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Kapuso Mo Jessica Soho: Tiis lang walang ganda
Ways on How
Protect the
1. Equipped the consumers
with proper knowledged
on how to validate health
information, products and
2. Implemented laws for
consumer protection.
laws for
These laws and policies
assure the public of true
and reliable health
information, safe and
high quality health
products and services.
These include but are not limited to
the following:
1. standardization of product and
service quality
2. creation of programs and plans
to produce food safe for
3. protection of the public from
unfair and unreasonable
increases in the prices of
These include but are not limited to
the following:
4. protection from mislabeling
and fraudulent advertisements
5. protection from illegal,
harmful, and toxic chemicals
R.A. 3720 or states that the
“An act to government w
ensure safe an
ensure the quality food, d
safety and cosmetics and
regulation of
purity of production, sa
les, and
foods, drugs, dealership of t
products to pr
and cosmetics” the health of t
R.A. 3720 or - establishes the
“An act to standardizatio
ensure the and quality of
other product
safety and and services
purity of Food and Drug
foods, drugs, Administration
(FDA) - shall
and cosmetics” administer an
supervise the
R.A. 428 or “An act -
declaring the any person or
possession, sale, group of perso
distribution of fish found violatin
an d g
other aquatic this act will be
stupefied, disabled penalized
or accordingly.
killed by dynamite
other explosives or
toxic substances ille
and providing
penalties therefore

Presidential - is a decree
Decree (P.D.) prescribing th
187 use of the me
system of weig
-signed by Presiden and measures
t as
Ferdinand E. Marc the standard
-dated May 10 197 measurement
3 for
all products,
materials, utili
and services in
business and le
Republic Act
(R.A.) 8172 -requires the
addition of iod
also known as ine
or salt to all
“Act for Salt intended for a
Iodization and human
Nationwide consumption
order to elimi
(ASIN) nate
and for related malnutrition i
n the
purposes” country.
Republic Act
- states that it is
(R.A.) 8172 th e
policy of the s
also known as tate
to protect and
“Act for Salt promote the
health of the
Iodization public, to
Nationwide maintain an
effective food
(ASIN) regulation syst
and for related and to provide
purposes” the whole
especially the
Republic Act
women and ch
(R.A.) 8172 with proper nu
also known as trition.
-the state shal
“Act for Salt promote the
nutritional for
Iodization tification
of food and fig
Nationwide micronutrient
(ASIN) particularly io
d in e
and for related deficiency diso
purposes” through cost-e
preventive me
asure of
salt iodization
Republic Act
-states that th
(R.A.) 8976 shall protect a
e state
also known as nd
promote the r
ight to
“The Philippine health of the p
Food Fortification and instill hea
Act of 2000” its people
- recognizes th
at food
fortification is
essential as th
ere is a
need to increa
intake of esse
Republic Act
-recognizes th
(R.A.) 8976 nutritional de
also known as problems in t
“The Philippine Philippines, b
ased on
nutrition surv
Food Fortification include defic
iency in
Act of 2000” energy, iron,
A, iodine, thia
min and
riboflavin. To
a minor
extent, the F
diet is also d
eficient in
ascorbic acid
, calcium
and folate.
Republic Act
-legitimizes t
(R.A.) 8423 approved alte
he use of
also known as medicine in t
“Traditional and Philippines.
- declared th
Alternative the policy of
at it is
the State
Medicine Act to improve th
e quality
(TAMA)” and delivery
of health
care services
to its
people throu
gh the
traditional an
alternative he
care and its
Republic Act
integration in
(R.A.) 8423 national healt
to the
h care
also known as delivery syste
m such
“Traditional and as:
➢ Acupres
Alternative ➢ Chiropra
Medicine Act ➢ Nutrition
(TAMA)” Therapy
➢ Reflexolo
Republic Act
mandates all
(R.A.) 10054 motorcycle ri
ders to
also known as wear standar
“Motorcycle protective mo
helmets while
Helmet Act of and providing
2009” penalties for

-state shall s
and safeguar
d its
citizenry, par
the drivers of
Republic Act
and their pas
(R.A.) 10054 from the ruin
ous and
also known as extremely inju
“Motorcycle effects of fata
l or life
threatening a
Helmet Act of and crashes.
2009” - shall pur
sue a
more proacti
and preventiv
approach to
secure the sa
of motorists,
passengers a
Republic Act
pedestrians a
(R.A.) 10054 times through
t all
also known as mandatory
“Motorcycle enforcement
of the
use of standa
Helmet Act of protective mo
2009” helmets.

