friends and some are foes
Some have some while some have most
Every color and every hue
Is represented by me and you
Take a slide in the slope
Take a look in the kaleidoscope
Spinnin' round, make it twirl
In this kaleidoscope world
Some are great and some are few
Others lie while some tell the truth
Some say poems and some do sing
Others sing through their guitar strings
Some know it all while some act dumb
Let the bass line strum to the bang of the drum
Some can swim while some will sink
And some will find their minds and think
Others walk while others run
You can't talk peace and have a gun
Some are hurt and start to cry
Don't ask me how don't ask me why
Some are friends and some are foes
Some have some while some have most
Task :
An Emerging Change

These events happened during the

Period of Emergence. Study each
The Spanish soldiers
conquered the Philippines.

Many Filipinos suffered
because of the soldiers who
invaded our country.

The English Language was
widely used in writing during
this period.

Writers are concerned with
the social well-being of the

It was a very fruitful year
because every Filipino
became rich.

Movies became popular
during this period.

Period of Emergence

1. During the Period of

Emergence, Japan invaded the
Philippines leading to the
destruction of buildings.
Period of Emergence
2. In this period, movies became
popular replacing zarzuela.

3. The English Language was

widely used by the writers.
Period of Emergence

4. Carlos P. Romulo was one of

the famous writers during this
Pliant like the

by I.V. Mallari
 Ismael Villanueva Mallari was one of the
early Filipino writers in English.
 He is ranked as leading literary and art
critic in the Philippines. More than
anything else, he was an essayist.
 His hometown is in Malabon In Rizal
 He's famous for his works "The Stranger"
which focuses mainly on the life of a
regular person to a good believing person.
 He was also a teacher in the Philippine
Normal University of the East.
Match Column A with column B

a. not concerned
d 1. Robust b. short-horned
e 2. Onslaught grasshoppers
b 3. Locusts c. a change of
a 4. Unperturbed circumstances
c 5. Vicissitude d. strong or vigorous
e. a fierce or
destructive attack
Match Column A with column B

f. a fatal epidemic
f 6. Pestilence
__ disease
i 7. Magnanimity g. a dangerous situation
g 8. Plight
__ h. patient
h 9. Forbearance
__ i. generosity
j 10. Lavished
__ j. presented something
in generous quantities
There is a story in Philippine folklore about
a mango tree and a bamboo tree. Not being
able to agree as to which was the stronger of
the two, they called upon the wind to make the

The wind blew its hardest. The mango tree

stood fast. It would not yield. It knew it was
strong and sturdy. It would not sway. It was too
proud. It was too true to itself. But finally its
roots gave way, and it tumbled down.
The bamboo tree was wiser. It knew it
was not as robust as the mango tree. And
so every time the wind blew, it bent its
head gracefully. It made loud protests,
but it let the wind have its way. When
finally the wind got tired of blowing, the
bamboo tree still stood in all its beauty
and grace.
The Filipino is like the bamboo tree. He
knows that he is not strong enough to with
stand the onslaughts of superior forces. And
so he yields. He bends his head gracefully
with many loud protestations.

