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• Sports officiating is a tough job, yet there are

extraordinary rewards. To become a successful sport

officiating official, it will require mental strength, good
relationship building abilities, and toughness. Sports
officiating will show all those aptitudes and
substantially more. On the off chance that you love
sports, you will have the best perspective on the game
as an authority. Prepare to challenge yourself and
start one of the most compensating occupations you'll
ever have.
• Basketball
• The Objective of the Game
• The objective of basketball is to throw the ball
(basketball) into a hoop to score points. The game is
played out on a rectangular court and depending on
which section of court you successfully throw a ball into
the basket will depend on how many points are scored.
The ball can be moved around by dribbling or passing
the ball. At the end of the game, the team with the most
points is declared the winner
• Scoring
• There are three scoring numbers for basketball players.
Any basket scored from outside the three-point arc will
result in three points being scored. Baskets scored within
the three-point arc will result in two points being scored.
Successful free throws will result in 1 point being scored
per free throw. The number of free throws will depend on
where the foul was committed.
• If a shot is successfully scored from outside of the three-point line, three points are awarded.
• If a shot is successfully scored from inside of the three-point line, two points are awarded.
• If a team is awarded a technical foul then they will receive between one and three free shots.
1. Each team can have a maximum of 5 players on the
court at any one time. Substitutions can be made as many
times as they wish within the game.
2.The ball can only be moved by either dribbling
(bouncing the ball) or passing the ball. Once a player
puts two hands on the ball (not including catching the
ball) they cannot then dribble or move with the ball and
the ball must be passed or shot.
3.After the ball goes into a team’s half and they win
possession back the ball must then make it back over the
halfway line within 10 seconds. If the ball fails to do so
then a foul will be called and the ball will be turned over.
4.Each team has 24 seconds to at least shot at the basket.
A shot constitutes either going in the basket or hitting the
rim of the basket. If after the shot is taken and the ball fails
to go in the basket then the shot clock is restarted for
another 24 seconds.
5. The team trying to score a basket is called
the offense whilst the team trying to prevent
them from scoring is called the defense. The
defense must do all they can to stop the
offense from scoring by either blocking a shot
or preventing a shot from being fired.
6. After each successful basket the ball is then
turned over to the opposition.
7. Fouls committed throughout the game will be accumulated and then
when reached a certain number will eventually be awarded as a free
throw. A free throw involves one player from the offensive team (the
player fouled) to take a shot unopposed from the free-throw line.
Depending on where the foul was committed will depend on the
number of free throws a player gets.
8. Violations in basketball include traveling (taking more than one
step without bouncing the ball), double dribble (picking the ball up
dribbling, stopping then dribbling again with two hands),
goaltending (a defensive player interferes with the ball traveling
downwards towards the basket) and backcourt violation (once the
ball passes the halfway line the offensive team cannot take the
ball back over the halfway line).
•Volleyball is a team sport in
which two teams of six players
are separated by a net. Each
team tries to score points by
grounding a ball on the other
team's court under organized
• The Objective of the Game
• The objective of the game is to send the ball
over the net in order to ground it on the
opponent’s court, and to prevent the same effort
by the opponent. The team has three hits for
returning the ball (in addition to the block
• . The ball is put into play by the serving player.
• Scoring
• A team scores a point:
1.When an opponent team commits a fault.
2.When the opponent team receives a penalty.
3.By successfully landing the ball on the
opponent’s court.
• Rally Scoring: Rally scoring is when a team gets a
point when the other team fails to return the ball
over the net, or when the ball goes out of bounds,
commits an infraction or makes a service error.
• Sideout Scoring: When the opposing team fails to
return the ball over the net, hit the ball out of
bounds, commits an infraction or make a service
error, the serving team scores a point. ... With
sideout scoring, all sets are played up to 15 points
and the team must at least have a two point lead
• Basic Volleyball Rules for Playing the Game
• 6 players on a team, 3 on the front row and 3 on the back row.
• Maximum of three hits per side.
• Player may not hit the ball twice in succession (A block is not
considered a hit)
• Ball may be played off the net during a volley and on a serve.
• A ball hitting a boundary line is "in"
1. Each team may consist of 12 players including one or two optional Libero/s.

2. Each team are entitled to three hits in addition to blocking.

3. Games are played up to 25 points with an advantage of two points in sets 1 to 4

and up to 15 points with an advantage of two points in the fifth and deciding set.

4. Common Game Violations:


- Stepping on the line during execution of service

- Serving out of turn.
- Serving outside the imaginary extension line of the sideline.
- Did not toss or release the ball during service

- FOUR HITS: a team hits the ball four times before returning
- ASSISTED HIT: a player takes support from a team-mate
or any structure/object to hit the ball within the playing
- CATCH: the ball is caught and/or thrown; it does not
rebound from the hit.
- DOUBLE CONTACT: a player hits the ball twice in
succession or the ball contacts various parts of his/her
body in succession.
- A player touches the ball or an opponent in the
opponent's space before or during the opponent’s attack hit.
- A player interferes with the opponent's play while
penetrating into the opponent’s space under the net.
- A player’s foot (feet) penetrates completely into the
opponent's court.
- A player interferes with play by (amongst others):
- touching the net between the antennae or the
antenna itself during his/her action of playing
the ball,
- Ball fails to pass over the net and falls on the side
of the offensive team.
- Sending the ball.
- Playing the ball on the opponent’s playing space
- reaching beyond the net.
•For a sports official, it is with
utmost importance to know the
guidelines and see how to apply them.
Nobody could ever scrutinize this. Be
that as it may, nearly as imperative to
great directing is the utilization of
clear, certain hand signals.
•In any game scenario, the players, the
coaches, spectators, scorers, and the referees
need to comprehend the call. At the point when
a referee or umpire makes a certain call in
applying a rule, nothing occurs until a signal is
being made. The worth of good hand signals
ought to never be undervalued.
• Officiating officials should look professional.
They should be clear to everyone, leaving no
question as to the call being made. Signals
should be made in a way that lets everyone
know that the referee had a clear view of the
action, is confident in his call, and ready to
proceed with play.
Common Referee’s Hand Signals A. Basketball

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