Helmets shall
with the specifi
issued by the
Republic Act
states that th
(R.A.) 8484 shall protect
e State
the rights
also known as and define th
“Access Devices liabilities of p
arties or
groups in com
Regulation Act of transactions
1998” regulating the
issuance and
use of
access devic
Republic Act
Access devic
(R.A.) 8484 include autom
also known as teller machin
e (ATM)
“Access Devices cards, credit
plates, codes
Regulation Act of account num
1998” electronic se
numbers, pe
(PIN) or othe
service and
equipment w
hich can
Republic Act
be accessed
(R.A.) 8484 obtain money
also known as products, ser
vices, or
“Access Devices anything of v
alue or
to initiate cas
Regulation Act of transfer throu
1998” electronic de
Republic Act
states that th
(R.A.) 9502 shall protect
e State
also known as public health
an d
“Universally when the pub
interest or
Accessible circumstance
s of
Cheaper and extreme urge
Quality Medicines requires, sha
assume resp
Act of 2008” to promote a
ensure acces
s to
affordable qu
drugs and m
for its people
R.A. 7394 or “Consumer
Act of the Philippines.”
-states that the state shall
protects the interest and the
general welfare of consumers
by maintaining standards
among business industries
1. protection against hazards
to health and safety
2. protection against
deceptive, unfair and
unconscionable sales acts
and practices
3. provision of information
and education to facilitate
sound choice and the proper
exercise of rights by the
4. provision of adequate
rights and means of

5. involvement of consumer
representatives in the
formulation of social and
economic policies
Consumer rights

