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Advanced QTP:

Quality Center Overview

Quality Center Overview

Quality Center Overview Session: Agenda

• What is Quality Center

• Quality Center Overview

– Connecting Quick Test to Quality Center
– Recording a script in QTP
– Saving Tests to a Quality Center Project
– Enabling Quality Center to Run Tests on a Quick Test Computer
– Running a Test Stored in a Quality Center Project
– Submitting Defects During a Run Session
– Disconnecting Quick Test from Quality Center

• Session Wrap-Up

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Quality Center Overview

Quality Center – Quick Insight

• Provide centralized Quality solution .

• Provides an intuitive and efficient method for scheduling

and running tests, collecting results, analyzing the results,
and managing test versions .

• It helps you to maintain a project of all kinds of tests.

• A system for tracking and monitoring defects closely from

initial detection until resolution

Accenture Confidential. For Internal use Only. 3

Quality Center Overview

Connecting Quick Test to Quality Center

• Start QTP and from Tool option

select Quality Center.
• In the server connection area
in server text box enter
http://<machine name>/<tdbin>
and click on connect
• In Project Connection area,
click on connect after selecting
To work with quality center make sure you have TD (Test Director) and Test Director “Add-in for QTP” install on your
system. To install Add-in. Go to start->Test Director->Test Director 8.0->Add In page

• Select Add in page option. And a web page would display select More Test Director Addins. A page would be
displayed and now select Quick Test Professional/Astra Quick Test Add-in option and Install add-in.
• Now create a project in TD (Test Director) that would manage all tests scripts and create a folder in the test plan tab
that will contain scripts.
Accenture Confidential. For Internal use Only. 4
Quality Center Overview

Recording a script in QTP

Click the Record button or choose Test > Record.

Browser("Welcome: Mercury Tours").Page("Welcome: Mercury Tours").WebEdit("userName").Set "ansh3"
Browser("Welcome: Mercury Tours").Page("Welcome: Mercury Tours").WebEdit("password").SetSecure
Browser("Welcome: Mercury Tours").Page("Welcome: Mercury Tours").Image("Sign-In").Click 32,2
Browser("Welcome: Mercury Tours").Dialog("AutoComplete").WinButton("No").Click
Browser("Welcome: Mercury Tours").Page("Find a Flight: Mercury").WebList("passCount").Select "3"
Browser("Welcome: Mercury Tours").Page("Find a Flight: Mercury").Image("findFlights").Click 63,6
Browser("Welcome: Mercury Tours").Page("Find a Flight: Mercury").WebRadioGroup("outFlight").Select "Blue
Skies Airlines$191$723$7:08$"
Browser("Welcome: Mercury Tours").Page("Find a Flight: Mercury").Link("SIGN-OFF").Click
Browser("Welcome: Mercury Tours").Page("Sign-on: Mercury Tours").Sync

Accenture Confidential. For Internal use Only. 5

Quality Center Overview

Saving Tests to a Quality Center Project

• Connect to a Quality
Center server and
project. As explain

• In Quick Test, click

Save or choose File >
Save to save the test.

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Quality Center Overview
Enabling Quality Center to Run Tests on a Quick Test

To enable remote Quality

Center clients to run tests on
Your Quick Test computer:
• Open Quick Test.
• Choose Tools > Options or
click the Options toolbar
button. The Options dialog
box opens.
• Click the Run tab.
• Select the “Allow other
Mercury products to run
tests and components”
check box.

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Quality Center Overview

Running a Test Stored in a Quality Center Project

• Click on Test->Run

• To save the run results, you

specify a name for the run
session and a test set in
which to store the results.

Accenture Confidential. For Internal use Only. 8

Quality Center Overview

Submitting Defects During a Run Session

Defect Option

• Run the test and

result window would

• Select add defect

option given in the
tool bar just near to
quality center icon a
window get open as
shown below

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Quality Center Overview

Add Defects Window During a Run Session

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Quality Center Overview

Disconnecting Quick Test to Quality Center

• Tools > Quality Center

Connection or click the
Quality Center Connection
toolbar button.
• In project connection area
click on Disconnect.
• In server connection area
click on Disconnect.

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Quality Center Overview


Q & A….

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Quality Center Overview

Session Wrap-up

• Quality Center provides an intuitive and efficient method for

scheduling and running tests, collecting results, analyzing
the results, and managing test versions.
• It also helps you to submit and track defects. So enabling
you to monitor defects closely from initial detection until
• Select the “Allow other Mercury products to run tests and
components” check box.
• To work with quality center make sure you have TD (Test
Director) and Test Director “Add-in for QTP” install on your
system and a project in TD

Accenture Confidential. For Internal use Only. 13

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