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Science and Technology

Harappan Age
• The Harappans used cubical stone weighs. The
basic unit was 16
Large weighs were multiple of 16 like 32, 48, 64
• English Bond, Burnt Brick, Use of Gypsum
• Impressive drainage systems.
• Water management for bathing and drinking
• Usage of Bronze
• Lost Wax Technique for sculptures
Extensive use of Iron, Stainless Steel
Post Vedic Transplantation of Paddy. Sulva Sutra by Baudhyan
Takshila and Varanasi emerged as centers of
medicine and learning.

Mauryan Mauryan Polish; Metallurgy of making alloys

was also developed

Post-Mauryan Charak

Guptan Sushrut, Aryabaht and Varahmihir

Post-Guptan Vagbhat, Dhanwantri, Brahmagupta and Bhaskar

Medieval Age
• Charkha (Spinning wheel) 14th Century-Represent a
new technique in textile craft.
• Pitloom-15th century associated with the textile
• Saqiya (15th century) - Also known as the Persian
wheel and this is a water lifting device. Babur first
mentioned Saqiya in his book BaburNama, so it came
to be known thatit came to use in the end of 15th
century or early 16th century under Mughals.
• Tin coating-It appeared during the 14th century.
• Paper - Introduced in the 13th century, which
gradually replaced leaves for writing purposes.
• Tas Gharial (water clock) -Precursor of today's clock,
introduced in the 14th century.
• Iron Stirrup-Introduced in 13th century.
• Iron Horse shoe (13th century)
• True Arch & Dome (13th century)-Related to
Architectural sector
Medieval Age
• Glasses and Specs
• Ship Building: Ganj-i-Sawai (Surat and Krishna-
Godvari Delta)
• Fire Arms
• Tele-scopes
• Saltpetre refrigeration- Refrigeration system using
saltpeter. This was used for keeping water cold
• Firing in Unison
• Canon and Muskets (low grade)
• Jain gurus knew how to solve quadratic equations. They
have also described fractions, algebraic equations, series, set
theory, logarithms and exponents in a very interesting
manner. Jain Guru Mahaviracharya wrote Ganit Sara
Sangraha in 850 A.D., which is the first textbook on
arithmetic in present day form.

• Buddhist Monks were inclined towards Medicines and

diseases. They played a dynamic role in the development of
• Atharveda is considered to be origin of Ayurveda
• Active role of Buddhist Monks
• Taxila and Benaras

Charak (2nd Cent. CE)

• Seminal work is Charaksamhita
• All aspects of medicines
• Fever, Leprocy, Hysteria, TB
• Plants and herbs that can cure
• Floura and Chemistry

Shushrut (4th Cent . CE)

• Ancient Indian Surgery
• Cataract, Stone Disease
• 121 implements to be used for Surgery
• Contact with Hellenic Physicians
Mathematics and Astrology
Aryabhatt (2nd Cent. CE)
• Heliocentric Theory (before Copernicus) and position of
• Trigonometry (temples and plots)
• Use of zero and decimal system
• Explanation of Eclipses (Not Rahu and Ketu)
• Father of algebra
• Length of Solar year
• Calculation of Area of Triangle
• Trigonometry, we found the signs of sine & cosine in his
Varahmihara (6th Cent. CE)
• Moon rotates around the earth
• Panchsiddhantika (Summary of 5 Astronomical schools)
Romakasiddhanta and Paulishasiddhanta
• Brihatsamhita: Classification of plants and animals
• Brihat-Jataka: Predictive Astrology
• Properties of Precious metals & stones
• Brahmasphutasiddhanta & Khand Khadyak
• His main contributions includes Principles of Geometry;
Principles of Arithmetic; Principles of Algebra
• Lilavati, 12th century: Bhaskar II
• Bijganita, 12th century: Bhaskar II
• Ganitsar, 9th Century: Sridhar
• Ganitsarsamgraha, 9 th century: Mahavir
• Khulasat-ul-Hisab, 16th-17th: Bahauddin Amuli

• Jai Singh made five observatories (Delhi, Jaipur, Ujjain,

Varanasi and Mathura)
• Ziz-i-Jadid-i-Muhammad Shahi- On the basis of the
astronomical observatories, this text was compiled by
Sawai Jai Singh.
Vedic Literature

