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RISK Screening

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Training Objectives

1. Discuss the concepts and principles of screening

2. Demonstrate the correct techniques of screening
procedures for NCD intermediate risk factors:
a. Blood Pressure Measurement
b. Capillary Blood Glucose
c. Capillary Blood Cholesterol
d. Urine Ketones
e. Urine Proteins
f. Questionnaire to determine Probable Angina, Heart Attack, Stroke
or Transient Ischemic Attack

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Concepts and Principles of Screening

• Screening is the presumptive identification of

unrecognized disease or defect by the
application of tests, examination or other
procedures which can be applied rapidly.
• The primary goal of screening is to detect a
disease in its early stage to be able to treat it
and prevent its further development.

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Roles of Screening on PEN Interventions

• Early identification of people with NCDs and link them to the PEN
Hypertension and Diabetes Registries
• Appropriate control of blood sugar, blood pressure and blood lipids
on people with severe elevation
• Evidence-based clinical care of people with NCD to prevent, cure
and/or delay onset of complications and improve quality of life
• Evidence-based medical care to people with major NCDs presenting
as emergencies

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Screening Procedures applied to PEN

• Raised Blood Pressure Determination

• Raised Blood Glucose Determination
• Raised Blood Lipids Determination
• Presence or Absence of Urine Ketones
• Presence or Absence of Urine Proteins
• Determining Angina, Heart Attack, Stroke or TIA by using a Structured

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Screening for

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Screening for Hypertension

• Defined as sustained elevation of SBP of 140 mmHg or higher and

DBP of 90 mmHg or higher
• Determined by taking the blood pressure through the auscultatory
method using a properly calibrated aneroid BP apparatus.

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

• Blood Pressure Apparatus (Aneroid or an Electronic BP apparatus)
with or without stand
• Stethoscope, if aneroid

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Blood Pressure Measurement Procedure
• Preparatory Phase
• Applying the BP cuff and Stethoscope
• Estimating systolic BP using palpatory method
• Obtaining the BP reading by auscultation
• Recording BP and Other Guidelines

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Blood Pressure Measurement Procedure
• Preparatory Phase
• Applying the BP cuff and Stethoscope
• Estimating systolic BP using palpatory method
• Obtaining the BP reading by auscultation
• Recording BP and Other Guidelines

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Preparatory Phase
• Introduce self to client
• Make sure client is relaxed and
has rested for at least 5
minutes and should not have
smoked or ingested caffeine
within 30 minutes before BP

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Preparatory Phase

• Explain the procedure to the

client at his/her level of
• Assist to seated or supine

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Blood Pressure Measurement Procedure
• Preparatory Phase
• Applying the BP cuff and Stethoscope
• Estimating systolic BP using palpatory method
• Obtaining the BP reading by auscultation
• Recording BP and Other Guidelines

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Applying the BP cuff and Stethoscope

• Bare client’s arm

• Apply cuff around the arm
2-3 cm above the brachial
• Keep the manometer at eye

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Blood Pressure Measurement Procedure
• Preparatory Phase
• Applying the BP cuff and Stethoscope
• Estimating systolic BP using palpatory method
• Obtaining the BP reading by auscultation
• Recording BP and Other Guidelines

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Estimating systolic BP using palpatory
• While palpating the brachial or
radial pulse, close valve of pressure
bulb and inflate the cuff until pulse
• Note the point at which the pulse
disappeared. This is the palpated
systolic BP

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Estimating systolic BP using palpatory

• Deflate cuff fully

• Wait 1-2 minutes before
inflating cuff again

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Blood Pressure Measurement Procedure
• Preparatory Phase
• Applying the BP cuff and Stethoscope
• Estimating systolic BP using palpatory method
• Obtaining the BP reading by auscultation
• Recording BP and Other Guidelines

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Obtaining the BP reading by auscultation

• Place the earpieces of stethoscope

in ears and stethoscope head over
the brachial pulse
• Use the bell (or diaphragm for
obese persons) of the stethoscope
to auscultate pulse

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Obtaining the BP reading by auscultation
• Watching the manometer, inflate the
cuff rapidly by pumping the bulb until
the column or needle reaches 30
mmHg above the palpated SBP
• Deflate cuff slowly at a rate of 2-3
• While the cuff is deflating listen for
pulse sounds (Korotkoff sounds)

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Obtaining the BP reading by auscultation

• Fully deflate the cuff. Take another

reading after 2 minutes and record.
• Get the average of the two readings
and record.

