Personality Adjectives

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Personality Adjectives

Most Common Personality Adjectives
Adjetive Spanish Traslation
Sweet Dulce, tierno

Funny Gracioso, cómico. Que hace reir

Kind Amable, bondadoso

Smart Inteligente
Sociable Sociable
Shy Tímido
Helpful Colaborador, servicial
Cheerful Animado, alegre
Supportive Que apoya y acompaña
Fun Divertido
Talkative Conversador
Friendly Amigable
• There are many ways to use these adjectives; there is no right or perfect
one. The first thing is to name the person or animal, either by saying its
name, our kinship or relationship with it (my friend, my sister, my pet,
etc.) or the corresponding pronoun.

• Sarah is sweet / Sarah es dulce
• My sister is sweet / Mi hermana es dulce
• She is sweet / Ella es dulce
Subject + verb to be + adjective
If we want to add more adjectives to the description, we use "and" which
in Spanish is "y".
For example
Sarah is sweet and shy / Sarah es dulce y tímida
If we want to add other adjectives that might contradict what we have
already said, we use "but“.
Sarah is sweet but short-tempered /Sarah es dulce pero de mal carácter

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