Shruti Smriti

Brahama Upanish

Vedangs, Sutras
Samhita n

Upasans Kand Jyan Kand

Karam Kand
Vedic Samhitas
These are collections of sacred hymns in and are mostly
addressed in prayer to various gods and goddesses. There are,
however, four Samhitas, which are notably different from one
another, and each of which has several recensions. The Vedas
and the rituals, enjoined in them, are the correlates of the
cosmic system.
These are:
1. The Rigveda Samhita - A collection of hymns.
2. The Yajurveda Samhita - A collection of sacrificial formulas.
3. The Samveda Samhita - A collection of songs mostly taken
from the Rigveda.
4. The Atharvaveda Samhita - A collection of spells and

The Veda as a whole, has been traditionally recognized as

nonhuman composition, the eternal store-house of highest
knowledge, and as endowed with supernatural efficacy.
The Brahmanas are prose works, containing
detailed descriptions of the sacrificial rites and
the modes of their performance.
• Subject matter is ritual
• Science of sacrifice

Samhita Brahmans
Rig Veda Aitriya, Kausitki

Sam Veda Tandyamaha, Jaiminya

Yajur Veda Taittriya, Satapatha

Athar Veda Gopatha

• Deals with mysticism and symbolism of sacrifices.
• Rituals are given philosophical meanings
• These philosophical meanings become more important
than ritual per se.
• Idea of inner and mental offerings: meditation
• Deals with mysticism and symbolism of sacrifices.
• Rituals are given philosophical meanings
• These philosophical meanings become more important
than ritual per se.
• Idea of inner and mental offerings: meditation
• Deals with mysticism and symbolism of sacrifices.
• Rituals are given philosophical meanings
• These philosophical meanings become more important
than ritual per se.
• Idea of inner and mental offerings: meditation

•Rig Veda: Aitriya, Kausitki

•Sam Veda: Chandogaya, Kena
•Yajur Veda: Taittriya, Katha, Brahidranakya, Isa
•Athar Veda: Mundaka, Prashana, Mandukya
Shruti and Sutras
Smriti literature consist of Vedangas, Upavedas, etc. which for supplementary
sections of Vedic literature.
• Vedangas literally mean the limbs of the Vedas. They are six in number.
• Just like the limbs of the body, they perform various supportive and
augmenting functions in the study, preservation and protection of the Vedas
and the vedic traditions.
• Shiksha = phonetics, Vyakarana = grammar, Chandas = metre, Nirukta =
etymology, Kalpa = ritual, Jyotishya = astronomy.
• Gandharva Veda = music, Shilpa Veda = sculpture, Ayur Veda = medicine,
Dhanur Veda= archery
• Sutras (that guide people in various fields)
• Grihya Sutras deal with domestic rituals
• Shrauta Sutras deal with public rituals
• Sulva Sutras deal with science of altars
• Dharma Sutras deal with customary law and practices.
Court Poets
• Ashwaghosha was in the court of Kaniska. He wrote
Buddhacharita and Saundrananda.
• Kalidasa in the court of Chandragupta II and Kumargupta.
Kumarsambhava, Raghuvamsa, Meghdoot,
Abhygyanshakuntlam, Malvikagnimitram, Vikramorvashiyam
• Kiratarjunya by Bharvi
• Bhattikavya or Ravanvadha by Bhatti.
• Kumardasa composed Janakiharan
• Magha wrote Sishupalvadha
• Naisadcharita by Sri Harsha
• Kadambari and Harshcharita by Bana
• Most outstanding early Sanskrit Dramatist was Bhasa he
wrote Sawapanvasavadatta.
• Mracchakatika by Shudraka (3rd Century AD)
• Ratnavali, Priyadarshika and Nagananda by Harsha
• Bhavabhuti (8th Cent.) wrote Mahavircharita,
Malatimadhava, Uttarramcharita

• Ghatkarpara Kavya by Ghatkarpara
• Chaurpanncasika by Bhilana
• Gita Givinda by Jaidev (King Lakshamnsen)
• Rajatrangini by Kalhana
• Gaudvyho by Vakapati
• Sandhyakarnandin wrote Rampalcharita

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