Media and Information

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Introduction to Media
Information Literacy
Why MIL?
 Communication outlet or tools that are used to store and deliver

 It is defined as knowledge or facts about a certain subject or event

 A process by which information is exchanged from sender to
receiver through a common system of symbols, signs or behavior
resulting in interpretations of meaning on both ends
Conceptual Chart for Media and Information Literacy

Media Information Communication

Television Knowledge Process
Cellphone Ideas Exchange
Facts Sender
Opinions Receiver
Social Messaging
Apps Messages Message
How media and information influence

What is Media and Information

Why is communication
essential to you and your
 Media Literacy Media
 Plural form of medium
- Media literacy is an expanded  Means of mass communication
conceptualization of literacy that
includes the ability to access and
analyze media messages as well Literacy
as create, reflect and take action,  The ability to read and write
using the power of information  Competence and knowledge on
and communication to make a a specified area
difference in the world.
Information Literacy
 Information literacy is the ability to find, evaluate, organize, use, and communicate
information in all its various formats, most notably in situations requiring decision making,
problem solving, or the acquisition of knowledge.

Technology Literacy
 Technology literacy is the ability of an individual, working independently and with others, to
responsibly, appropriately and effectively use technology tools to access, manage, integrate,
evaluate, create and communicate information.

Media Literate Information Technology

Literate Literate
Analyze Recognize Skillful

Create Locate Knowledgeable

Reflect Evaluate Engaged in

Communicate online activities
And take action
Similarities of Media, Information and Technology Literacy
Definitions of Terms
Broadcast Media
Refer to media such as radio and television that reach target audiences using
airwaves as the transmission medium.

Print Media
Consist of paper and ink, reproduced in a printing process that is traditionally
Media Convergence
Refers to the ability to transform different kinds media into digital code, which is
then accessible by a range of devices, from the personal computer to the mobile
phone, thus creating a digital communication environment.

New Media
Refers to content organized and distributed on digital platforms.

Traditional Media
Refers to the traditional means of communication and expression that have existed
since before the advent of the Internet.
Different Types of Media
 Print Media
is consist of paper and ink, reproduced in a printing process that is traditionally mechanical.
In an article published by titled “Types of Print Media: Newspapers,
Magazines, Books” discussed the following.
“The first hundred years was the time when the print industry tried to comprehend
the new situation and shaped itself into a regular and formal sector but from the
start of the 19th century, print media in most countries started specializing in certain
areas. Since business in the form of advertisements in the print was also flourishing,
the media enjoyed a great deal of financial comfort and provided jobs to tens of
thousands of people across the globe. The publishing industry, a synonym with print
media, could be classified in general terms into three distinct categories: Newspapers,
Magazines, Books.
It took about 150 years from the invention of printing press in the
middle of 15th century that the world witnessed first regular publication which could
be defined as a newspaper. Although there have been claims by many to be decorated
as first newspaper like Mixed News in China in 710, Notizie Scritte, a monthly
newspaper for which readers pay a "gazetta", or small coin by Venetian government
in 1556 etc, the World Association of Newspapers held "Relation", as the first
newspaper published in France in 1605. By this reckoning the newspapers' history
is 400 years old. The Relation followed a list of news papers from all around the world.
Here is a brief account of some popular papers:
1621 ---- In London, the newspaper Courante is published. 1631 ---- The Gazette, the first French newspaper, is founded.
1639 ---- First American colonial printing press.
1645 ---- World's oldest newspaper still in circulation,
1690 ---- Public Occurrences is the first newspaper published in America when it
appears in Boston.
1844 ---- Telegraph is invented.
Alfred Harmsworth (later Lord North cliffe) develops the first tabloid newspaper, the
Daily Mirror,in London.
Contents General-interest newspapers are usually journals of current news. Those  
can include :Political events, Crime, Business, Culture, Sports, Opinions (either  
editorials, columns, or political cartoons)Newspapers use photographs to illustrate  
stories; they use editorial cartoonists, usually to illustrate writing that is opinion,  
rather than news. Some specific features a newspaper may include are: weather news  
and forecasts an advice column, critical reviews of movies, plays, restaurants, etc.

