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What do you do well? What needs improvement?
What unique resources can you leverage? What do competitors do better?
What do 3rd parties see as your strength? What resources do you lack?

What market opportunities are present? What is your competitors currently
How can you leverage your strengths? Do your weaknesses expose your business?
What trends can you take advantage of What threats can hurt your business?
What do you do well?
- Well, our aim with our project is that to put up catchy and proper signages on not to put your
belongings onto empty seats or chairs in public and private places.

What unique resources can you leverage?

- By making our signages catchy and different from the normal ones. We would like to get the
attention of all people so that they will really follow what they will be seeing in our signages.

What do 3rd parties see as your strength?

- Its our cooperation, communication with one another, and especially the uniqueness of our project
that we will be doing.
What needs improvement?
- Reading comprehension is one of the factors why other people tend to violate the ordinances of a
certain place. Some are not fortunate enough to learn on how to read and write that is why they cannot
read. Some tend to ignore signage in public. To improve our signage we need to keep it readable and
visible with appropriate signs for those who cannot read.

What do competitors do better?

- With the use of technology which requires lots of money, they can create or build digital signage.
Digital signs can rotate through multiple messages or advertisements to catch the attention of numerous
target audiences while our traditional signage it can only catch the attention of a certain place where it is
just placed or attached.
What resources do you lack?
- Money: which printing or painting signage requires lots of money
What market opportunities are present?
-It might increase our own brand awareness when our signages reaches the right audience.

How can you leverage your strengths?

- Make the most of your natural and acquired talents as a team.

What trends can you take advantage of?

- The use of technology in creating our catchy and proper signages. We all know that our technology
has already evolved that much, in which it will really help us a lot to the things that we want to do.
What is your competitors currently doing?
- Our competitors may be taking the lead in regards to the content marketing to reach and attract
more audience since they usually using the digital signage unlike us who are usually suing 2D and 3D
Do your weaknesses expose your business?
- Yes for the reason that there are some people who cannot comprehend what we are trying to convey
in our signages and there are some people who are hard headed although they can read and understand
and they don’t care at all.
What threats can hurt your business?
- Competitors
- Weather and Environmental Factors
- One of the factors that can affect our business or product is the audience itself for the reason that
nothing will be successful in a business if there is no consumer or demand for our product.

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