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Living organisms

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Classification 10 living organisms at home

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Animal kingdom
Rabbit (toy)
The taxonomy classification of the
rabbit is:
Kingdom = Animalia
Phylum = Chordata
Class = Mammal
Order = Lagomorph
Family = Leporidae
Genus = Oryctolagus
Species = Oryctolagus cuniculus
Fun fact: They are very sensitive to changes in
habitat, food, temperature and noise. They get
stressed easily.
monk parakeet
The taxonomy classification of the
monk parakeet is:
Kingdom = Animalia
Phylum = Chordata
Class = Aves
Order = Psittaciformes
Family = Psittacidae
Genus = Myiopsitta
Species = Myiopsitta monachus
Bird (sparrow)
The taxonomy classification of the
sparrow is:
 Kingdom = Animalia
 Phylum = Chordata
 Class = Aves
 Order = Passeriformes
 Family = Passeridae
 Genus = Passer
 Species = Passer domesticus
Fish (betta)
The taxonomy classification of the
fish is :
 Kingdom = Animalia
 Phylum = Chordata
 Class = Actinopterygii
 Order = Perciformes
 Family = Osphronemidae
 Genus = Betta
 Species = Betta splendens
Fun fact: They cannot live with fish of the same
species. Males can cope with other species but not very
colorful because they fight.
The taxonomy classification of the
poinsettia is:
 Kingdom = Plantae
 Divsion = Magnoliophyta
 Class = Magnoliopsida
 Order = Malpighiales
 Family = Euphorbiaceae
 Genus = Euphorbia
 Species = Euphorbia pulcherrima
Fun fact: Its latex can be used to burn warts. It
is typical of Christmas.
The taxonomy classification of the
bush is:
 Kingdom = Plantae
 Divsion = Pinophyta
 Class = Pinopsida
 Order = Pinales
 Family = Cupressaceae
 Genus = Juniperus
 Species = Juniperus horizontalis
The taxonomy classification of the
yucateco is:
 Kingdom = Plantae
 Divsion = Magnoliophyta
 Class = Magnoliopsida
 Order = Rosebush
 Family = Moraceae
 Genus = Ficus
 Species = Ficus microcarpa
The taxonomy classification of the
potho is:
 Kingdom = Plantae
 Divsion = Magnoliophyta
 Class = Liliopsia
 Order = Alismatales
 Family = Araceae
 Genus = Epipremnum
 Species = Epipremnum aureum

Fun fact: Very toxic plant for dogs.

Fungi Kingdom

The taxonomy classification of the

mold is:
 Kingdom = Fungi
 Phylum = Ascomycota
 Class = Leotiomycetes
 Order = Helotiales
 Family = Sclerotiniaceae
 Genus = Botrytis
 Species = Botryotinia fuckeliana
Fun fact: There are good molds. They are used in food:
the blue of blue cheese is a type of mold. Penicillin is a
mold used in medicine as an antibiotic.
The taxonomy classification of the yeast
 Kingdom = Fungi
 Phylum = Ascomycota
 Class = Saccharomycetes
 Order = Saccharomycetales
 Family = Saccharomycetaceae
 Genus = Saccharomyces
 Species = Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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