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The 28th of January

Homework What is in the picture?

teeth seeds bees knees tree Jeep a sleeping sheep wheel

3. tree
1. teeth 2. Jeep

5. a sleeping sheep
4. wheel

6. seeds

7. knees 8. bees
 Phonics story
Read and listen. Which words do you hear with the long e sound?

1. keep out
2. sheep
3. deer
4. bee
5. jeep
6. sleep
 Question and answers
Match the questions and answers

1. What do bees make? a) A jeep goes BEEP BEEP.

2. Where do sheep sleep? b) Bees make honey.
3. What sound does a Jeep make? c) Sheep sleep in the grass.
2021.1.28 - Гэрийн даалгавар: Цээжлэх шүлэг

Bus driver
Bus driver, bus driver,
May I have a ride?
Yes, of course.
Please come inside.
Find a seat.
Then sit down.
Buckle up.
We’ll drive through the town.
Than k Yo u !

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