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Unit 2 Biology

Cells and organisms

Week 11

Ahmed Sabry
Learning objectives

 2.6. Identify the structures present in plant cells.

 2.7.
 Identify the structures present in animal cells.
 Compare the structure of plant and animal cells
 2.8.
 Relate the structure of some common cells (specialised
cells) to their functions.
 Describe that cells can be grouped together to form tissues,
organs and organisms, giving examples to each.
2.6 Plant cells
2.7 Animal cells
2.6 Plant cells
2.7 Animal cells

Animal cells and plant cells both contain:

 cell membrane
 cytoplasm
 nucleus
 mitochondria

Plant cells also contain these parts, which are not found in animal cells:
 cell wall
 Large vacuole
 chloroplasts
2.6 Plant cells
2.7 Animal cells
Part Function Found in

Cell membrane Controls the movement of substances into and out of the cell Plant and animal cells

Cytoplasm Jelly-like substance, where chemical reactions happen Plant and animal cells

Carries genetic information and controls what happens inside

Nucleus Plant and animal cells
the cell

Mitochondria Where most respiration reactions happen Plant and animal cells

Large vacuole Contains a liquid called cell sap, which keeps the cell firm Plant cells only

Made of a tough substance called cellulose, which supports the

Cell wall Plant cells only

Contain pigment called chlorophyll responsible for

Chloroplast Plant cells only
2.8 Cells, tissues and organs

Specialised cell is a cell that has become differentiated to carry out a particular

Plant specialised cells:

2.8 Cells, tissues and organs
Animal specialised cells:
2.8 Cells, tissues and organs

Multicellular organisms are organised into increasingly complex

parts. In order, from least to most complex:
 Organelles
 cells
 tissues
 organs
 organ systems
 organism

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