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6th of February 2014


Timisoara Office Highlights
6 Language skills: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Dutch.
56% of FS-SO EU revenue serviced from Romania
19 teams, 13 cost centers
Working with all EU offices and all EU Sales teams: UK, France, Germany, Italy/Spain,
Global support teams covering all regions and markets
New teams extending in Timisoara in the last 2 years: R&D, Sales, PST, OSS
Very young team without market research expertise and with mostly on job training

Headcount trend 225

98 125
5 12 18 45
24 47
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 40522 40888 41254 41609
CS Achievements
Key Metrics 2012 FY 2013 FY
Revenue Invoiced £14,360,550 £15,578,773
% of the EU business 49.7% 56%
Revenue Invoiced FS £3,428,644 £3,891,542
% of the EU busines FS 26% 29.06%
Revenue Invoiced SO £10,931,906 £11,687,231
% of the EU busines SO 70% 80.69%
EU CSAT OA T2 83.37% 84.72%
EU CSAT AC PM 79.45% 79.87%
EU CSAT AC Sampling 74.69% 75.74%

Gaining trust of the clients and managing the delivery for top accounts cross EU on both FS
and SO: BVA, Harris Interactive, Brainjuicer, Qubiq, GFK NOP Custom (UK), GFK Eurisko,
Northstar, People, etc.
In French market In 2013 we regained confidence of the BVA by putting in place a dedicated
team of SMEs located in Timisoara and qualitative services
Having the core delivery in Southern Europe, managing 70% of the total business.
Restructure the team and aligned with the sales teams cross offices
Building a certificated team in Healthcare
Continuous development in managing new products like Real Eyes
Young team without experience in Market Research
Lack of knowledge and expertise in managing high complexity FS projects
Difficulty in recruiting experienced people with knowledge of Market Research
Challenges in recruiting PM with bilingual skills French speakers, Spanish speakers,
German speakers, Dutch speakers.
High attrition rate and challenge of maintaining the seniority within the team
Salary package bellow the market level
There is no plan of sharing experience between offices
Limited budget for client visit

SP Achievements
Consolidate the team structure to better reflect the market requirements
(market structure, team growth – from 16 SPs in Jan 2012 to 36 in Jan
Moving testing team into SP
Process & Organization
Implemented training and mentoring program
Strengthen the process by creating guidelines, establishing clear rules and
maintaining compliance.  (KOC, QA tool, standard deliverables)
Implementation of SME in order to strengthen the client focus and
maintain expertise
Global SP initiative – benchmark and alignment
Gained Confirmit expertise to a proficient level
Implemented metric for monitoring quality and utilization.
Improved vendor relationship and implementation of internal CSAT
SP Challenges

Low level of experience (48% of the team having under 1 year)

Attrition and seniority/experience recovery
Facing difficulties in recruiting specific language skills
Lack of market research knowledge and expertise in handling end clients
Low capacity for providing advanced technical support
Project change management not consistent – no limitation/extra charge for
changes at SP level
Sales collaboration

DP Achievements
from 14 in 2011 to 28 in 2013
from 2 teams in 2011 to 3 teams in 2013
Increased expertise:
Internal trainings - New hire, Level UP, Analysis (Conjoint, Regression,
External trainings – Wincross
Mentoring – able to assimilate more new joiners at the same time
Process improvement: Checklists, KOC, Qire update, QA tool
Client Focus: Market meetings, SME, customized automations
Efficiency increase: 10-15% efficiency increase from tools development
Improved Quality: +3% DP CSAT, Data quality, improved Vendor performance
Improved outsourcing costs – spent 76% of Outsourcing budget in 2013

DP Challenges
End Clients knowledge – we need more MR expertise
Low profitability projects – multi SDP & FDP, multiple setups
Seniority loss – replaced with Juniors (more reactive than pro-active)
Pricing - Initial pricing; Charging for additional requests
FW delays – additional DP tasks to compensate delays; increasing
Big projects/Tracker management
Late push for meeting revenue targets – impacting the CSAT
Support for Tech products – difficult to accommodate when short notice
Tools & Infrastructure - ConfirmIT data export for big projects; File servers
organization, capacity
Business performance communication – we know the problems after closing
the Quarter
Sales strategy – especially for FR
Translations & Coding - Achievements