And he has survived. The Spaniards came

and dominated him for more than three
hundred years. And when the Spaniards left,
the Filipinos still stood – only much richer in
experience and culture.
The Americans took the place of the
Spaniards. They used more subtle means
of winning over the Filipinos to their
mode of living and thinking. The
Filipino embraced the American way of
life more readily than the Spaniards
vague promise of the hereafter.
Then the Japanese came like a storm, like
a plague of locusts, like a pestilence –rude,
relentless, cruel. The Filipino learned to bow
his head low, to “cooperate” with the
Japanese in their “holy mission of
establishing the Co-Prosperity Sphere.” The
Filipino had only hate and contempt for the
Japanese, but he learned to smile sweetly at
them and to thank them graciously for their
“benevolence and magnanimity.”
And now that the Americans have
come back and driven away the
Japanese, those Filipinos who profited
most from cooperating with the Japanese
have been loudest in their protestations
of innocence. Everything is as if
Japanese had never been in the
For the Filipino will welcome any kind of
life that the gods offer him. That is why he
is contented, happy and at peace. The sad
plight of other peoples of the world is not
his. To him, as to the ancient Oriental poet,
the past is already a dream and tomorrow is
only a vision but today, well-lived, makes
every yesterday a dream of happiness and
every tomorrow a vision of hope.
This may give you the idea that the
Filipino is a philosopher. Well, he is.
He has not evolved a body of
philosophical doctrines. Much less has
he put them down into a book, like
Kant, for example, or Santayana or
Confucius. But he does have a
philosophical outlook on life.
He has a saying that life is like a wheel.
Sometimes it is up, sometimes it is down.
The monsoon season comes, and he has to
go undercover. But then the sun comes out
again. The flowers bloom, and the birds
sing in the trees. You cut off the branches of
a tree, and, while the marks of the bolo are
still upon it, it begins to shoot forth new
branches – branches that are the promise of
new color, new fragrance, new life.
Everywhere about him is a lesson in
patience and forbearance that he does not
have to learn with difficulty. For the Filipino
lives in a country on which the gods have
lavished their gifts a plenty. He does not have
to worry about the morrow. Tomorrow will be
only another day –no winter of discontent. If
he loses his possessions, there is the land and
there is the sea, with all the riches that one
can desire. There is plenty to spare – for
friends, for neighbors, and for everyone else.
No wonder that the Filipino can
afford to laugh. For the Filipino is
endowed with the saving grace of
humor. This humor is earthly as befits
one who has not indulged in deep
contemplation. But it has enabled the
Filipino to shrug his shoulders in times
of adversity and say to himself,
“Bahala na.”
The Filipino has often been accused
of being indolent and of lacking in
initiative. And he has answered back
that no one can help being indolent and
of lacking in initiative who lives under
the torrid sun which saps vitality.
The Filipino, in fact has a way of
escaping from the rigorous problems of
life. Most of his art is escapist in nature.
His forefathers wallowed in the moro-
moro, the awit and the kurido. They loved
to identify themselves with the gallant
knights battling for the favors of fair ladies
or for the possession of a hallowed place.
And now he himself loves to be lost in the
throes of modern romance and adventure.
His gallantry toward women –
especially comely women – is a
manifestation of his romantic turn of
mind. Consequently, in no other place
in the Orient are women so respected,
so adulated, and so pampered. For his
women have enabled the Filipinos to
look upon the vicissitudes of fortune as
the bamboo tree regards the angry
blasts of the blustering wind.
The Filipino is eminently suited to
his romantic role. He is slender and
wiry. He is nimble and graceful in his
movements. His voice is soft, and he
has the gift of language. In what other
place in the world can you find people
who can carry on a fluent conversation
in at least three languages?
This gift is another means by which
the Filipino has managed to survive.
There is no insurmountable barrier
between him and any of the people who
have come to live with him –Spanish,
American, Japanese. The foreigners do
not have to learn his language. He
easily manages to master theirs.
Verily, the Filipino is like the
bamboo tree. In its grace, in its ability
to adjust itself to the peculiar and
inexplicable whims of fate, the bamboo
tree is his expressive and symbolic
national tree. It will have to be, not the
molave nor the narra, but the bamboo.
Bamboo is flexible, bending with
the wind but never breaking,
capable of adapting to any
circumstance. It suggests resilience,
meaning that we have the ability to
bounce back even from the most
difficult times.
Your ability to thrive depends, in
the end, on your attitude to your life
circumstances. Take everything in
stride with grace, putting forth
energy when it is needed, yet
Be like the bamboo.
The higher you grow,
the deeper you bow.
“Share our similarities, celebrate our
- M. Scott Peck
Task :
On the Hot seat

Pick a popsicle stick if you are called.

If you picked “ON THE HOTSEAT”,
read the questions at the back and
answer it, but if you picked “SAFE”,
you are safe from questions.
Quiz :
Locate, Reflect, Evaluate!

Write (T) if the statement is true or

(F) if false. Write your answers on
your notebook.
___ 1. The Filipinos cannot be compared to
___ 2. The Filipinos bend and sway just
like the bamboo when there are problems
but still remain standing after.
___ 3. The Filipinos are submissive but
know when to act or fight.
___ 4. They never learned to fight for their
___ 5. They are dependent to other races.
___ 6. The Filipinos were once ruled by
foreign conquerors.
___ 7. They are easily influenced by other
___ 8. They are friendly and good
___ 9. They can easily adjust to their
community and environment.
___ 10. The essay gave us an idea that the
Filipino identity is the product of the
influences of other races.
Task :
What kind of Persons are

Infer what character traits of a

Filipino is exemplified by each
sentence taken from the text. Choose
your answer from the word pool.
Proud Flexible
Humble Friendly
Good communicator 

1. The mango tree stood fast.

It would not yield.
Proud Flexible
Humble Friendly
Good communicator 

2. When finally the wind got

tired of blowing, the bamboo
tree still stood in all its
beauty and grace.
Proud Flexible
Humble Friendly
Good communicator 

3. For the Filipino will welcome

any kind of life that the gods
offer him that is why is
contented, happy, and at peace.
Proud Flexible
Humble Friendly
Good communicator 

4. His voice is soft and he

has the gift of languages.
Proud Flexible
Humble Friendly
Good communicator 

5. The Filipino learned to

bow his head low to
cooperate with the Japanese.
Proud Flexible
Humble Friendly
Good communicator 

6. Aside from the

characteristics given, what
other characteristics of the
Filipinos do you know?

Draw an object that best

represents you.

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