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P R O P E R T I E S O F M I X T U R E S .
F I L T R A T I O N
E V A P O R A T I O N
D I S T I L L A T I O N
F R A C T I O N A L D I S T I L L A T I O N

What are mixtures?

 A mixture is made up of two or more elements and/or compounds

which are not chemically combined.
Mixtures are not pure substances, they are not made up of only one type
of element or compound. Mixtures may consist of elements,
compounds or both.
The constituents of a mixture may be solids, liquids or gases. A salt
solution, for instance, is a mixture of two compounds – salt and water.
Some examples of mixtures around us are:
 Air – is a mixture of gases Nitrogen, Oxygen, Water Vapour, Carbon
dioxide and other noble gases.
 Mineral water – is a mixture of minerals such as calcium, magnesium,
potassium and sodium in water.
 Alloys – are metals mixed with small amounts of other metals or non-
metals to make them stronger and harder than the pure metals. E.g.:
Steel, Bronze, Brass etc.
Some general properties of mixtures:

Properties of mixtures Air as an example

o No chemical reaction takes place o No chemical reaction takes place when

during the formation of mixtures. the different gases are mixed to form
o No energy in the form of heat or light
o No energy is exchanged with the
surroundings when mixtures are is taken in or given out when air is
formed. formed.
o The constituent gases of air are
o Mixtures have the properties of
their constituents. colourless, and thus, so is air.
o The constituents of mixtures can
o The gases in air can combine in any
combine in any proportion by mass. proportion and the composition of air
o Mixtures can be separated into their varies with time and place.
o The gases in air can be separated by a
constituents by physical processes.
physical process called Fractional
There are many ways to separate mixtures.
Filtration Following are a few of them:
Filtration is a process in
which solid particles in a
liquid fluid are removed by
the use of a filter
paper that permits the
fluid to pass through but
retains the solid particles.
For example: muddy water
is a mixture of mud and
water, using a piece of
filter paper we can remove
mud from the muddy
water as mud cannot pass
through the filter paper,
but water can. Thus, mud
is left as the residue on the
filter paper while water is
collected as the filtrate in
the beaker.
Evaporation is a process
in which a solution is
heated and the liquid or
solvent evaporates,
leaving the solid solute
behind. For example:
salt solution is a mixture
of salt and water. We can
pour the salty water in a
shallow dish and heat it
up. The solution will
slowly start to heat up
and the water will
evaporate. The salt will
be left behind as it
cannot evaporate.

Distillation is a process
which is used to obtain the
liquid solvent from a
solution or to separate a
mixture of liquids with
different boiling points. For
instance: salt solution is
heated and the water in the
salt solution boils and
changes into steam. The
temperature of the steam is
shown on the thermometer.
The steam then goes into a
condenser which cools it
down and condenses it back
into liquid water. The
condensed water or the
distillate, is collected in a
conical flask. The salt is left
Fractional distillation is used
when more than two liquids
with different boiling points
are needed to be separated.
Crude oil is a mixture of
different types of oil with
different boiling points. To
separate these oils, the crude
oil is first heated in a furnace.
The different types of oils boil
at different temperatures and
are collected at different parts
of the fractionating column or


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