are generally a reference to

a body of law that pertains
to things the producers of
goods must do to protect
customers from harm
8 Consumer’s rights
1.The Right to Basic Needs
2.The Right to Safety
3.The Right to Information
4.The Right to Representation / be
5.The Right to Redress/Remedy
6.The Right to Consumer Education
7.The Right to a Healthy Environment
8.The Right to Choose
o B asi c Ne ed s
The R i ght t
t e e s u r v i v a l,
- which guaran in g , s h elter,
ate foo d , cl o th
ad e qu d
d u c ati o n a n
health care, e
What to do:
ze yo u r n e e d s
• Priori ti
it y , n o t q u a n ti ty
• Look for qual
o n s c i ou s, n o t brand
• Be quality c
in p a n ic- b u y i ng
• Do not engage v ig ila nt in
is/calam i t y, b e
ti m e s o f c r is
• In co m m o d i ti e s are
as ic
ensuring that b
b le in t h e m a rket
• availa
ht to Safet y
The Rig
te d a g a i ns t t h e
- to be protec o r t h e
o o d s
marketing of g t h a t a re
er v ic e s
provision of s a n d li fe.
h e a lt h
hazardous to
What to do:
a c e r ta in in g redient, it
yo u h a ve s e n sitivity to a ll labels
• If if y ou r e a d
o u ld b e ve r y beneficial a c ertain
w fo re u sin g
d p ro d u c t c irc ulars be
product o u b t s a b o ut th e
o re and have d
ar e in a s t son who
• If you , a s k fo r a p e r
product ’s effec t s w o r k s o r h o w to
knows how the
operate e re ach of
s o u t o f th
• Keep certain
young children
What to do:
l w a r n in g s ig ns in the
r specia
• Watch out fo oduct like “NOT SUITED FOR
label of the pr O U R ( 4 ) Y E A R S ” or
CHILDREN BEL ternal use only etc.”
“POISON: For e e c ia lly in cases
g product s e sp
• B efo re b u y in a r e a va ila b le, it
e containe r s
w h en o n ly la rg
r a s a m p le o r tester
ld b e b e st if you ask fo
wou u c t s w h ich are
regarding p ro d
• B e o n g u a r d c a n scan
zard ou s , y o u ic
found to be ha larly for new bits on this top
newspapers re
o In fo r m atio n
The R i ght t
i n s t d is h o ne s t
e p ro t e c te d a ga
-b ti si n g o r
a d ve r
or misleading h t to b e g i ve n
n g a n d t h e r i g
labelli a ti o n n e e d e d
c t s a n d in fo r m
the fa c h o i ce .
k e a n in f o rm e d
to m a
What to do:
a p ro d u c t , it is very
• Before purch d t h e la b e l c a refully so
rt a n t fo r you to rea
im p o
a b le t o k n o w its use,
that you would ie n t s) , n u m b e r of
n te n t ( c h e m ic al ingred
co f o r t h e product
to c a re
pieces, how li k e w a rranties
u m e n t
Be fo re s ig n in g any doc e r vices
• it e m s o r s
s, credit
and guarantee a n t to r e ad and
p o rt
contacts, it is im n s in t h e d o c uments
understand all
c ia lly t h e fi n e prints
What to do:
a d n e w s p ap e rs, buying
is v e r y im p o r tant to re g a product.
• It r c h a s in
e s , m a g a zin e s before pu o w have
guid h o y o u k n
o , c o n s ult w it h friends w
Als product
s e d a s im ila r
purcha g re g a rd in g the use
la rify some t h in
e e d t o c
• If y o u n
’t h es ita t e t o write the
, don
of the product a n o b ta in a d e tailed
at you c
company so th
information n a m e an d a ddress
ti v e t o lo ok for the
• It is im p e ra
in c a s e t h e n e ed arises.
of the manufac
What to do:
r u c ti o n s c a re f ully to
d t h e m a n u a ls or inst
• Rea e on e p ro d uct with
p a r
be able to com w a y, y o u w il l not
n o t h e r b e c a u se in this n tain the
a h m ig h t co
e fi n e p rints whic
m is s t h
d t o d e te r m in e which
u n ee
information yo y o u better.
u l d s e r ve
product wo . T h e biggest
lly w a n t
Sp e c if y w h at you rea t be what
• u t it m ay n o
ize m ay b e c h eaper b
you need.
What to do:
fo r e p u r c h a sing a
• Canvass price a co n t r a ct.
n in g
product or sig a v a ila b le , be
ter a re
• If product tes w a r y o f s p e c ial
. Be
sure to try one o r b u y 2 ta k e 1
e r s li ke fre e it ems r
off it h th e r e g ula
. C o m p a re t h em w
free r e t h a t y o u a re
it e m s to be s u
pr ic e d e it e m s.
the s a id f re
not paying for
p re s e n ta ti o n /
R i gh t t o R e
Be heard
s s c o n su m e r
-to expre i n g a n d
e s t s i n t h e m a k
inte r t
o v e r n m e n
execution of g
What to do:
n b o a rd s in p rivate
w s p a p e rs , bulleti
• Rea d ne
es , e s p e c ia ll y in your
nt offic
and governme e m e n t s o f public
ou n c
locality for ann
hearings rin g s o r even
end pub lic h e a
m e to att
• Ta k e ti
in y o u r a r e a wherein
meetings cond b e in g d is cussed.
es a re
consumer issu r l a w s and
w the c o n su m e
e a w ar e o f h o in your
• B p le m e n t e d
gu latio n s a re being im
to Red r ess/
The Right