Moved the SP/DP outsourcing process in the corresponding departments

Transferred QA tasks to SP Testing Team to increase the internal capacity for
translations and coding
Rebranding the team into a Global Translations and Coding team, servicing all 3
Renegotiated old contracts with translations & coding suppliers and started new
Cost saving from internalizing : 70 K GBP in 2012 vs 200 K GBP in 2013

Translations & Coding - Challenges

Need of headcount increase to better service NA & APAC
Difficulty in finding resources with very good language skills
Salaries below the market level for translators
Need of a unified PO system to better control outsourcing costs

Panel Specialists Europe

2 teams members – 3 since July 2013

Experienced team
Role : Support Client Services in Supply related topics : (increase capacity,
fieldwork troubleshooting, OSS approval reviews, UPS new releases support
& training)

Roles & Responsibilities clarity between CS TLs & PST
Painful OSS process
Challenging collaboration with R&D
Switching from a Panel protection approach from a COGS reduction

Community Management-Achievements

Increased capacity in Ro from 9 CMs in 2011

to currently 15 CMs. Helpdesk trend of
Improved members’ satisfaction - 180000
decreased no. of complaints by 32.6% in
2012 and 13.9% in 2013. Total decrease 42 160000

% in 2 years. 140000

Transfer of Incentive and Product Test 120000

tasks to Ro was a success 100000

Better control of fraud check process – 80000

transfer to Ro 60000

Helpdesk Support for PP clients

1 2 3

Community Management - Challenges

Working with CS to reinforce best practices on Incentives, clients

communication, ids, response timings, etc.
Late screen out frustration for members - it will be addressed this year.
Voucher delays – still among top complaints in EU.
UPS enhancements to reduce processes timings and increase productivity.

Global Business Operations
develop and maintain internal software that is used globally in the company,
that helps specific teams in their day to day work and helps management
have a better overview of certain aspects
we maintain the Bridgecode template from Confirmit and improve it
according to user requests and from our initiative (leastcount script, QA
most of our current standard Flash offering is translated to HTML5. And we
continue our work on this, creating new tools and helping Operations
transition from Flash to HTML5
we are working on custom client requests, that usually involve higher
technical knowledge like new, custom, interactive question types, survey
layouts, software interfaces, support for the sales, marketing, pm and sp
team on technical questions, demos etc.
we are working on innovative solutions and explore the technologies that we
might adapt to our surveys (interactive 3D for ex.).

Global Business Operations
lack of resources, or resources being in a transition period
end user testing of our tools takes too long and is still insufficient
process changes and differences between offices are impacting our timings
not well defined requirements
requests that we should handle don't arrive to our team in time
outdated equipment and software required for development (in some cases)
the lack of possibility to make the environment more creative
the lack of access to tech conferences

Human Resources

Working with local universities on a regular basis
Negotiating corporate discounts for important local recruitment channels
(Bestjobs, Ejobs, local job fairs)
Solid relationship with local labor authorities
Hiring a number of 82 new employees, replacements covered in timely
Delivering training on vision of the company to all employees
Supporting and communicating changes in the bonus policy

Human Resources

Local contract negotiations with employee representatives
Managing high personnel turnover (82 new entries and 56 exists)
Retention (29 % attrition rate YTD in Timisoara office)
Sourcing high level candidates for German, Italian especially
Covering salary gaps respect to the market, about 20% higher than
what we pay
Insuring consistency in communication in regard to processes and
hire freeze.

Customer Support (TECH)

Achievements Challenges
Create an experienced team Keep team focused
Do more with less 4 people for everything
Standardize workflow Accept imposed processes
Help everybody Almost no backup
Become autonomous Isolation from Tech
Customer trust Keep clients happy
Free services No budget to manage


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