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Idioms about

reading books

- He is such a fuddy-duddy! He doesn’t know anything about

modern art.
- Don't                  ! You've just met him.

Judge a book by its cover

the outward appearance of something or someone is not a reliable indicator of its true
- Can I please go?
-              : you're not going, and that's final!
Read my lips
listen carefully
Pr. Perfect Tense

Pr. Perfect Tense


My sister always             after the school.

Pr. Perfect Tense


To have your nose in a book

To be reading intensely
We have to            tonight as we have an exam tomorrow.
Hit the book
to study
A good writer doesn't tell the reader everything directly but
leaves it up to the reader to figure things out for themselves by    
Read between the lines
to search for an implied meaning
But the future is not a               , so long as you pick the
right questions and methods.
A closed book
A topic or person about which/whom very little is known
My life is an             , but he had it in his mind that I was
cheating on him.
An open book
A topic or person that/who is easy to understand or about
which/whom a lot is known
She's              , definitely, but she is hungry for truth and
to know the world.
A booksmart
Possessing knowledge acquired from reading or study but lacking common
           , a just society means provision of medical services
to every citizen.
In my book
In my opinion
My mom always knows when I'm lying. She can              
To read someone like a book
To easily understand someone's thoughts/motives without being told

The lawyers want to make sure we've done

everything strictly               .

By the book
in accordance with the rules
You can                 on it that he won't arrive in time.
To make a book
To take bets on something
Always make sure to read                before
signing anything.
To read the fine/small print
To make sure you are aware of the conditions
Some countries that                  of American
industry's        are now doing very well for
To take a leaf out of someone’s book
To imitate a particular (usually admirable) quality that someone
else possesses
The judge threatened to                at him if he
committed another offense.
To throw a book at 
To punish severely
She’s always reading books.
She’s such a           .
A keen reader
After all of the calculations he has done, he could
finally                      .
To balance the books
To add up all the debits and credits
-What do you think about selling the house?
-The customer wanted to do something else, so we  
                       for a while.
To close the books
To put something aside and stop spending time on it
-What happened to the place that you were looking for?
-I’m not sure but I’m afraid that the real estate agent                
      and ran away since he doesn’t answer the phone.
To cook the books
To falsify facts
Rosa had a great gift which I always admired. She
was able to                     . You wouldn’t even notice. 
To read someone’s mind
To discern someone’s thoughts

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