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Propositional Logic
A proposition is simply a statement. Propositional logic
studies the ways statements can interact with each other.
It is important to remember that propositional logic does
not really care about the content of the statements

The logic is a system based on propositions. One needs to

understand what propositions are and identify statements
as proposition or not to be able to justify arguments using
Definition of terms:
1. Logic is the systematic study of the form/s of
arguments. Logic is used to prove or disprove
2. An argument is a series of statements typically
used to persuade someone of something or to
present reasons for accepting a conclusion.
3. A statement is a meaningful declarative sentence.
4. A proposition is a statement that is either true or
false (not both). We say that the truth value of a
proposition is either true (T) or false (F).
A propositions needs to have a truth value. A sentence
without a truth value is not a proposition but a mere
statement. Note that a proposition should only have one
value. It should only be either true or false and not both. In
logic, statements can be in words or numerical format.
Examples 1. “Mammals are bigger than insects.” This is a
statement as it states a meaningful sentence. This is also a
proposition as it has a truth value which is true. No insects are
bigger than any mammal.
2. “500 < 300”. This is a statement. It is a numerical
statement. This is also a proposition as it has a truth value
which is false. This is read as “five hundred is less than three
hundred” which in mathematical perspective is false as five
hundred is not less than three hundred but is the opposite
which is greater.
3. “𝑦 > 5”. This is a statement as it is a mathematical
statement. This is not a proposition. Although it could have a
truth value, one cannot determine its truth value unless an
exact numerical value is given to 𝑦. Example, if 𝑦 = 1, the
statement is false. If 𝑦 = 10, then the statement is true.
4.”I will get a perfect score in the Logic exam.”
This is a declarative sentence. Although the truth value of the
statement can only be known after the results of the exam is given, we
know that the value can only be either true or false. If I got 100 percent
of the questions correct, then the value is true. Otherwise, the value is
false. For a declarative sentence to be a proposition, it is not necessary
that its truth value be immediately known.
5. “Please do not fall asleep.”
Although the example is a sentence, it is not a statement. This is an
imperative sentence and not declarative which means it cannot be a
statement. Moreover, since it is not a statement, it cannot be a
proposition nor can it have a truth value.
Task 1
DIRECTION: Consider the propositions and state whether it is true or
false: According to your everyday experience, decide whether each
statement is true or false: Encircle your answer
1. All dogs are poodles................................... TRUE or FALSE
2. Some books have hard covers........................ TRUE or FALSE
3. No Filipino presidents were residents of Luzon .......TRUE or FALSE
4. Some cats are mammals...................................TRUE or FALSE
5. Some cats aren't mammals ............................... TRUE or FALSE
6. The capital of Occidental Mindoro is San Jose… ......TRUE or FALSE
7. If the candle is burning then there’s oxygen in the
room.............................................................TRUE or FALSE
8. Man is Mortal ............................................... TRUE or FALSE
9. 12 + 9 = 3 – 2................................................TRUE or FALSE
10. 2 is a prime ...............................................TRUE or FALSE
A simple proposition is a statement which only states one
meaning. It cannot be broken down into other component
propositions. A compound proposition is a proposition formed
from simple propositions using logical operators or some
combination of logical operators.

Simple propositions are also called atomic propositions

because they are building block of propositional logic.
Remember that compound propositions are composed of two
or more simple propositions.
1. It is not the case that all birds can fly. (This is the
negation of the statement all birds can fly). 2. 1+1=2 and
"All birds can fly". (Here the connector "and" was used to
create a new statemen

2. If p="You eat your supper tonight" and q= "You get desert".
Then 1. Not p is "You don't eat your supper tonight". 2. p and
q is "You eat your supper tonight and you get desert". 3. p or
q is "You eat your supper tonight or you get desert". 4. If p
then q is "If you eat your supper tonight then you get

Though there are many connectives, we are going to

use the following five basic: NOT (), AND (), OR (),
(1) Not (negation) : ( ~ ) or (¬ )
Let p be a proposition. The negation of p is denoted by:
¬p, and read as “not p”.

Find the negation of the preposition “Today is Friday”.
Solution: “Today is not Friday”
The negation of p, denoted by¬p (also denoted by ¯), is the
“It is not the case that p.”

The proposition ¬p is read “not p.” The truth value of the negation of
p, ¬p, is the opposite of the truth value of p.
EXAMPLE1. Find the negation of the proposition “Michael’s PC runs
Linux” and express this in simple English.

SOLUTION: The negation is “It is not the case that Michael’s PC

runs Linux.”
This negation can be more simply expressed as “Michael’s PC does
not run Linux.”

The Conjunction Operator

(2) The binary conjunction operator “” (AND) Combines two
propositions to form their logical conjunction.