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Blood Pressure Measurement Procedure
• Preparatory Phase
• Applying the BP cuff and Stethoscope
• Estimating systolic BP using palpatory method
• Obtaining the BP reading by auscultation
• Recording BP and Other Guidelines

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Recording BP and Other Guidelines

• For every first visit of the

client: Take the mean of 2
readings, obtained at least 2
minutes apart, and consider
this as the client’s blood
• If the first 2 readings differ by
5 mmHg or more obtain a 3rd
reading and include this in the

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Recording BP and Other Guidelines
• If first visit, repeat the procedure
with the other arm. Subsequent
BP readings should then be
performed on the arm with a
higher BP reading
• Document Phases I, IV, V by
following the format for recording
• Inform client of result and stay for
a while to answer client’s
Metro Manila Center for Health Development
Blood Pressure Classification (JNC-7)
BP Classification Systolic BP* Diastolic BP*
(Initial measure) (mmHg) (mmHg)
NORMAL < 120 < 80
Pre hypertension 120 – 139 80 – 89
Stage 1 140 – 159 90 – 99
Stage 2 ≥ 160 ≥ 100

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Screening for
Diabetes and

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Blood Sugar and Blood Cholesterol
Blood Test Equipment Site of Display of Normal Elevated
puncture result

Blood Sugar Glucometer side of the within 6 < 109 110

Strips fingertip seconds mg/dl mg/dl
Blood lancet and
Lancing Device above
Blood Cholesterol side of the within 150 < 200 200 –
Cholesterol Meter fingertip seconds mg/100 mg/100
Strips ml ml and
Blood lancet above
Lancing Device

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Equipment and supplies needed for glucose
level determination
• Glucose Meter • 2 Cotton balls
• Glucose Test Strip
• Puncturer/Fingerstick (Lancing
• Lancet

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Values for the diagnosis of diabetes and other
categories of hyperglycemia
Criteria for
Type of Testing FBS Values Classification Diagnoses of
Diabetes Mellitus
Fasting blood sugar (FBS) 109 mg/dl Normal Any of the following:
- no caloric intake for at
least 8 hours which 110- 125 mg/dl Impaired
Symptoms of diabetes
means no food, juices, glucose plus RBS> 200 mg/dL
milk, but water is allowed tolerance (11.1 mmol/L)

126 mg/dl Possible diabetes FBS> 126 mg/ dL (7.0

mellitus mmol)

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Screening for Elevated Blood Cholesterol
Lipid profile

Measured by taking a small

Cholesterol level Interpretation
amount of blood sample (7
ml) and testing for total < 200 mg/100 ml Normal
blood cholesterol including

200 – 239 mg/100 ml Elevated, maybe at risk

240 mg/100 ml and above Elevated, at risk

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Screening for
presence of urine ketones and

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Screening for Urine Ketones and Proteins

• Presence of Urine Ketones

• It is an indication of diabetic Ketoacidosis in
people with Type I diabetes , in some
circumstances may occur in clients with Type II
• False Positive Measurements
• Low carbohydrate and high protein and fat can
raise ketones level in blood, which can enter
the urine
• Some drugs, e.g. glucocorticoids

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Screening for Urine Ketones and Proteins

• Presence of Urine Proteins

• It is an indication of general health disorder, e.g.
urinary tract infection, heart disease or
rheumatoid arthritis
• In pregnant it is an indication of preeclampsia

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Supplies needed
• Urinalysis Reagent Strip 10 Parameters: Ph, Glucose, Ketones, Protein, &
Specific Gravity, etc
• Urine Container (Test Tube, Graduated Cylinder or plastic specimen
• Paper towel or tissue paper

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Urine Dipstick

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Step by Step Procedure
• Explain the procedure to the
• Provide the client with the
urine specimen container and
ask the client to collect a
Random Urine Specimen
• Conduct the test immediately
or within one hour of

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Step by Step Procedure
• immerse the reagent area of the strip
in fresh, well-mixed urine. Remove the
strip immediately to avoid dissolving
out the reagent

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Step by Step Procedure
• While removing, run the side of the
strip against the rim of the urine
container to remove excess urine
• While holding the strip in horizontal
position, blot the lengthwise edge of
the strip on an absorbent paper towel
or tissue paper to further remove
excess urine

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Step by Step Procedure

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Step by Step Procedure
• Compare each reagent area to its corresponding color chart and read
at the time specified (e.g. ketones at 40 seconds and proteins at 60
• On the space provided in the NCD High Risk Assessment and Screening
Form, write the result in mg/dl

Note: Perform Urine Ketones in Patients with diabetes or with raised blood glucose
Urine Protein is routinely checked to all clients who undergone NCD High Risk

Assessment and Screening Procedure

Metro Manila Center for Health Development

Maraming salamat po!

Metro Manila Center for Health Development


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