A magazine is a periodical publication containing a variety of articles,  

generally financed by advertising, purchased by readers, or both. Magazines are
 typically published weekly, biweekly, monthly, bimonthly or quarterly, with a
date  on the cover that is later than the date it is actually published. They are often
printed  in colour on coated paper and are bound with a soft cover.
Types of Magazines
 Art magazines    Luxury magazines
 Business magazines    News magazines  
 Computer magazines    Online magazines
 Health and fitness magazines    Pulp magazines
 History magazines    Pornographic magazines  
 Inspirational magazines  Satirical magazines  
 Women's magazines  Men's magazines Teen magazines  
 Regional magazines
 Humor magazines
All magazines have some elements in common, even if they are a listings
magazineor a simple advertising vehicle. The main features of content in
magazines mainly consist of the cover page features, reviews, problem pages,
interviews, advertisements, competitions and some form of gossip. Other common
elements are; advice columns, campaigns, do it yourself features, in our next
issues, makeovers, letters' page, opinion columns, and contents pages. The main
features of presentation of magazines are the cover pages, the layout and the
design photographs and illustrations use of colour, an insight of the actual
magazine and visual narrative.
The better the visual narrative of the magazine, the more it will appeal to its
A book is a collection of paper, parchment or other material with a piece of text
written on them, bound together along one edge, usually within covers. Each side of
a sheet is called a page and a single sheet within a book may be called a leaf. A book
is also a literary work or a main division of such a work Books became part of the
mass media after the printing process was invented. Now they are in the reach of
almost everyone and could cover any distance on the planet. Their topics are varied
and their value could be judged from the fact that most libraries in the world are due to books rather than
other published material. When writing systems were invented
in ancient civilizations, nearly everything that could be written upon--stone, clay,
tree bark, metal sheets--was used for writing. Alphabetic writing emerged in Egypt
around 1800BC.”
Furthermore, information are also disseminated through broadcast and new media
 Broadcast Media
refer to media such as radio and television that reach
target audiences using airwaves as the transmission
BBA/MANTRA 2019, published an article titled
“Media- Types of Media, Characteristics, Advantages
& Disadvantages” that discussed the following.
The principal source of information and entertainment for
people exposed to mass media. It is believed to be the most
authoritative, influential, exciting medium for reaching very
large audience. It combines visual images, sound, motion and
colour to achieve viewer’s empathy. It allows development of
creative and imaginative ad messages in a unique way. It is
considered intrusive in nature as the audience have no control
over the nature and pace of advertisement.
Is a premier mass medium for users and advertisers. It has a wide
spread reach and delivers the ad message to a large number of people
across the length and breadth of a country. Commercial broadcasting is
undertaken in major cities even rural areas. It is one of the personal
medium and offers selectivity, cost efficiency and flexibility
advantages over other media. Efficiency of radio ad depends upon the
precision of script, accompanying sounds and level of distortion.
 New Media
content-organized and distributed in digital
platforms (e.g. Social media). Another
concept that arises with accessing
information is the transformation of various
media into a digital code known as media
-Cinema and Video advertising
Cinema is a popular source of entertainmentcomprising of
audience from all classes and socio - economic groups of
society. Films are watched by a significant number of people
everyday. It involves use of cinema halls and video tapes to
deliver the ad message. Similar to TV, it also combines sight,
sound, colour and movement to deliver a creative message.
A worldwide medium that provides means of exchanging information through a
series of interconnected computers. It is a rapidly growing medium which offers
limitless advertising opportunities. It involves use of world wide web to showcase
a website or e-commerce portal to the world. It provides a sophisticated graphic
user interface to users and is accessible to anyone with a computer and broadband

With the existence of various media platforms, information becomes readily

 accessible to everyone. In today’s time, bringing together the old and new form of
 media is becoming a trend which refers to media convergence.
 Media convergence
Is the co-existence of traditional and new media; the
existence of print media, broadcast media, the Internet,
mobile phones, a well as others, allowing media
content to flow across various platforms creating a
digital communication environment.
Information may be presented in variety of
formats. They may appear in print, broadcast,
new as well as through media convergence. Each
media type has its own characteristics as to how
information is presented. Developing literacy in
the use of media and information will be of great
benefit in determining the reliability, accuracy,
value, authority of the author and timeliness of
the information.

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