HSK Standard Course-Lesson 5

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Chinese HSK Standard Course

《 HSK 标准教程》第 1 册

第 5 课
Tā nǚ'ér jīnnián èrshí suì
Her daughter is twenty years old this year
拼音 Pinyin
1. 儿化的发音 The Retroflex Final

xiǎoháir xiǎoniǎor fànɡuǎnr xiānɡshuǐr

小孩儿 小鸟儿 饭馆儿 香水儿
拼音 Pinyin
4. 拼音规则( 4 ):隔音符号
Rules of Pinyin(4):syllable-dividing mark
When a syllable beginning with a,o,e follows another syllable, the syllable-dividing
mark(') is used to separate the two syllables.
• 听录音并跟读,注意有无隔音符号的异同
• Listen to the recording and read after it.Pay attention to the differences between the
words with and without the syllable-dividing mark.
piào pí'ǎo xiān Xī'ān
to float fur-lined jacket earlier, before City of Xi’an

jiē jī' è jiānɡ jī'ánɡ

to receive hungry will, shall excited and impassioned

fā nàn fān' àn fǎnɡǎn fānɡ'àn

to launch an attack to reverse a verdict to loathe work plan
1. 家 jiā a family;

2. 有 yǒu there is; there are;

3. 口 kǒu ostium;

4. 女儿 nǚ'ér daughter;

New words 5. 几 jǐ several;

6. 岁 suì years old;

used at the end of or in

the middle of a sentence
7. 了 le
to indicate a change or a
new circumstance

8. 今年 jīnnián this year;

9. 多 duō more than;

10. 大 dà major; large; big; huge;

words for making sentences

1. 女儿 nǚ'ér daughter;

2. 谁的 Shéi de whose

3. 老师 lǎoshī teacher;
 She is the daughter of Teacher Li.
She is the daughter of Teacher Li.
Subjet +verb+object

Tā shì lǐ lǎoshī de nǚ'ér.

她是 李老师的女儿。
 Whose daughter is she?
Whose daughter is she?

Tā shì shéi de nǚ'ér?

New words extend

我家 wǒjiā

你家 nǐjiā

他家 tājiā
我们家 wǒmen jiā

你们家 nǐmen jiā

words 他们家 tāmen jiā
老师家 lǎoshī jiā

朋友家 péngyou jiā

同学家 tóng xuéjiā

 Whose home is this?
Whose home is this?
Zhè shì shéi de jiā?

 This is my home.
This is my home.
Zhè shì wǒ de jiā.

 This is not my friend's home.
 How many Chinese teachers do you have?
How many Chinese teachers do you have?
Nǐ yǒu jǐ gè hànyǔ lǎo shī?


1. 有 yǒu there is; there are;

2. 朋友 péngyou friend;

3. 汉语 Hànyǔ Chinese;

4. 中国 China;

5. 书 shū book;

6. 吗 mɑ a modal particle;

7. 我 wǒ I;me
 I have Chinese friends.
I have Chinese friends.
Wǒ yǒu zhòng guó péngyǒu.

 Do you have Chinese friends?
Do yo u have Chi nese fri end s?

Nǐ yǒu zhòng guó péngyǒu

 I have a Chinese book.
I have a Chinese book.
Wǒ yǒu hànyǔ shū.

 Do you have Chinese book s?
Do you have Chinese books?

Nǐ yǒu hànyǔ shū ma?

words for sentences

mouth;measure word for members

1. 口 kǒu
of families

2. 有 yǒu there is; have

3. 三 sān three;

4. 五 wǔ five;
 There are three people in my family.
 Place+ 有 +something/somebody
There are three people in my family.

Wǒjiā yǒu sānkǒu rén.

 There are five people in Li Yue's family.
 Place+ 有 +something/somebody
There are five people in Li Yue's family.

Lǐyuèjiā yǒu wǔ kǒu rén.

 How many people are there in Teacher Li's family?
How many people are there in Teacher Li's
Lǐ lǎoshī jiā yǒu jǐ kǒu rén?

李老师家有几口人 ?
 How old is your daughter?
How old is your daughter?
Nǐ nǚ'ér jǐ suì le?

Ask and answer
 Her daughter is three years old this
Her daughter is three years old this

Tā nǚ'ér jīnnián sān suì.

 Teacher Li is forty years old this year.
Teacher Li is forty years old this year.
Subject+number+ 岁

Lǐ lǎoshī jīnnián sìshí suì.

 Teacher Li is forty-nine years old this year.
Teacher Li is forty-nine years old this

Lǐ lǎoshī jīnnián sìshíjiǔ suìle.

Teacher Li was 48 years old last year, and this

Lǐ lǎoshī qùnián sìshíbā suì, jīnnián--

 My friend's daughter is four years old this
My friend's daughter is four years old this
Wǒ péngyǒu de nǚ'ér jīnnián sì suì le.

我 朋友的女儿今年 四
My friend’s daughter was three years old last year, and this year--

Wǒ péngyǒu de nǚ'ér qùnián sān suì, jīnnián--

 How old is your daughter?
How old is your daughter?
Nǐ nǚ'ér jǐ suìle?

课文 Text 2
在办公室 In the office

Nǐ nǔ’ér jǐ suì le
A :你 女儿 几岁了?
Tā jīnnián sì suì le
B : 她 今年 四岁 了。
语言点 Language Points

The way to ask elder person’s age. d

How old are you?

Nín jīnnián duōdà niánjì le?

您今年多大年纪了 ?
I n t r a di t i o n a l C h i ne s e c u l t u r e , a g e i s n ' t
c o n s i d er e d p r i v a c y . I t i s a t o pi c o f t e n b r o u g ht
u p i n so c i a l o c c a s io n s. N e v e r t h e l e ss , d i f fe r e n t
w a y s a re e m p l o y e d to as k a b o u t t h e a g e o f
d i f f e r en t p e o p l e . F or ki d s y o u n g e r t h a n 1 0 ,
p e o p l e a s k “ 你今 年几 岁了 ? ( H ow o l d a r e y o u? )
” ; f o r a yo u n g p e r s o n o r s o m e o n e o f o n e ' s
o w n a g e , o n e m a y a s k “ 你今 年多 大了 ? (H o w o l d
a r e y o u? ) ” ; f o r a n e ld e r p e r s o n , h o w e v e r ,
o n e s h ou l d u s e “ 您 今年 多大 年纪 了 ? ( W h a t ' s y o ur
a g e ? ) ”t o s h o w r e s p e c t .
运用 Application
1. 双人活动 Pair Work

supplementary words :
yéye nǎinai bàba māma
爷爷、 奶奶、爸爸、妈妈

ɡēɡe jiějie dìdi mèimei

哥哥、姐姐、 弟弟、 妹妹
 How old is your daughter this year?
How old is your daughter this year?
Nǐ nǚ'ér jīnnián duōdàle?

 How old is Teacher Li?
How old is Teacher Li?
Lǐ lǎoshī duōdàle?

课文 Text 3
在办公室 In the office

Lǐ lǎoshī duō dà le
A :李老师 多 大 了?
Tā jīnnián wǔshí suì le
B :她今年 50 岁 了。
Tā nǔ’ér ne
A :她 女儿 呢?
Tā nǔ’ér jīnnián èrshí suì le
B :她 女儿 今年 20 岁 了。

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