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Introduction to Media

and Information Literacy

you are expected to:
• a) Define key concepts (media literacy,
information literacy, technology literacy); and
• b) Compare and contrast media, information,
and technology literacies.
• Definition of Terms
• Information Literacy
• Refers to the abilities to recognize when
information is needed and to locate, evaluate,
effectively use, and communicate information in
its various formats.
• Literacy
• The ability to identify, understand, interpret,
create, communicate and compute, using printed
and written materials associated with varying
• Media and Information Literacy
• MIL stands for media and information literacy, and refers
to the essential competencies and skills that allow citizens
to engage with media and other information providers
effectively and develop critical thinking and life-long
learning skills to socialize and become active citizens.
• Media Literacy
• The ability to decode, analyze, evaluate and produce
communication in a variety of forms.
• Technology (Digital) Literacy
• The ability to use digital technology, communication tools
or networks to locate, evaluate, use and create
Let us determine how much you already learned. Read and answer each question.
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. The ability to understand printed and written materials refers to?
• A. information C. media
• B. literacy D. technology
2. The ability to access, evaluate and create media is
• A. media C. Media literacy
• B. Information literacy D. Technology literacy
3. These refer to processed data for specific purposes.
• A. information C. media
• B. literacy D. technology
4. The skill that allows people to recognize when information is needed and how he
will be able to access, locate, evaluate and use it effectively.
• A. media C. Media literacy
• B. Information literacy D. Technology literacy
5. Refers to how person is able to look for relevant information from various media.
• A. media C. Media literacy
• B. Information literacy D. Technology literacy
6. Examples of these are radio, television, newspaper, magazines and social media.
• A. information C. literacy
• B. technology D. media
7. An ability to acquire relevant information and use modern day tools to get,
• manage and communicate information.
• A. Information media C. Media literacy
• B. Technology literacy D. Media and Information literacy
8. Harry found erroneous facts from the magazine he is reading. What literacy is
presented by Harry?
• A. Information media C. Media literacy
• B. Technology literacy D. Media and Information literacy
9. Laika prepared a Powerpoint presentation for her business report. Laika displays?
• A. Information media C. Media literacy
• B. Technology literacy D. Media and Information literacy
10. Nina is fond of video-chatting with her friend in the province every other day.
• Nina shows?
• A. Information media C. Media literacy
• B. Technology literacy D. Media and Information literacy
Introduction To Media and
Information Literacy
Media and other information providers play a
central role in information and communication
processes. Nowadays, media become the
common outlet of self-expression and creativity.
Its huge influence spreads speedily across the
globe. The connection between technological
advances and people’s connectivity created a
huge impact to the lives of today’s generation.
Media Literacy is the ability to access, analyze,
evaluate, and create media in a variety of forms.
Information Literacy is the ability to recognize
when information is needed, and to locate,
evaluate, and effectively communicate
information in its various formats.
Technology Literacy refers to the ability of an
individual, either working independently or with
others, to responsibly, appropriately, and
effectively use technological tools.
Using the Venn Diagram below, compare and contrast
Media literacy, Information literacy, and Technology
literacy. Give at least three similarities and differences.

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