m pe n sa te d fo r
-be co ho d d y go od s
re s en ta tio n , s
misrep v ic es .
o r y s er
or unsatisfact
What to do:
c ti v e p r o d u ct , tr y
y o u b o u g ht a defe
• In c a s e
re w h e r e y o u bought
he sto
going back to t h e C o n s um e r Welfare
e it e m a n d lo ok for t
t h
Desk. n t , re fu nd or if
s t a repla c e m e
u m a y r e q u e epaired.
• Yo fe c ti v e ite m r
he de
needed, have t e n t ati v e does
o r store re p re s
e m a n ag e r to the
• If th in t , p r o c e e d
ct o n yo u r compla
n ot a
ju r isd ic ti o n o ver your
agency which h
What to do:
s a r y d oc um e n ts like
• Bring the nec d a co py o f your
r a n
complaint lette c u m e n t s you
er d o
receipt and oth e m e d i ati o n .
for th
deem are vital
e n d t h e m e d iation
• Be sure to att
to Co n sum er
The Right
k no w l ed ge a nd
-to a c qu ire t h e
s s a r y to b e a n
skills nece
e d c u s t o m er.
What to do:
m a ga z in e s a n d other
• Scan newspape a rti c le s o r n ews bits
ls fo r
reading materia r s o n h o w to get the
h ic h e d uc a te consume
w eso.
lu e fo r t h eir p
best va in g s o r even
li c h e a r
In v o lve y o u rs elf in pub w herein
• y o u r ar e a
ucted in
meetings cond e s su c h a s a c cess to
ted issu
consumer -rela e s , p ro d u c t q uality and
d servic
basic goods an s u m p tio n a n d the like
ble con
safety, sustaina
are being discu
What to do:
a rs , co n fe r en ces
rti cip a te in s e min
● Pa y g ov e r nm ent
cte d b
and fora condu g ro u p s a nd
u m e r
agencies, cons e c to r r e ga rding
str y s
business / indu s fo r c o n s u mer
a n d re g ulatio n
ne w s
to a Hea l thy
The Right
a n e n vir o n m ent
li ve a nd w o r k in
-to e n in g n o r
rt h re a t
which is neithe h p er m i ts a life of
a n g e ro u s a nd whic
d g .
n d w e ll- b e in
dignity a
What to do:
d e x te n t o f p o llution
kind an
● Be aware of the lit y lik e a ir p o llution,
ur loca
occurring in yo o u w o u ld b e able to
o is e / o d o r e tc. so that y
address the pr o u r e n v iro n m ent by
y o u r s ha re in caring for rotection:
● Do iro n m e n ta l p
r a cti c in g t h e 3R’s of env

w a ste s b y bu ying earth

CE – t he s o u rce of solid ha t could be
REDU pr od uc t s t
dly p ro d uc t s . These are
frien ith out ha r m in g our
rly w
disposed prope
ht to Ch o o se
The Rig

p eti ng g o o d s and
-having com l te r n ativ es in
ffe r a
services that o t y, a n d se r vi ce
qu a li
terms of price,
1. DTI- Department of Trade
and Industry
2. DA- Department of
3. DOH –Department of
4. FDA –Food and Drug
5. BSP –Bangko Sentral ng
DTI- Department of Trade and

- primary coordinator,
promoter, facilitator and
regulatory arm of the
Philippine government on
the country’s trade, industry
and investment activities
DTI- Department of Trade and

- functions and
➢ assure the quality, safety
and availability of
products and
➢ inspects warranty and
price tags of products
and commodities
DTI- Department of Trade and

- functions and responsibilities:

➢ monitors advertisements,
commercials, and retail
ways to prevent deception
of consumers
➢ promotes awareness
programs for consumers
➢ address consumer issues
and problems
Consumer protection
– enforces laws for
protection and provision
of proper education
among consumers.
DA- Department of

- responsible for the

promotion of agricultural
development by providing
the policy framework, public
investments and support
services needed for
domestic and export-
oriented business
DA- Department of

-functions and responsibilities:

➢ formulates plans and
policies for agricultural
and fishing industry
➢ implements income-
generating projects to
improve farming and
fishing income
➢ generate work
opportunities for farmer
DA- Department of

