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BEK 4213 Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution

Transmission Systems

BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Module Outline

1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6

Introduction Different System of Transmission Efficiency of Line Underground Cables vs. Overhead lines Design of Transmission Line Exercise Economy of Power Transmission

BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Introduction - Transmission System

Figure 1: Concept of electric energy transmission


BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Introduction Transmission System  The transmission system is made up of the high voltages lines and bulk power subs that connect the generating stations with the distribution subs.  Electrical power transmission lines can be ac, dc, underground or overhead lines.  Overhead ac is the most used method of electrical power transmission.  The transmission system can be divided into the transmission and subs transmission system.

BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Different Systems of Transmission  The types of systems are used for the transmission:
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Overhead system Underground system The transmission of electrical power using overhead transmission lines over long distance. The appropriate spacing between the conductors is provided which prevent an electric discharge to occur between the conductors.

 Overhead system

BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Different Systems of Transmission  Overhead system


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Overhead lines are subjected to the faults occurring due to lightening, short circuits. It is easy to repair compare to underground system. However difficult to find exact point of fault as transmission lines are very long. The insulation must be provided between the conductors and also supporting structure and hence cause maximum stress exists between the conductor and earth.

BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Different Systems of Transmission  Underground system


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Underground transmission lines are mostly used to supply urban substation in high load density areas. All the conductors must be insulated from each other. The voltage level used in underground system is below 66kV due to difficulties in designing the appropriate insulation for higher voltage levels. Underground lines are more expensive due to underground cables must be insulated, installed in pipe, cooled with oil circulation system and difficulty in access to repair.

BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

High voltage transmission Lines  Interconnect power plants and loads, and form an electric network.  This system contains 500kV, 275kV and 132kV.  The maximum length of high voltage lines is around 200 miles.  The major components of an HV are:
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Tower : a lattice, steel tower Insulator : V string hold four bundled conductors in each phase. Conductor: Each conductor is stranded, steel reinforced aluminum cable.

BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

High voltage transmission Lines

Figure 2: Typical of HV transmission line


BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Sub-transmission Lines  Subs transmission system is defined as the lines with voltages/ capabilities between those used for transmission and those used for distribution.  It used to carry power from power substations to the distribution substation and also large individual customers.  The common voltage levels are 33kV and 66kV.


BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Transmission system
Transmission System in Malaysia  Transmission line in Malaysia mostly for HVAC transmission, with a short portion HVDC to Thailand.  The transmission voltage at Malaysia are:
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HVAC 132 kV HVAC 275 kV HVAC 500 kV


BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Efficiency of the line

Performance of Transmission Line  The transmission line performance is governed by its four parameters:
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Series resistance Series inductance Shunt capacitance Shunt conductance

 The leakage current over the surface of the insulator is modeled as shunt conductance.  Usually shunt conductance is ignored because the leakage current are small.

BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Efficiency of the Line

 Performance of transmission lines is meant the determination of efficiency and regulation of lines.
Transmission efficiency Voltage Regulation

L !

P R(3 J ) P S(3 J )

v 100

% VR !


X 100%


BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Underground cables vs. Overhead lines  Underground cables have the following advantages:

It ensures uninterrupted continuity of supply. The possible supply interruptions due to lightning, storm or weather are eliminated due to underground cable. It requires less maintenance. The accidents caused due to breakage of overhead lines conductors are eliminated.

BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Underground cables vs. Overhead lines  Underground cables have the following advantages:

The life of underground cables is longer. The voltage drop in the underground cable is less. The visual impact can be minimized. More appropriate to use in populated areas due to safety issues in overhead lines.

BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Underground cables vs. Overhead lines  Disadvantages of the underground cables:


The only drawbacks of underground cables are the extremely high initial cost and insulation problems at high voltages. The use of underground cables is mainly for distribution of an electrical power at low and medium voltages.


BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Underground cables vs. Overhead lines  Advantages of the overhead lines:


Long distance transmission is possible by the overhead lines. The conductor in overhead lines is less expensive. The size of the conductor in overhead lines is smaller than underground cables due to good heat dissipation.


BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Underground cables vs. Overhead lines  Advantages of the overhead lines:


The cost of insulation is less due to using the air as insulator between the conductors. The gas or oil is not required. The cost to erect the tower is less than laying the underground cable which is difficult and complicated.


BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Design of Transmission Lines  The design of a transmission lines involves a number of technical and economic aspects.  The design details include:
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Line voltage Size of conductors, Span , spacing and configuration of conductors Number and size of earth wires Number of insulators Clearances and sag


BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Design of Transmission Lines  Line voltage


The cost and performance of the line depend on the line voltage. An empirical formula for the optimum voltage is:

 Where V is line voltage in kV L is the distance in km P is the power in kW


BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Design of Transmission Lines  Selection of conductor size


The cost of conductor is about 30 to 45 % of the total cost of the line. The cost of tower, foundations and line losses also depend on the conductor size. The size of the conductor should be able to carry the rated current continuously without excessive rise in temperature. The temperature affects the sag and the loss of the tensile strength of the conductor.


BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Design of Transmission Lines  Choice of Span, number of circuit, conductor configuration


For HV line the economical value of span lies in the range of 200 to 300 m. For 400kV lines span ranging from 350 to 400 m. A transmission line may be a single circuit line or a double circuit line. A double circuit line has a higher power transfer capability and greater reliability.


BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Design of Transmission Lines  Insulation design


The insulation design has a greater impact on the performance of the line. Insulation should be sufficient to take care of switching, temporary overvoltages and lightning. The maximum switching surge overvoltage to the ground is taken as 2.5 pu.


BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Design of Transmission Lines  Selection of Earth/Ground wire


The primary function of ground wires is to shield the conductors from the lightning strokes. (placed above the conductors and grounded at every tower) The selection of the number and configuration is important in transmission line protection against lightning. A shielding angle of 30 is considered to be adequate for high voltages lines. A ground wires should be able to carry max expected lightning current without heating and have sufficient mechanical strength.

BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4


Transmission Line Model

Short Line 80km

Medium Line 250km

Long Line 250km


BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Short Line  Definition: 80 km or 69 kV.  For short transmission line, the capacitance is always being ignored  Multiplying series impedance per unit length (r + j[L) by the line length ( ). Z = (r + j[L) = R + jX where r = per phase resistance per unit length L= per phase inductance per unit length = line length [=2 f

BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Short Line
 Short line model on a per phase basis is shown below:

IS + VS Sending end

Z = R + jX

IR + VR SR Receiving end

 VS and IS are the phase voltage and current at the sending end of the line  VR and IR are the phase voltage and current at the receiving end of the line

BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Short Line  Consider a 3 load with apparent power SR(3 ) is connected at the end of the transmission line, the receiving end current is obtained by

IR !

S* (3J ) R 3V
* R(LN)

* means conjugate, says S=(2+j3), thus S* becomes (2-j3)

 The sending end voltage is VS = VR + ZIR  Since the shunt capacitance is neglected, we have IS = IR

BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Short Line  Two port network (ABCD) representation:



+ VR -

VS = AVR + BIR IS = CVR + DIR or in matrix form


VS 1 Z VR I ! 0 1 I R S

BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Short Line  It is obvious that for short line, A=1 B=Z C=0 D=1  Voltage regulation is defined as the % change in voltage at the receiving end in going from noload to full-load:

% VR !



X 100%

 At no-load, IR=0, thus,


BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Short Line  For short line, A=1 and VR(NL)=VS.  Voltage regulation is a measure of line voltage drop and depends on the power factor (cos ).  Voltage regulation is positive at lagging power factor loads (inductive).  Voltage regulation become negative with leading power factor loads (capacitive).
VS IR U VR(FL) jXIR RIR Lagging pf VR=+ve

BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Short Line
VS IR VR(FL) jXIR RIR Leading pf VR=-ve

 Sending-end power,
SS(3J ) ! 3 S I* S

 The total line loss is given by SL(3 )=SS(3 ) SR(3 )  Transmission line efficiency is given by
L! PR(3J ) PS(3J )

BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Short Line
Example 1.1: A 60 Hz short transmission line having R = 0.62 per phase and L = 93.94 mH per phase, supplies a three-phase, wye-connected 100 MW load of 0.9 lagging power factor at 215 kV line to line voltage. Calculate the sending end voltage per phase.


BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Short Line
Example 1.2: Determine the voltage regulation and efficiency of transmission of the transmission line in example 1.1


BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Short Line
Exercise A 10 km long, short transmission line has 0.5 600 /km impedance. The line supplies a 316.8 kW load at 0.8 power factor lagging. What is the voltage regulation if the receiving end voltage is 3.3kV.


BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Short Line
Example 1.3 A 220-kV, three-phase transmission line is 40 km long. The resistance per phase is 0.15 ; per km and the inductance per phase is 1.3263 mH per km. The shunt capacitance is negligible. Use the short line model to find the voltage and power at the sending end and the voltage regulation and the efficiency when the line is supplying a three-phase load of a. 381 MVA at 0.8 power factor lagging at 220 kV. b. 381 MVA at 0.8 power factor leading at 220 kV.


BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Short Line Solution a. The series impedance per phase is (f = 60 Hz) Z=(r+j[L) =(0.15+j2Tx60x1.3263x10-3)40 =6+j20 ; The receiving end voltage per phase is
VR(LN) ! 2200r 3

! 1270rkV

The apparent power is SR(3 )= 381cos-10.8 = 381 36.87 = 304.8+j228.6 MVA


BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Short Line The current per phase is

I R(1J ) ! S* J ) R(3 3
* R( )

381  36.87r x10 3 ! ! 1000  36.87rA 3 x 1270r

The sending end voltage is

VS(LN) ! VR(LN)  ZI R(1J ) ! 1270r  (6  j20)(1000 - 36.87r)(10 -3 )

! 144.334.93r kV

The sending end line-to-line voltage magnitude

VS(L -L) ! 3 VS(LN) ! 250 kV

BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Short Line The sending end power is

SS(3J ) ! 3VS( I* J ) ! 3 x 144.334.93 x 100036.87r x 10 -3 ) S(1

! 322.8 MW  288.6 Mvar ! 43341.8r MVA

Voltage regulation is
250 - 220 %VR! x 100% ! 13.6% 220

Transmission line efficiency is

L! P R(3J ) PS(3J ) 304.8 x 100% ! 94.4% ! 322.8

BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Short Line b. The current for 381 MVA with 0.8 leading pf is
I R(p) ! S* J ) R(3
* 3VR(LN)

38136.87r x103 ! ! 100036.87rA 3 x 1270r

The sending end voltage is

VS(LN) ! VR(LN)  ZI R(1J ) ! 1270r  (6  j20)(100036.87r)(10-3 ) ! 121.399.29r kV

The sending end line-to-line voltage magnitude

VS(L -L) ! 3 VS(LN) ! 210.26 kV

BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Short Line The sending end power is

SS(3J ) ! 3VS(LN) I* J ) ! 3 x 121.399.29 x 1000  36.87r x 10 -3 S(1

! 322.8 MW  j168.6 Mvar ! 364.18 - 27.58r MVA

Voltage regulation is
210.26 - 220 VR! x 100 220 PR(3J ) PS(3J ) 304.8 x 100 ! 322.8 ! - 4.43

Transmission line efficiency is

L! ! 94.4

BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Economy of Power Transmission

 Two fundamental economic principles which closely influence the electrical design of a transmission line:
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Economic choice of conductor size Economic choice of transmission voltage The cost of conductor material is vey considerable part of the total cost of a transmission line. The most economical area of conductor can be calculated using:
Variable part of annual charge = Annual cost of energy wasted P2a = P3/a (P2 and P3 are constant, a is area)

 Economic choice of conductor size


BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Economic choice of conductor size

 Example 1.4  A 2- conductor cable 1 km long is required to supply a constant current of 200A throughout the year. The cost of cable including installing is RM (20a +20) per meter where a is the area of Xsection of the conductor in cm2. The cost of energy is 5 cent per kWh and interest and depreciation charges amount to 10%. Calculate the most economical conductor size. Assume resistivity of conductor material to be 1.73 cm.

BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Economic choice of conductor size

The dc resistance of conductor is given by: R = l/a
Where is resistivity of conductor, m, l is length in m, a is a cross sectional area m2

Energy lost per annum = I2Rt/1000 kWh Annual cost of energy lost = Cost per kWh x Annual energy loss Variable annual charge = Annual interest and depreciation on capital cost (variable) of cable

BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Economic choice of conductor size

 Example 1.5:  The cost of a 3-phase overhead transmission line is RM (25000a + 2500) per km where a is the area of X-section of each conductor in cm2. the line is supplying a load of 5MW at 33kV and 0.8p.f lagging assumed to be constant throughout the year. Energy cost 4 cent per kWh and interest and depreciation total 10% per annum. Find the most economical size of the conductor. Given that specific resistance of conductor material is 10-6 cm

BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Economic choice of transmission voltage  If transmission voltage is increased, the volume of conductor material required is reduced. (decreases the cost on the conductor material)  However as the transmission voltage is increased, the cost of insulating the conductors, cost of transformers, switchgear and other terminal apparatus also decrease.


BEE 3243 Electric Power Systems Module 4

Economic choice of transmission voltage

 Therefore for every transmission line, there is optimum transformer voltage (economical transmission voltage)

The lowest point in the graph give the economical transmission voltage.

Figure 3 : Total cost of transmission vs. voltage


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