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● Kayla Talitha Girika
● M. Bintang F .R.
● Rexxi Rivaldin Saputra
● Riani Putri Hanita
● Saskia Mecca Dwi Yanti
● Sirwan Hadi Wijaya
● Zahra Salsabila.
What’s on this Chapter ?

Advice Problem
Suggestion Solution
offer Gerund
Persuasion Invinitive to invinitive

Advice is a form that connects personal or institutional opinions, belief systems, values, recommendations, or
guidelines about certain situations that are conveyed in certain contexts to other people, groups, or parties. Advice is
often offered as a guide to action and/or behavior.

Examples of formal expressions using advice:

1. I advise you to stop wasting paper
2. I advise you to stop littering

Suggestions for use when:

Advice is used in the sense of 'advice'. While Suggestion is used in the sense of 'giving ideas/input spontaneously. If
interpreted in English, it has the same meaning, namely advice or advice.
A suggestion is an idea someone proposes. You
can accept or reject a suggestion. It's about what
someone should do or how someone should

This suggestion sentence can be used if other

people ask about something, asking for opinions,
or asking for advice.

Example: what if we go to the town square

To offer some help:
Offer used to ask someone if they would like to have
something or if they would like you to do something. offer -Can I help you?
in English can be used as a verb and noun.
To respond (accept an offer)
Examples of usage as a verb:
-Yes, please
1.He offers me help.
-Thank you!
2. I offer him a drink.
To respond (reject the offer)
Examples of usage as a noun:
-No, thank you
1.You should not accept a stranger’s offer.
-Not for me, thank you
2. She accepted the man's offer.

Persuasion is the action or fact of persuading someone or of being

persuaded to do or believe something.

Example : my mom persuaded my brother to apply to both candidates.

Problem (problem) is defined as a statement about a situation that has not been in accordance with what is expected. It can also
be interpreted as a word used to describe a situation originating from a relationship between two or more factors that results in
a confusing situation.

Example : You can't close your eyes to sleep, It's hard for you to pay your college fees. you lost your purse, etc.
Solution is a problem solving as an attempt to find
explanations and answer of any problems

Example : You’re so tired after a long trip from your

grandmother's house, but when you get home, your
friend invites you and your sister to play.

Solution : let's stay home instead to take a rest

Gerund is a verb or verb that is changed into a noun or noun. 2. As a complementary word
The way to use the gerund that must be considered is the
addition of the -ing suffix at the end of the word that will be • His job is working on the field
used as a noun. • Loving each other is the main idea of ​the novel
Types of Gerunds and Example Sentences 3. Following prepositions
•Dancing is my hobby. • He is good at speaking English.
•Reading is my favorite thing to do • She leaves the shop without buying any goods.
use of gerunds • I'm interested in browsing Google Earth.
1. As a subject or object 4. Following the prepositional object
• Swimming is my hobby.
• Shopping can be tiring too.
Note: The subject/object of the gerund is an activity, swimming.
To Infinitive is the basic form of the verb, the format of the infinitive To infinitive to express purpose has the same meaning as so,
is to + basic verb (V1), so in tenses the verb usually changes form, in
the infinitive the verb does not change at all from the basic form. Used to express a necessity

The to infinitive as the subject of the sentence is quite easy to use. Example of sentences :
The pattern of the to infinitive as the subject: -Students doing schoolwork
To+infinitive+singular to-be verb (is/was)+object/adjective Used to express hope
Example of sentences : Example of sentences :
-To understand Mathematics is difficult. -The committee is supposed to meet tomorrow.
To infinitive gives opinion is when we give opinion together with Explain nouns.
Example of sentences :
Subject+to-be verb+noun+to+infinitive
-I need a glass of milk to drink.
Example of sentences :

-It's a difficult task to complete.

Difficult does
not mean
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Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and infographics &
images by Freepik.

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