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and other variations

Scottish Enterprise 28th April 2005 Nigel Todd n-zyme

this diagnostic tool started with a simple proposition

could we devise an eas but effective method of identif ing entrepreneurs?

n-z me

new ones closet ones existing ones likely successes & likely failures.

n-zy e

the diagnostic tool has evolved as we have looked at the key issues in more detail the goalposts are still moving the tool is still being refined as more potential uses are identified

n-zy me


entrepreneur innovator



our classic starting point

what ak s an an ntr pr n ur?


spot opportunities perseverance social skills
actions can effect outcomes

need for achievement


are potential entrepreneurs easy to spot?

is there any real benefit in identifying entrepreneurs?? or do they self select the selves??

n-zy e

so we started to look at the problem in a different way

what about the entrepreneur within the organisation?

n-zy me




the intrapreneur has entrepreneurial skills

TAKE RISKS spot opportunities


social skills
actions can effect outcomes

need for achievement

blended with managerial skills, but operates skills, within the confines of an organisation

n-z me

an intrapr neur demonstrates certain skills

understands the organisations environment

has an ability to adopt a multidisciplinary approach

encourages open discussion

challenges the system builds a coalition of supporters


an organisations long term growth and sustainability requires

new venture creation leadership succession planning Idea generation

how do you identify the people who can achieve this within your organisation?

n-zy me


the intrapreneur - innovator - (entrepreneur) diagnostic tool

n-zy me

the tool
   23 questions responses on a scale of 1-10

3 scores generated out by measuring: innovation potential entrepreneurial score intrapreneurial score  360 degree review (own assessment can be compared to that of manager or peers)  results currently plotted on a spider diagram and four square grid

n-zy me

the results
the intrapreneur
innovation score

intrapreneurial score

entrepreneurial score

n-zy me

the results
the entrepreneur
innovation score

intrapreneurial score

entrepreneurial score

n-zy me

the results
the innovative employee
innovation score

intrapreneurial score

entrepreneurial score

n-zy me


high manager
intrapreneurial rating


employee low


entrepreneurial rating



n-zy me

identified target markets universities identifying potential entrepreneurs ...... larger organisations intrapreneurial talent spotting ...... general market identifying innovation potential

n-zy me

current status of diagnostic tool the methodology is supported by academic research


it has been converted into a practical format for practitioners to use


an interactive on-line version is being developed


output formats need refining


further quantitative testing is due to take place

n-zy me

the approach

defining the entrepreneur the research

high propensity to take on moderate risk high potential opportunity recognition high perseverance high social skills high locus of control high need for achievement

BUT, what is the value of identifying someone as an entrepreneur? these traits and behaviours are all embedded in the corporate entrepreneur

n-zy me

the change of direction

defining the intrapreneur

share the entrepreneurial tendencies and have additional managerial skills;

the ability to adopt a multidisciplinary role understanding the environment encouragement of open discussion creation of management options building a coalition of supporters

BUT, what is the value of identifying somebody as an intrapreneur?

n-zy me

the approach

identifying the intrapreneur the benefits

target employees for :     stimulating new venture creation managing spin-outs leadership succession planning and also enhance shareholder value

n-zy me

the approach
 defining the inventor the research
  characterized by curiosity and experimentation seek to generate new ideas deliberately or by accident

BUT, what is the value of identifying someone as an inventor ?

you either are one, or you are not

n-zy me

the approach

defining the innovator the research

no clarity in the literature fuzzy chasing shadows?

n-zy me

the approach

our definition and philosophy

an innovator achieves positive change to:       products & services processes society environment private life

everybody has the ability to become an innovator its a question of potential

n-zy me

the approach

factors determining innovative potential

creativity human capital social capital

n-zy me

the conclusions
identifying an entrepreneur is of little value in the practical world but, entrepreneurial traits and behaviours are evident in intrapreneurs there are clear benefits to the organization in identifying intrapreneurs identifying an inventor is of little value in the practical world innovation underpins all three categories there are clear benefits to the organization in identifying individuals who have high innovative potential

n-zy me

the tool questions structure

Inno tion Potenti l Creati ity H man Capital S cial Capital tr r     ri l T i Risk Taking Opportunity Recognition Perseverance Social Skills Locus of Control eed for Achievement I tr r y y y y y ri l T i M lti isciplinary r le Understanding t e environment Encourage open discussion Creation of management options Building a collation of supporters

n-zy me

the way forward

     ample estimated at between 100-200 360 degree reviews wner managers anagers and employees in private businesses anagers and employees in the public sector / third sector


reate a database for comparative analysis nalyse the esults Further refinement of the tool Translate into a web-based delivery format Develop a version for specialist environments e.g. reativity ab Development of a marketing strategy xecution of the marketing strategy

n-zy me

and now its your chance to be guinea pigs!!

many thanks

n-zy me

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