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Shashank Kathpal
Assistant Professor
Institute of Business Management (UG)
GLA University, Mathura
Basic Course Information

Department : Institute of Business Management

Program : BBA 3rd Year
Subject Code : BBAE0201
Credit Unit : 04
Instructor : Shashank Kathpal
Introduction and Course Objective

• To enable the students to gain insight about the various

concerns as related to the fields of sales and distribution

management as found in today’s organizations.

Course Contents

  Introduction & Concept of Sales Management: Nature,  

  meaning, scope and objectives of Sales Management.   
Concept and Principles of Sales. Distinction between
marketing and sales Management. Objectives of sales.
Selling Process: Preparation, prospecting, pre-approach,
I sales presentation, closing of sales. Market
identification–sales forecasting – qualitative and

quantitative methods. Sales organization its functions

and forms.
Sales Manager and Sales Force: Qualities, types and their
functions/duties. Recruitment, Selection, Training and
Remuneration of Sales Force.
Sales Force: Motivation of Sales force. Supervision and control of Sales
force. Sales force Performance and its Evaluation. Sales Territories,
Quota and Reports.
II Sales Promotion, Demonstrations and Conference. After Sales Service.
Prospecting, Objection Handling.

Distribution Management: Physical Distribution System Meaning and

Organization. Types of Channels of Distribution: functions, Selection &
motivation of intermediaries. Transport system elements and
management: Features, Types & role of different modes of transport.
Teaching Pedagogy

• Traditional Lecture
• Power Point Presentation
• Case Study
• Group Discussion
• Assignment
• Video
Intended Outcomes

• Understand the basic concepts pertaining to Sales and Distribution.

• Understand the role of a sales manager and sales force.

• Develop awareness about the various concepts and principles

related to Sales.

• Develop a sales aptitude as well as attitude.

Examination Scheme

• One mid-term examination of 30 marks

• End term examination of 50 marks

• TA + Attendance are rewarded in 20 (15 +5) marks

Thank You
American Marketing Association

SM— is Planning, direction and control of Personal selling

including recruiting, selecting, equipping assigning, routing,
Supervising, paying and motivating as these task apply to
personal Salesforce.

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