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UNILEVER’S MISSION: To give life a new lease of life.

Brands that help

people feel good, look good, and get more out of life are at the heart of
FEEL GOOD, LOOK GOOD, AND GET MORE our daily nutrition, hygiene, and personal care offerings.
Feel good, look good, and get more
out of life

• Unilever 2
Feel good, look good, and get more
out of life

In 190 countries, we represent over 400 brands, employing 148,000 people worldwide.
We are truly a global organisation with a global mission.
We are motivated by our mission: making sustainable living the norm.
Isn't it the reason we go to work? It is for this reason that we are in business. Inspiring
high levels of performance is one way we do it.
In 1883, our father launched Sunlight Soap in the UK, which was pioneering, original,
and had a purpose: to popularise hygiene and bring it within the grasp of the common
man. Even back then, this was considered sustainable living. Over 400 brands are now
part of our portfolio, yet we remain committed to our core values. As a civilization, we
want to do more good than less harm to our earth and our communities. With our
products, we hope to improve people's lives and help the world's environmental and
social problems.
For more than a century, we've been breaking new ground, innovating, and shaping the
future. All of this will be done responsibly.
Feel good, look good, and get more
out of life
4.5 percent year-over-year sales growth, with 2.9 percent pricing
and 1.6 percent volume growth.
A positive impact from acquisitions and a negative impact from
currency contributed to a 3.4% increase in turnover.
Revenue climbed by 2.9%, yet the overall operating margin
narrowed by just 10 basis points.
The underlying EPS rose by 5.5%, while the diluted EPS rose by
In H2 2022, a deal to sell the Tea Company was announced for
€4.5 billion.
€3 billion in share buybacks completed in 2021; an additional €3
billion programme announced for 2022-2023; and
For the year 2021, dividends per share are expected to climb by
Feel good, look
good, and get
Entrepreneurial framework: more out of life

Locus of control
When a person has an
BRICOLAGE Entrepreneurial Expertise
Unilever's efforts to engage and
A need rather than an option,  can be used by external locus of control,
serve customers in ways that go bricolage is required in order  entrepreneurs to identify they believe they have no
to start your own business.  their strengths, control over what happens
beyond simply making a profit will
Bricolage is a term used to de weaknesses, and to them in the future.
lead to increased customer loyalty scribe the process of making  opportunities. Whereas. A person with an
creative use of the materials a Entrepreneurial legacies internal locus of control
and respect (Alhawsawi, 2016). A
t hand. You can employ a wid are built on the foundation believes that they are in
person or object has undergone e variety of materials to tackl of intellectual abilities in
charge of their own destiny.
e difficulties and opportunitie human and social capital
transformation if they have In the end, their actions
s that may arise. (Alhawsawi, 2016).
undergone a considerable When learning through the us Instead than exploiting or have an impact on the
e of bricolage, students take a uncovering opportunities, outcome. Executive
improvement. This will aid strategy will be affected by
 more active role in their educ the effective entrepreneur
Unilever's entrepreneurs in their ation (Baker, 2019). generates them from the Unilever's control structure
daily reality of their life in the immediate run
efforts to grow their businesses. (Alhawsawi, 2016).
and value systems. 5
Feel good, look good, and get more
This study will delve deeper into the "4 Ps" of out of life

innovation. This study, which also examines

Unilever's product strategy, demonstrates the
company's ability to innovate using the 4Ps. The
names of Unilever's products are well-known
throughout the market (Choudhury, 2019). Prices
vary widely among the different products. Unilever
products are currently sold in 190 countries and the
company employs a wide range of marketing
strategies to get its name out there. Price points are
set in accordance with factors found in the
consumer products market when using a market-
oriented pricing approach. Competitive pricing is
used by companies like Unilever to set their own
rates. The premium pricing strategy, on the other
hand, requires higher prices than those of
competitors (Baker, 2019).


According to the information provided, Unilever has a healthy

balance sheet with assets totaling 6.073 billion Euros.
PARTICULARS 2020 2019 2018 2017
As a result of increased competition and the availability of
substitute products on the market, net sales fell in 2018 when
NET SALES 50724 51980 50982 53715
compared to 2017, but they grew in 2019 when compared to
2018, showing a positive impact on the market. The net profit
margin has also grown when compared to 2019 (Choudhury, NET EARNING 18.50% 5.90% 14.80% 15.70%
profit margin is the percentage of net profit divided by total
revenue EPS 5.5 4.52 4.42 3.92

Shareholder value appears to be declining, as seen by the NET PROFIT 6375 6026 9788 6456
declining earnings per share.
Covid may be to blame for the decrease in sales compared to
last year, yet there is an increase in net sales.
There is a possibility of recovery in the next year.