Remember: “” points up like an “A”, and it means

The Disjunction Operator
(3) Or (disjunction) : V
Let p and q be prepositions. The preposition of “p or q” -
denoted pVq, is FALSE when BOTH p and q are FALSE and TRUE
The binary disjunction operator “V” (OR) combines two
propositions to form their logical
p = “My car has a bad engine.”
q = “My car has a bad carburetor.”
pVq = “Either my car has a bad engine, or my car has a bad
The Implication Operator
(4) The implication operator “ ”
Let p and q be a preposition. The implication p q is the
preposition that is FALSE when p is true, q is false. Otherwise
is TRUE. p is the antecedent and q is the consequence.
The following list presents some of the variations. These are
all logically equivalent, that is as far as true or false of
statement is concerned there is no difference between them.
The implication p q states that p implies q.
I.e., If p is true, then q is true; but if p is not true, then q
could be either true or false.
E.g., let p = “You study hard.”
q = “You will get a good grade.”
p q = “If you study hard, then you will get a good grade.”
(else, it could go either way)
A useful way to understand the truth value of a conditional
statement is to think of an obligation or a contract. For
example, the pledge many politicians make when running for
office is “If I am elected, then I will lower taxes.”
The Bi-conditional operator
(5) The Bi-conditional operator “ ” is the preposition that is TRUE
when p and q have the same truth values, and FALSE otherwise.

1. We let p = “Obama wins the 2008 election.”

q = “Obama will be president for all of 2009.”
p q = “If, and only if, Obama wins the 2008 election, Obama will be
president for all of 2009.”
2. “Tom is happy if and only if he is healthy”
3. "x + 2 = 7 if and only if x = 5.“
Task 1

DIRECTION: Find the negation of the proposition and express this in

simple English
1. “Maria’s smartphone has at least 32GB of memory” 2.” Today is
3. “That was fun”
4. “San Jose is the capital of Occidental Mindoro” 5. “2+5=5”
Task 2

DIRECTION: Consider the propositions and state whether it is true or

false and explain your answer
1. Ice floats in water and 2 + 2 = 5
2. China is not in Europe and 2 + 2 = 4 3. 5 – 3 = 1 or 2 x 2 = 4
Task 3
DIRECTION: Consider the propositions and state whether it is true or
false and explain your answer
1. Ice floats in water and 2 + 2 = 5
2. China is not in Europe and 2 + 2 = 4 3. 5 – 3 = 1 or 2 x 2 = 4
Task 4

DIRECTION: Translate the following into logical notation, using p and q

and logical
p = It is below freezing
q = It is snowing
1 It is below freezing and snowing
2 It is below freezing but not snowing
3 It is not below freezing and it is not snowing ANSWER:
Task 5
DIRECTION: Encircle whether the implication statement is true or false,
explain your answer?

1. “If this lecture ends, then the sun will rise tomorrow.” True or False?
2. “If Tuesday is a day of the week, then I am a penguin.” True or False?
3. “If 1+1=6, then Duterte is president.” True or False?
4. “If the moon is made of green cheese, then I am richer than Bill
Gates.” True or False?
5. “If (1=0) then pigs can fly” True or False?
Name: Date:
Course, Year and Section: Score:

A truth table is a device that allows us to analyze and compare

compound logic statements. In logic, given a proposition, a truth table
shows all the possible truth values of a proposition.
Example: (for a simple proposition), the truth table is

A truth table is useful if we need to show the possible truth values of

compound propositions.
1. The number of rows in the truth table depends upon the number of
basic variables in the compound statement. To determine the number of
rows required, count the number of basic variables in the statement, but
don't re-count multiple occurrences of a variable.
1 variable---2 rows
2 variables--4 rows
3 variables--8 rows
4 variables--16 rows and so forth

2. The number of columns in a truth table depends upon the number of

logical connectives in the statement. The following guidelines are usually
A. There will be one column for each basic variable; and
B. To determine the number of other columns, count the number of logical
3. The beginning columns are filled in so as to take into account every
possible combination of the basic variables being true or false. Each row
represents one of the possible combinations.
4. In order to fill in any other column in the truth table, you must refer to
a previous column or columns.
As an introduction, we will make truth tables for these two statements
1. p ^ q Solutions:
2. p v q
1.The unary Negation truth table “¬” (NOT) transforms a proposition into
its logical negation.

2. The Conjunction Truth Table “^” (AND) is TRUE when BOTH p

and q are true and otherwise is FALSE
3. The Disjunction truth table “V” (OR) Note that pq means that p is true,
or q is true,
or both are true!

4. The Implication truth table “” p q is false only when p is true but q is

not true. p q does not say that p causes q! p q does not require that p
or q are ever true!
The Bi-conditional truth table “ ” p  q means that p and q have the
same truth value

Task 6:DIRECTION: Construct a truth table for the propositional form

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