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Introduction of Computer

Prof. Ramanand Chivate

 Who is father of computer ?
 Computer Word means
 Who brought this technology in
India ?
 Which day is celebrated as world
Computer Literacy Day?
 5. Who is known as the Human
Computer of India?
 File extensions are used for
Technology means
 The definition of technology is science or
knowledge put into practical use to solve
problems or invent useful tools. ... An
example of technology is the Internet which
has made up-to-date information available to
anyone with access in a matter of moments
and provides real time information about
events around the world.
What is internet

 A means of connecting a computer to any other

computer anywhere in the
world via dedicated routers and servers. When
two computers are connected over the Internet, they
can send and receive all kinds of information such
as text, graphics, voice, video, and computer
Information of comp
 TIFRAC (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Automatic Calculator)
was the first computer developed in India, at the Tata Institute of
Fundamental Research in Mumbai. Initially a TIFR Pilot Machine was
developed in the 1950s
 English mathematician and inventor Charles Babbage is credited with
having conceived the first automatic digital computer. During the mid-1830s
Babbage developed plans for the Analytical Engine. Calculating machine
 Sam Pitroda was the first chairperson of India’s Telecom Commission, the
country’s highest telecom policymaking body
What is Computer?
 Computers are electronic devices that can follow instructions to accept input, process the input and then
produce informationA computer is a machine that manipulates data according to a list of instructions.
 A computer is a device capable of performing computations and making logical decisions at speed millions
and even billion of times faster them human beings can.
 Computer is an electronic machine which is use for data processing. The output which comes after
processing data through computer is known as Information.
Generation of computers

• Generation of Computers
• First Generation (1946-59)
• Second Generation(1957-64)
• Third Generation(1965-70)
• Fourth Generation(1970-90)
• Fifth Generation(1990 till date)
Generation 5

 The term “Generation 5” is used sometimes to refer to

all more or less “sci fi” future developments
Voice recognition
Artificial intelligence
Quantum computing
Bio computing
Nano technology
Natural languages
A computer can be divided into two main
 1. Hardware 2. Software
 Hardware is basically anything that you can touch with your fingers.
 For computer hardware to work it must follow a set of instructions that is supplied to it as
 The term software refers to the set of instructions that directs the hardware to accomplish a
 1. System Software
 2. Application Software
 3. Utility Software

 Central Processing Unit (CPU)

 Memory Unit
 Input Devices
 Output Devices
 Secondary Storage Devices
Central Processing Unit

 Brain of the computer.

 It directs and controls the entire
computer system and performs all
arithmetic and logical operations.
Memory Unit

 Where the programs and data are stored .

 READ ONLY MEMORY (ROM) contains the pre-
programmed computer instructions such as the Basic
Input Output System (BIOS).
 RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY (RAM) is used to store
the programs and data that you will run. Exists only
when there is power.
System Software enables the application software to interact
with the computer hardware.
 Operating Systems are programs that coordinate computer
resources, provide an interface between users and the
computer; and run applications.
 Utilities perform specific tasks related to managing computer
 Device drivers are specialized programs designed to allow
particular input or output devices to communicate with the rest
of the computer system.
 Computer only understand 0 or 1
 0 OFF 1 ON
 PROCESSING :- A computer program performs operations on the data to transform it into
 OUTPUT 2 types soft and hard s
Information Processing System

 DATA is a collection of independent and

unorganized facts.
 INFORMATION is the processed and
organized data presented in a meaningful
 DATA PROCESSING is the course of doing
things in a sequence of steps

 Data is raw, unorganized facts that need

to be processed. Data can be something
simple and seemingly random and
useless until it is organized.

 When data is processed, organized,

structured or presented in a given
context so as to make it useful, it is
called information.
Characteristics of Computers

• High Processing Speed

• Accuracy
• Reliability
• Versatility
• Diligence
Computer Virus

 A computer virus is an application program

designed and written to destroy other

 It has the ability to:

 Link itself to other programs
 Copy itself (it looks as if it repeats itself)
Sources of Computer Viruses

 Three primary sources

 The Internet
 Via downloads and exchanges
 Diskettes
 Exchanging disks or pendrive or mobile card
 Computer networks
 Can spread from one network to another
How do you know if you have a virus?

 Lack of storage capability

 Decrease in the speed of
executing programs
 Unexpected error messages
 Halting the system

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