Acids and Alkalis

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and Alkalis

Learning Outcomes
At the end of lesson students
should be able to
Define acid as a substance that
produces hydrogen ions in
aqueous solution.
Describe the properties of acids
and their reactions with metals,
bases and carbonates.

What are Acids?

 An acid is a substance that produces hydrogen

ions, H+ ,in aqueous solution.
 For example,
HCl H+ + Cl –
H2SO4 2H+ + SO 2-4
The hydrogen ions that are produced are
responsible for the properties of acids.

Properties of acids
1. Acids have a sour taste.
2. Acids dissolve in water to form solutions which
conduct electricity.
3. Acids turn blue litmus red.
4. Acids react with reactive metals to form a salt and
hydrogen gas.
the general equation for the reaction is:
metal + acid salt + hydrogen

For example, when a piece of magnesium ribbon is
added to dilute sulfuric acid, bubbles of hydrogen
gas can be seen. The equation for this reaction is:
Mg + H2SO4 Mg SO4 + H2

We can test for hydrogen gas by

placing a lighted splint at the
mouth of the test tube. Hydrogen
gas extinguishes the lighted splint
with a pop sound.

5. Acids react with carbonates to form a salt, water and
carbon dioxide.
Carbonates + acid salt + water + carbon dioxide
CaCO3 + 2HCl CaCl2 + H2O + CO2

We can test for carbon

dioxide gas by bubbling
the gas through limewater.
Carbon dioxide forms a
white precipitate with

Uses of some common acids:

Useful Links

Q1. In an experiment, red litmus remained red in an unknown
solution. Can you conclude that the solution is acidic? How can
you find out for sure?
Q2. Beaker A contains sulphuric acid and beaker B contains
ethanoic acid. Can litmus be used to differentiate the two?
Explain. Suggest an alternative method if you think that litmus
cannot be used for differentiating the two acids.
Q3. When vinegar is added to some marble chips (calcium
carbonate), bubbles of gas are produced. What is the gas formed
and how can it be identified?

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