-functions and responsibilities:

and fishermen
➢ monitors prices of
commodities in the
Services of Department of

1. Planning and
2. Policy research
3. Project development
4. Agribusiness and
marketing assistance
5. Field operations.
DOH –Department of
-health agency of the
-responsible for ensuring
access to basic public
health services to all
Responsibilities and Function
of DOH

➢ formulates standards and

guidelines for the registration
of processed foods, drugs,
cosmetics, medical devices, in
vitro diagnostic reagents, and
household hazardous
➢ inspects establishments which
prepares, distributes, and sells
food, drug and cosmetics and
related health products
Responsibilities and Function
of DOH
➢ follow measures to ensure the
quality of meat, milk products,
cosmetics, and other goods,
and commodities
➢ provides technical,
consultative and advisory
services to and develops
capability of field offices on
licensing and enforcement of
laws, rules, and regulations
pertaining to processed foods,
drugs an other related
Responsibilities and Function
of DOH
➢ regulates all health services
and products and provide
special health care services
and technical assistance to
other health care providers.
➢ disseminates latest and up-to-
date medical and health
FDA –Food and Drug
-ensures the quality and
legality of health
products by
implementing order and
updating consumer
Functions and responsibilities
of FDA
➢ impose laws and regulations
relating to food, drugs, and
➢ deal with consumer complaint
➢ inspect how food is handled,
advertised, and labeled.
BSP –Bangko
Sentral ng Pilipinas
- as enacted by title IV of the
Consumer Act of the
-provides policy directions in the
areas of money, banking, and

-supervises the operation of banks

and exercises regulatory powers
over non bank financial institutions
with quasi-banking functions.
BSP –Bangko
Sentral ng Pilipinas
-also states that the government
shall inform consumers of the true
cost of the transactions and
determination of finance charges.
NNC- National Nutrition
- is the top policy-making and
coordinating body of the DOH on

-aims to ensure food security and

deal with the nutritional needs of
the country

- provides financial support to

projects like the Barangay Nutrition
Scholars (BNS) and the Promote
Good Nutrition (PGN) which
NNC- National Nutrition
includes Infant and Young Child
Feeding (IYCF) and Pabasa sa
Nutrisyon (PSN)
PhilHealth - Phillippine Health
Insurance Corporation
-is an agency attached to DOH
- was created under the R.A. 7875
or the “National Health Insurance
Act of 1995”

- primary goal is to provide every

Filipinos and their families
affordable and progressive financial
access to health care services.
DepEd- Department of
with the cooperation and advice of
the National Consumer Affairs
Council (NCAC)
- shall develop and adopt a
consumer education program
which shall be integrated into
existing curricula from
elementary, secondary, and
alternative learning system of
all public and private schools.
Consumer Education Program
of DepEd
a. To instill in the students
responsibility which develops:

a.1. critical awareness which is

to be alert and question the
price and quality of goods

a.2. assertiveness which is to

assert oneself and act to
assure a fair deal, aware that
for as long as one remains to
be a passive consumer
Consumer Education Program
of DepEd
he or she will continue to be
abused and exploited.

a. 3. social concern which is to be

aware of the impact of the
consumption on other people

a.4. environmental awareness

which is to understand the
environmental consequences of a
consumer’s consumption,
recognizing the individual and
Consumer Education Program
of DepEd
social responsibility to conserve
natural resources for future

b. consumer rights

c. daily issues and problems

encountered by consumers
Other Government and Non-
government Organizations
that help safeguard consumer

1. Philippine National Police

2. National Bureau of
Investigation (NBI)
3. Bureau of Customs
4. Philippine Coast Guard (PCG)
5. Philippine Medical Association
Other Government and Non-
government Organizations
that help safeguard consumer

6. The Philippine Dental

Association (PDA)
7. Philippine Association of Medical
Technologists, Inc. (PAMET)
8. Philippine Hospital Association

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