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Ticks and Chiggers

What are Ticks?

Ticks belong to the class Arachnida, which includes spiders, scorpions, and mites. There are two well established types of ticks: the hard ticks, and the soft ticks. Ticks are very small insects that attach to a host using their front legs and mouth. Ticks feed off the blood of the host, living on the surface of the skin during the nymphal stage of development. In all, there are approximately 850 species of ticks, and roughly 100 of them are capable of transmitting diseases.

TickTick-Transmitted Diseases

One tick bite has the possibility of transmitting multiple diseases, the most common of which are: Lyme Disease, Human Ehrlichiosis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and an EncephalitisEncephalitis-like Virus that causes swelling of the brain

What Is Lyme Disease?

Lyme Disease is the most common type of tick-transmitted disease. tickIt is a Bacterial Infection Primarily transmitted by Black-legged Black(Deer Tick) Affects both animals and humans



Early Lyme Disease (Days to month after bite)

Large ring shaped rash at the location of bite Syptoms are similar to the Flu, including stiff neck, chills and fever, headache, and fatigue Syptoms of Late Lyme disease include meningitis, arthritis, facial palsy, and heart abnormalities.

Late Lyme Disease

Information from Brookhaven National Laboratories

Images from Hunterdon Health Department: h/lymeinfo.htm


Doxycycline, amoxicillin, and ceftin Usually treated for 4-6 weeks. 4A recent study reported in the New England Journal of Medicine states that a four-week course of oral fourdoxycycline is equally as effective in treating Lyme Disease in late stages, and much less costly, than a similar treatment of intravenous Ceftriaxone (Rocephin) unless neurological or severe cardiac abnormalities are present.

Information from Hunterdon Health Department: htm

Typical Seasonal Distribution of Reported Lyme Disease Cases

Information from Hunterdon Health Department:

LYME Cases by Age




Num b e r of C as e s


39 35 30





19 18 16 13 13 10 1 1 17


0 Unk nown Age 2 - 9 20 - 29 40 - 49 60 +

Information from Hunterdon Health Department: info.htm

A disease caused by bacteria in the LoneLone-Star tick and Deer tick. It is considered an acute infection without chronic long-term consequences. longThe severity of the disease varies from person to person. May be life-threatening lifeor fatal for elderly and others with compromised immune systems.

Information from Brookhaven National Laboratories: S%20061108%20TICKS.pdf



The infected person may be asymptomatic or may have mild to severe symptoms. Initial symptoms can include fever, headache, and muscle aches. Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cough, and joint pains. May also have a rash. Severe complications include prolonged fever, renal failure, seizures, or coma. As many as half of all patients require hospitalization. 2-3% of patients die from the 2infection.
Information from Brookhaven National Laboratories: RS%20061108%20TICKS.pdf



Treatment should be initiated immediately when there is suspicion of Ehrlichiosis. Treatment should not be delayed until lab confirmation is obtained. 100 mg. Doxycycline twice daily for a minimum of 7 days. Severe cases may require longer treatment.
Information from Brookhaven National Laboratories: RS%20061108%20TICKS.pdf



Babesiosis is a malaria-like illness caused malariaby a protozoan parasite that is primarily transmitted by the black-legged deer tick. black-

Information from Brookhaven National Laboratories: DF/ESH%20COORDINATO RS%20061108%20TICKS.pd f



Clindamycin + quinine or atovaquone plus azithromycin for 7 days.

May be asymptomatic; symptoms include fever, chills, sweating, muscle aches, fatigue, and hemolytic anemia. Symptoms typically occur after an incubation period of 1-4 weeks, and 1can last several weeks. Disease is more severe in the elderly and immunosuppressed individuals.

Information from Brookhaven National Laboratories: COORDINATORS%20061108%20TICKS. pdf


Engorged Nymphal Tick


Know Your Facts...

Ticks must be attached 36 48 hours to transmit bacteria Approximately 20% of nymphal ticks carry bacteria Nymphal ticks cause majority of Lyme cases Nymphal ticks most active late May thru July Adult ticks most active late Oct. and early November. If an attached tick is found and removed, your chances of developing Lyme disease is just 1-3% 1-

Information from Hunterdon Health Department: meinfo.htm


Common Tick Habitats


Tall grassy areas Leaf litter Ground cover Low bushes / shrubs Need moisture to survive

Wood Tick
Larger than Deer Tick Does NOT transmit Lyme


Three Active Stages Need host at each stage

(Such as mouse, other animal or person)

Attach as host passes by

White-footed mice serve as the principal reservoirs of infection on which many larval and nymphal ticks feed and become infected with the LD spirochete.
Information from Hunterdon Health Department: info.htm



Chiggers are small insects no bigger than 1/20th of an inch and are bright red. Though extremely annoying, chiggers are not known for transmitting any diseases. Both Ticks and Chiggers live in low lying foliage and brush and are encountered when a person comes in contact or brushes against the foliage.


Chigger Information

Chiggers are a part of the mite family. There are four stages in the life span of a chigger; egg, larva, nymph, and adult. The larval chigger is responsible for the irritating bites and ensuing rashes.

Chiggers secrete a digestive fluid onto the hosts skin cells causing them to breakdown. Then a feeding tube descends from the chigger allowing them to feed on the liquified cells until they become engorged. Once the larva has finished nourishing itself they will leave the host and find a place to develop The nymph and adult stages do not affect humans or animals

Symptoms of a Chigger Bite

Chigger bites effect people differently, however, a red puffy rash is typical, and is caused by the digestive enzymes secreted by the chigger Rash can last from 2-3 2days, up to 3 weeks


Once chigger bites have been noticed, the best course of action is to take a hot bath, which will kill the remaining larvae and remove them from the skin Ointment can be used to control the itch related to the chiggers digestive secretion



There were no OSHA recorded fatalities cuased by Ticks or Chiggers during the time period of 1990- 2007 1990However, according to the American Lyme Disease Foundation, there have been more than 150,000 cases of Lyme disease identified since 1982

Information from The American Lyme Disease Foundation.


Personal Protection Measures to Reduce Your Risks From Ticks and Chiggers


Before entering areas with Ticks or Chiggers:  Wear light-colored lightclothing  Wear loose-fitting looseclothing  Tuck shirt into pants and pants into socks  Wear closed-toe shoes closed-


Perform Frequent Tick Checks.

while in tick habitats AND when returning home

Avoid areas where it is likely to encounter ticks and chiggers, when possible Keep to center of pathways


Tick Repellents for Personal Use


30% - 40% DEET content most effective for ticks and chiggers Use on skin OR clothing Apply to the shoes and pant legs


Tick Repellents for Personal Use


PermethrinPermethrin-containing products Use on clothing only, as it is an insecticide and can cause serious reactions is applied to skin


What Can You Do to Reduce the Risk of Encountering Ticks and Chiggers?

Keep grass and foliage short Prune trees and shrubbery Remove old leaf and debris piles Allow sunlight!

Ticks need moisture to survive


The Proper Use of Insecticides Can Greatly Reduce the Incidence of Tick and Chigger Bites Late May: Granular May: Late September: Liquid September:


Proper Tick Removal


Use fine-point finetweezers Grasp the tick CLOSE TO SKIN Pull gently Wash area with soap, water and antiseptic Burning, suffocating, and poisoning of ticks does not work in removing them from host


Jobsite Awareness Activities

Tick ID cards and Lyme Disease Alert notices should be presented and available to all employees Toolbox Talks every week to remind workers about the dangers of ticks Mandate long pants and sleeves for workers working in tick and chigger habitats Set time aside at the end of the day for tick checks


Think Safety Work Safely


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