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Mental Health

and Inclusion
Psychology Art integrated project
What does
• Being inclusive means proactively raising awareness and normalizing
conversations around mental health. Stigma exists, particularly at work
where research tells us fear of discrimination hinders many individuals
from talking about mental health.

• Inclusive mental health care involves acknowledging and addressing

different mental health needs with unbiased approaches that appreciate
human diversity.

• An individual is socially excluded if he or she does not participate in

key activities of the society in which he or she lives. According to
recent studies, People with mental health problems, particularly those
with long‐term psychoses, are among the most excluded groups
Why is Inclusivity
Important in mental
Many people with Mental health disorders
unnecessarily experience life quite differently. They
may not have a “sense of presence” in the community
and may not have access to activities they prefer or
desire. People lack opportunities to work, play, learn
and develop social relationships with others . People
with such disorders are often not acknowledged in the
community, or if they are, it may be in a negative way.
Too often, people do not have close friends with
whom they can share their desires, time and lives.
How can we
be more
• Always keep in mind that a person living with a mental illness is a person first. Never
define them by their illness. 

• Ask them what would be the most helpful. They may have a certain kind of help in mind
that they could use from the congregation, so it may be beneficial to ask.

• Making an effort to talk to them and show that you care and understand. People living
with mental illness often feel isolated and talking with them alone can make a difference.  
o Instead of trying to fix their problems, just listen. 
o Don’t belittle someone’s mental illness. 

• Learn about mental health. The topic of mental health is often avoided and considered
taboo to talk about. Be open about learning more without joking about it or using
insensitive language.

• Convey a message of acceptance and compassion. 

The experience of bias, racism, and prejudice can
negatively impact your mental health. In addition,
fear of experiencing bias, prejudice, and being
misunderstood is a barrier to getting mental
healthcare for a lot of people. When people are
included, their worth is recognized and respected.
Inclusion is about making sure that the marginalised
members of society (for example, those with mental
health disorders or special needs) are not only told
they are included but also feel like they are.
Thank you!
Done by: Fida Maryam
XII-B ( group-2 )

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