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Madiha Maqsud
• A language disorder is an impairment in the processing of
linguistic information that affects an individual’s ability to
receive and/or express language.
• According to DSM-V, the disorder involves persistent
difficulties in the comprehension or production of spoken,
written, sign language, or other forms of language. The
individual may not demonstrate age-appropriate language
• A language disorder is different from a speech disorder,
which involves problems with the articulation and fluency
of speech sounds. Difficulties may arise in language form,
content or function.
• Language disorders are one of the four disorders classified
under communication disorders by DSM-V.
• The other three are speech disorders, central auditory
processing disorders and hearing disorders.
• Communication disorders, which may have a severity
range from mild to profound, interfere with an individual’s
ability to function in daily life (American Speech-
Language Association, 1993).
• At any age, stroke, brain injuries, disease or seizures may
lead to communication disorders.
Types of Language Disorders
Expressive Language Receptive Language Disorder
Disorder Receptive language disorders involve
Expressive language deficits in comprehension. In children,
disorders involve deficits in signs may include not listening to or
verbal and written following instructions and repeating
expression. Deficits may words or phrases heard, a symptom called
involve articulation, echolalia. Mixed Receptive-Expressive
vocabulary, sentence Language Disorder involves problems
formation and memory. A with both expressive and receptive
child’s language ability will communication. Many individuals
lag that of his/her peers in experience deficits in both areas. An
areas such as word choice individual may also show signs of
and usage, sentence dyscalculia (problems with arithmetic) or
formation and grammar spatial concepts.
• Forms of Language – involve phonology (speech sounds
and patterns), morphology (how words are formed) and
syntax (the formation of phrases and clauses).
• Content of Language – involves semantics or the meanings
of words.
• Function of Language – involves pragmatics or how
language is used by individuals in different contexts.
 Receptive Language Disorder is a type of learning
disability ,affecting the ability to understand spoken, and
sometimes written language .


have difficulty in language processing & the connection
between words & ideas they represent.
• Receptive Language Disorder also known as CENTRAL
• Auditory processing disorder (APD), also known as central
auditory processing disorder (CAPD), is a hearing problem
that affects about 5% of school-aged children.
• Kids with this condition can't process what they hear in the
same way other kids do because their ears and brain don't
fully coordinate. Something interferes with the way the
brain recognizes and interprets sounds, especially speech.
• Kids with APD are thought to hear normally because they
can usually hear sounds that are delivered one at a time in a
very quiet environment (such as a sound-treated room)
 But difficulty in following conditions: upsetting noisy

• difficulty following directions

• reading, spelling, writing, or other speech-language
• (word) math problems
• disorganized and forgetful?
• hard for your child to follow conversation
Receptive language Disorder is believed to involve language
processing centers of brain.There are number of factors;
• 1.Child’s genetic susceptibility
• 2.Child’s exposure to language
• 3.General developmental & cognitive abilities.
• Often associated with developmental disorders such as
• 4.Brain insult ---- trauma,tumour or disease.

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