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Structure of the atom - protons, neutrons, electrons

What is radioactivity?
Describe the process of radioactive decay
What are the three types of radiation? How are they different?
State examples of radioactive substances
Definition - random and spontaneous decay process
of an unstable nucleus by emitting radiation in the
form of alpha, beta or gamma radiation.

The result is radiation + a more stable nucleus.

Elements with unstable nucleus are radioactive
elements (isotopes)
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Alpha particles consist of proton and


Irons form when it loses proton or


Neutron changes to proton when it is

going through beta decay
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Alpha particles is a lot heavier

2proton 2neutron

Helium has two proton

If nuclues too many neutron will

converted into proton
Alpha decay
Beta decay
Gamma decay
Half-life, t1/2
The time taken for the number of radioactive nuclei to be reduced to half of its
original number.
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Units of radioactivity
1 becquerel, Bq = 1 decay/s
1 Curie, Ci = 3.7 X 1010 decays/ s
Radioactive decay of carbon-14
Chain reaction

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