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An Interactive Tutorial for SPSS 10.

0 for Windows

Factorial Analysis of Variance


Julia Hartman
Next Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman 1

Factorial ANOVA:

In this tutorial, Factorial Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) will be used to determine whether gender and residency location interact to affect scores on the US Medical Licensing Exam (Part 2) scores.

Next Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman 2

Factorial ANOVA:

Independent variables (fixed factors) gender: Gender of student (1 = female, 2 = male) resloc: Residency location (1 = in-state, 2 = out of state) Dependent variable usmle2: USMLE Step 2 (continuous)
Next Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman 3

Factorial ANOVA:

Starting the Procedure

In the menu, click Analyze

Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman

Factorial ANOVA:

Starting the Procedure

In the menu, click on Analyze Point to General Linear Model

Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman

Factorial ANOVA:

Starting the Procedure

In the menu, click on Analyze Point to General Linear Model Point to Univariate

Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman

Factorial ANOVA:

Starting the Procedure

In the menu, click on Analyze Point to General Linear Model Point to Univariate

and click.
Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman 7

Factorial ANOVA:

Selecting Variables
Choose the variables for analysis from the list in the variable box. For this tutorial, begin by pointing to the variable labeled

Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman

Factorial ANOVA:

Selecting Variables
Choose the variables for analysis from the list in the variable box. For this tutorial, begin by pointing to the variable labeled

and click.
Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman 9

Factorial ANOVA:

Selecting Variables
Move gender, a categorical variable, to the box labeled Fixed Factor(s) by clicking the arrow.

Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman


Factorial ANOVA:

Selecting Variables
Scroll down the list, point to the variable resloc, which is labeled RESIDENCY LOCATION,

Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman


Factorial ANOVA:

Selecting Variables
Scroll down the list, point to the variable resloc, which is labeled RESIDENCY LOCATION,

and click.

Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman


Factorial ANOVA:

Selecting Variables
Move resloc, another categorical variable, to the box labeled Fixed Factor(s) by clicking the arrow.

Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman


Factorial ANOVA:

Selecting Variables
Scroll further down the list and point to the variable usmle2, which is labeled USMLE STEP 2,

Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman


Factorial ANOVA:

Selecting Variables
Scroll further down the list and point to the variable usmle2, which is labeled

and click.

Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman

Factorial ANOVA:

Selecting Variables
Move usmle2, a continuous variable, to the box labeled Dependent Variable by clicking the arrow.

Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman


Factorial ANOVA:

Tutorial Options
The Univariate GLM procedure offers a number of options. Click this button for a list of the options included in this tutorial.
Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman 17

Factorial ANOVA:

List of Tutorial Options

Click the box for the desired option.
Profile plots of estimated marginal means Post hoc tests for pairwise multiple comparisons Optional descriptive and diagnostic statistics Continue with the analysis
Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman 18

Factorial ANOVA:

List of Tutorial Options

Click the box for the desired option.
Profile plots of estimated marginal means Post hoc tests for pairwise multiple comparisons Optional descriptive and diagnostic statistics Continue with the analysis
Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman 19

Factorial ANOVA:

List of Tutorial Options

Click the box for the desired option.
Profile plots of estimated marginal means Post hoc tests for pairwise multiple comparisons Optional descriptive and diagnostic statistics Continue with the analysis
Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman 20

Factorial ANOVA:

List of Tutorial Options

Click the box for the desired option.
Profile plots of estimated marginal means Post hoc tests for pairwise multiple comparisons Optional descriptive and diagnostic statistics Continue with the analysis
Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman 21

Factorial ANOVA:

Profile Plots
Request profile plots of estimated marginal means by clicking the button labeled

Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman


Factorial ANOVA:

Profile Plots
This tutorial requests both available profile plots, gender*resloc and resloc*gender. Click gender in the Factors box.

Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman


Factorial ANOVA:

Profile Plots

Move gender to the Horizontal Axis box by clicking the arrow.

Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman


Factorial ANOVA:

Profile Plots

Now click resloc in the Factors box

Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman


Factorial ANOVA:

Profile Plots

and move it to the Separate Lines box by clicking the arrow.

Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman


Factorial ANOVA:

Profile Plots

Click the Add button to request the plot.

Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman


Factorial ANOVA:

Profile Plots
To request the plot of resloc*gender, click resloc in the Factors box.

Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman


Factorial ANOVA:

Profile Plots

Move resloc to the Horizontal Axis box by clicking the arrow.

Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman


Factorial ANOVA:

Profile Plots

Now click gender in the Factors box

Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman


Factorial ANOVA:

Profile Plots

and move it to the Separate Lines box by clicking the arrow.

Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman


Factorial ANOVA:

Profile Plots

Click the Add button to request the plot.

Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman


Factorial ANOVA:

Profile Plots

Click the Continue button.

Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman


Factorial ANOVA:

Post Hoc Multiple Comparisons

To request post hoc tests for pairwise multiple comparisons, click the Post Hoc button.
(The factors in this analysis-gender and resloc--each have only two categories, so post hoc option is explained only for tutorial purposes.)
Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman 34

Factorial ANOVA:

Post Hoc Multiple Comparisons

This example requests tests for gender only. Click gender in the Factor(s) box.

Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman


Factorial ANOVA:

Post Hoc Multiple Comparisons

Move gender to the

Post Hoc Tests for:

box by clicking the arrow.

Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman


Factorial ANOVA:

Post Hoc Multiple Comparisons

Request multiple comparison test(s) by clicking in the corresponding checkbox. For this tutorial, click Bonferroni.

Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman

Factorial ANOVA:

Post Hoc Multiple Comparisons

In SPSS, you can request as many multiple comparison tests as you want. To continue the tutorial, click the Continue button.

Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman

Factorial ANOVA:

Optional Descriptive and Diagnostic Statistics

To display estimated marginal means, parameter estimates, and descriptive and diagnostic statistics, and or to change the alpha level, click the Options button.
Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman 39

Factorial ANOVA:

Options: Estimated Marginal Means

You can request an overall (grand) marginal mean, as well as marginal means for the factors and the interaction(s). To select all of these at once, first click [OVERALL] .
Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman 40

Factorial ANOVA:

Options: Estimated Marginal Means

Hold the Shift key (on the keyboard) and click gender*resloc to select the entire list.

Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman


Factorial ANOVA:

Options: Estimated Marginal Means

Click the arrow to move the factors and factor interaction terms to the Display Means for: box.

Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman


Factorial ANOVA:

Options: Estimated Marginal Means

In SPSS, you can display information by rightclicking, but rightclicking doesnt work in this tutorial. To see what right-clicking would show, left-click Compare main effects.
Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman 43

Factorial ANOVA:

Options: Estimated Marginal Means

Click the checkbox for Compare main effects.

Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman


Factorial ANOVA:

Options: Estimated Marginal Means

You can change the method used for confidence interval adjustments by selecting from the drop-down list. Click the drop-down arrow for Confidence interval adjustment.
Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman 45

Factorial ANOVA:

Options: Estimated Marginal Means

This tutorial will use the default method, so click elsewhere on the window to close the drop-down menu.

Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman


Factorial ANOVA:

Selecting Options
Request other options by clicking the appropriate checkbox. In the Display area, click the checkbox for Descriptive statistics
Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman 47

Factorial ANOVA:

Selecting Options
and the one for
Homogeneity tests.

Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman


Factorial ANOVA:

Selecting Options
This tutorial uses no more options, so click the Continue button.

Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman


Factorial ANOVA:

Run the analysis

Click the OK button to run the Factorial ANOVA.

Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman


Factorial ANOVA Output:

Warnings and General Information

The labels and format of your output may be somewhat different.

Next Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman 51

Factorial ANOVA Output: :

Descriptive Statistics

Previous Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman

Next 52

Factorial ANOVA Output:

Test of Equality of Error Variances

Previous Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman

Next 53

Factorial ANOVA Output:

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Previous Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman

Next 54

Factorial ANOVA Output:

Estimated Marginal Means: Grand Mean

Previous Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman

Next 55

Factorial ANOVA:

Gender: Estimated Marginal Means

Previous Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman

Next 56

Factorial ANOVA:

Gender: Pairwise Comparisons

Previous Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman

Next 57

Factorial ANOVA:

Gender: Univariate Tests

Previous Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman

Next 58

Factorial ANOVA:

Resloc: Estimated Marginal Means

Previous Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman

Next 59

Factorial ANOVA:

Resloc: Pairwise Comparisons

Previous Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman

Next 60

Factorial ANOVA:

Resloc: Univariate Tests

Previous Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman

Next 61

Factorial ANOVA:

Interaction: Means, Std Errors, C.I.

Previous Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman

Next 62

Factorial ANOVA:

Profile Plot: Gender*Resloc

Previous Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman

Next 63

Factorial ANOVA:

Profile Plot: Resloc*Gender

Previous Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman

Next 64

An Interactive Tutorial for SPSS 10.0 for Windows: Factorial ANOVA

Click one of the following:

Repeat this tutorial Return to the list of options in this tutorial Return to the list of tutorials

Copyright 2000, Julia Hartman


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