Feel good, look good, and get more
out of life

For the most part, Unilever's many products are to be

credited for their support of the many events.
However, a firm may collaborate with other
organisations to promote an event. Every sponsorship
in which Unilever participates must adhere to the
company's core values. When making a purchase,
customers will be able to contact the company in any
way they choose (Alhawsawi, 2016). A wide range of
events, from sporting competitions to artistic
performances to community and social awareness
campaigns, receive financial support from Unilever.
The company hosts a great deal of conferences and
other events because of this fact.


In this study, the "4 Ps" of innovation will be examined in

further detail. This research shows Unilever's ability to innovate
using the 4Ps, as well as its product strategy. Customer
involvement is at the heart of Unilever's business strategy, and it
serves as the driving force behind brand innovation.
The R & D (research and development) section at Unilever is
dedicated to benefit-driven innovation made possible by
scientific and technological advancements of all kinds. In order
to be successful, Unilever must increase in size, adapt to the
market, and show concern for its employees. There must be a
healthy work environment and, finally, Unilever's ability to
think outside of the box. The further details of this idea will be
discussed in coursework 2.

Feel good, look good, and get more
out of life
The company is conscious that climate change,
environmental laws, and growing consumer awareness are
affecting its operations. As part of Unilever's commitment
to the environment, the company is working with local
governments and other organisations to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions, reduce waste, and save
resources like water and rubbish. The profitability of the
company is immediately impacted by the implementation
of a sustainable living plan. Reducing environmental
effect while also boosting people's well-being are three of
the most important goals of this company's long-term

Feel good, look good, and get more
out of life

Kaufland, one of Unilever's top German retailers, and the

company are at odds on a number of issues. Over 500 of
Unilever's products are no longer available in its stores because
of the company's alleged use of its monopoly position to raise
prices and so increase its profit margin.
Customers' demands for a better balance between price and
value are rising. Innovative products and services that generate
value in novel ways require innovative pricing models. This
shift is driven in part by the aim to encourage product-driven


They've relocated it to their front yard to keep it out of the river

and out of harm's way. Since the river was drained and cleaned,
fruit trees like morinda have been planted along its banks, and
fish producers have received assistance. Unilever worked with
32,000 residents from four riverside communities (Baker,
There is a strategy to improve sanitation and waste
management, as well as the local infrastructure and promote
environmental education while generating money. Many people
have changed their lifestyles as a result. It was customary for
houses built around rivers to face away from the river, which
acted as a route for garbage. Fronting the villages, the Brantas
need to be constructed (Cheng, Y., 2021).

Feel good, look good, and get more
out of life

Clients' values in product quality can be delivered

through a wide range of programs and FMCG
marketer's plans. It is imperative that this relationship
be established in order to implement all of the
company's strategies and programs to improve
product and packaging quality in the face of its
competition. In order to improve the company's
brand image, all of Unilever's programs and activities
are connected together (Choudhury, 2019).

Feel good, look good, and get more
out of life
Product development concerns and challenges are addressed by
Unilever's operations management. The key to long-term
success is constant innovation in order to meet the needs of
consumers. The wide range of consumer goods offered by
Unilever necessitates a wide range of considerations in this
particular decision area (Choudhury, 2019).
Unilever is a multinational conglomerate that makes a variety of
consumer items, including food and beverage, personal care,
and home care.
The beauty and personal care sector earns the highest revenue,
but the food and beverage sector is currently the fastest
For the most part, the CEC's goal is to provide cutting-edge
customer relationship services, while also delivering Carelines
insights to Quality and the broader company. People insights are
gathered by the CEC for the PDC by listening to customers and
analysing their responses (Choudhury, 2019).

Feel good, look good, and get more

out of life
In the eyes of Unilever, a company's vision and mission
statements are strategic in the sense that they can help spur new
ideas and boost profits. The goal of Unilever is to ensure that
everyone has a decent standard of living. Unilever South Africa Head Office: 031 570
The company may be pushed to new heights of innovation by 2000/3000
focusing on sustainability. In order to be viable in the long term, Homecare: 0860572908
businesses must continually reinvent themselves. Unilever's Personal Care: 0860572861
innovation efforts have also been devoted to generating food Foods: 0860331441
products that do not harm consumers' well-being (Baker, 2019). Ice Cream: 0860330006
An important part of Unilever's strategy is to focus on profitable Food Solutions: 0860314151
growth. As a result of their successful brand innovation Consumer Careline: 0860572908
programme, Unilever employs a high level of marketing and
advertising efforts across all media. In the same way that there
are numerous opportunities in international markets, there is
also a high likelihood of threats (Choudhury, 2019).

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