Pass Generator

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Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering,

Navi Mumbai,

Mini Project Presentation

S.E. (Computer) Sem - III

Group members name & Roll No

Prasad kadam – 17
Jay Ghodvinde -14
Presentation Outline
 Introduction
 Literature review
 Motivation
 Scope
 References
 Existing system
 Proposed system
 Class Diagram
 Acknowledegement

 Passwords remain a very widely used method for user

authentication, despite widely shared concerns about the
level of security they provide.
 We focus here on an important practical matter, namely
how to make password more secure and more convenient.
 However, the shortcomings of password managers have
also been widely documented.
 Generate temporary password is now a requirement on
almost every website nowadays.
 Password Generator enables the user to generate the
password of their choice like the number of words, small
case alphabets, digits, etc.
Literature Review

 The idea behind password originators is noble. We are in

a modern technological era where almost everyone has
various high-tech gadgets.
 The sophisticated device are connected with banks and
help in completing financial transactions.
 The most prevalent way hackers can break through
computers is by guessing your password.
 By creating simple and common password it increases
opportunity for hackers to access to your devices.
 Thanks to the online password generators, people are
now safe from regular online attacks.

 Passwords have been used to help keep computer data safe

for decades.
 As technology has become a larger part of everyday life,
computer users have been forced to develop more creative
passwords to protect their email accounts, bank accounts,
software and other essential functions.
 Quantity and requirements for passwords have been
 Because of all this, remembering passwords has become a
difficult task.
Existing System

 Password security has been a hot topic since the internet’s

inception. Once upon a time, securing your accounts was as
simple as not setting your password as “password.”
 Surveys have found that at least 60 percent of company-
related passwords fail to meet minimum security
 81 percent of breaches occur due to poor password security.
 This is especially problematic due to a stark increase in cloud
 Even if you have other security measures in place, a good
password provides a simple way to protect against the vast
majority of cyberthreats.

 Sonia Chiasson, Paul C. van Oorschot, and Robert Biddle. A

usabilitystudy and critique of two password managers. In
Proceedings of the15th USENIX Security Symposium,
Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 31– August 4, 2006. USENIX
Association, 2006.
 Graham Cluley. Lastpass vulnerability poten-tially exposed
passwords for internet explorer
vulnerability/,August 2013.
 FIDO Alliance. FIDO UAF Protocol Specification v1.0: FIDO
AllianceProposed Standard 08, December 2014.
 D. Hardt (editor). The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework.
InternetEngineering Task Force (IETF), October 2012.
Proposed System
• Password generator proides the following .
• 1) protects your personal and email accounts , social
network accounts.
• 2) Saves your trouble to think about a strong password
about yourself.
• 3) Provides variety
• 4) Easy way to create a password
• 5) Top secret
Class Diagram

• We would like to express our special thanks of gratitude to

our Prof. Sweta barve who gave us the golden opportunity
to do this wonderful project on the topic Password
Genrator, which also helped us in doing a lot of Research
and we came to know about so many new things we are
really thankful to you.Secondly we would also like to thank
our friends who helped us a lot in finalizing this project
within thelimited time frame.
Thank You!

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