Artisinal Starter Culture

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Artisanal Dairy starter culture
These culture are mixtures(unknown composition) of several genera species and
strains of lactic acid bacteria.
They may contain lactococci,lactobacilli,leuconostocs,streptococci,and
enterococci and probably give the cheese special flavour characteristics.
Artisanal than other curd and contains a mix of two gut friendly strains.
It is a living-viable microorganism, which upon ingestion in certain number,
exert healthy Benefits beyond its basic nutrition. Like, Lab.casei, Lab.acidophilus,
Lab.fermentum, bifidobacterium, Lab.reuteri, Lab.plantarum.
Probiotics are a mixture of live bacteria and/or yeast that lives in your body.
Probiotics are good bacteria that help keep you healthy.
Benifits of probiotic -:
Beneficial Health Effect Of Probiotic
Significance of Starters in Milk Fermentation…..
• Enrichment of human diet through a wide variety of flavours, aroma and texture
of foods.
• Preservation of foods via lactic acid, alcoholic, acetic acid and alkaline
• Bio-enrichment of food with proteins, essential amino acids, essential fatty acids
and vitamins.
• Nutritional benefits (promotion of growth and digestion, improvement of bowel
movements, suppression of cancer, suppression of blood cholesterol, suppression
of tumors and fulfilling the needs of lactose intolerant people).
Are non-digestible food ingredients that are beneficially affecting the host by
stimulating the growth or the activity of beneficial bacteria in colon.
 The combined influence of probiotic and prebiotic was more effective than that
of either Component administered alone.
Character of prebiotic-:
1) They should neither hydrolyzed nor absorbed in the upper of GIT.
2) They should represent a selective substrate for one beneficial bacteria.
3) They able to alter the colonic microflora.
4) They able to induce luminal effects.
Thank you…

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