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Sustainable Transport
Policy– Group 2

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

Background and Strategy & Proposed Recommendation
Problem oblective of the solution
statement solution

• 2.5 million in 2018, 4 million inhabitants in 2025

• Fair road network coverage as compared to other
Cites in Cameron
• Decaying and seriously deteriorated condition of roads due to years of neglect and
• 1% of the total trips made daily by SOCATUR bus in the city (with 9 routes)
• Motor bike takes the largest share but Life treating
• Unreliable and poor quality public transport system
Public transport problems of Douala
• Public transport services are concentrated on the major paved radial
roads; inefficient informal public transport which contributes to traffic
congestion and are:
• often slow
• expensive
• unsafe;
• No appropriate layout of routes
• Insufficient bus bays (bus stops) and parking spaces in Centre;
• Inefficient and unconventional minibuses (with 6 seats)
• Insufficient bus routes (9 routes)
• Lack of standard and coordinated taxi services; obsolescence of motor-
taxis, taxis and mini-buses
• Rapid population growth and traffic increase but inadequate bus
• Lack of coordination between authorities at the time of roads
development programs (sometimes no consideration of bus pull-ins,
shelters, etc.);
• Luck of bus priority of DBL to give public transport priority:
Part 2 Part 3
Objective of the

Objectives of the Study
The main objective is to make Douala more connected, stimulate
economic growth across the City and make travelling smooth,
attractive and Sustainable.
• Make public transportation more attractive and increase its modal
• Reduce individual motorized (motor bikes) traffic in the city and
intern, congestion
• Reducing traffic crashes and enhance public health
• Reduce environmental pollution through sustainable public
Indicator of Success

• Making Public Transportation Attractive and increase its modal share

to 20% in 2030
• Reduce individualized motorized traffic (Motor bike &car)
• Decrease congestion on the roads
• Decrease number of crashes involving motor bikes and reduce number
of yearly fatalities
• Improve air quality and decrease measured pollution
• Enhance overall quality of life in the city
Customers • Citizens of Duala.
• Duala city administration. Political gain, reduced noise, and air pollution.

Actors • The city administration

• local and national government
• Private investors, professional consultants

Transformation Create a sustainable, safe, and efficient public transportation system that connects every network of the city

Worldview Improvement of public transportation is directly related to developing a sustainable transportation system
( address the current crisis in gasoline cost)

Owner City administration who is responsible for

Planning, building, and maintenance of the bus network infrastructures and facilities
Monitoring the operation
Developing expansion plans

Environmental constraints Available public funding for the construction, maintenance, and operation of the public transportation
Usage of more public space
Challenges from motorbike and other private automobile-related industries and citizens
Part 3 Part 4
Proposed solution

Proposed Strategy/Solution
• Develop a Master plan for the city which can facilitate Public transport.
• Construct BRT lines on selected road corridors through rehabilitation (make the
existing bus route at list double) in such away that the BRT line interconnects the
existing bus routes.
• Maintain the existing bus routes and dedicate a separate lane for buses with proper
road facilities (traffic sign and buss stops).
• Make the Bus routes accessible and make use of the motor bikes as a feeder to the
bus routes
• Improve the quality of service by integrating technologies
• Increase the number of buses and make it available
• Subsidize part of the cost and promote the use of Bus for some period
Why Feasible/Desirable?

• Public transport is a priority for the Health and better quality of life in the
• Aiming to reduce congestion which intern saves travel time and reduce
• Reduce traffic crushes and fatalities caused by motor bikes
• However the feasibility of the proposed solution shall be confirmed before
its implementation in a detailed onsite field study.
Stakeholders who will benefit from the proposed solutions
Duala City Residents
o In reduction of traffic crashes
o In reduction of criminal acts such as robbery
o Environmental and Social stable environment
o Short travel time, Solution to congestion
o Trusted and Safe way of transit
o Comfort in avoidance of irresponsible riding with motor bikes
Private Sector (Public bus providers)
Private sector can invest on providing buses with better service standard and earn
Private professionals and consulting firms
Construction firms
City Administration of Duala / Local Government
Possible Resistance? Why is this?
Motor bike & taxi owners and riders
 Attitude and Norms of motor bike riders ( they may consider this
solution will minimize their profit)
Motor bike and informal taxi friendly industry
 Attitude and Norms of motor bike friendly industry may consider this
solution will brought a diversion from the trend) .
How to Implement the proposed solution
Step 1: Asses and determine the extent of the need of additional bus and bus
routes (BRT & DBL).
Step 2: Prepare a master plan for the city in such a way that the city areas can
be interconnected and facilitate smooth mobility.
Step 3: Conduct detail feasibility study for having the buses, construction of
BRT lines and maintenance of the existing routes, decide the scope which
enables the desired goal ( 20% in 2030) and search for funding (make use of
Step 4: Selection and design of BRT lines that can be harmonized with the existing
routes and enable the network more efficient.

Step 5: Execution of the Rehabilitation ( construction of BRT lines) and

maintenance of the bus routes along with proper facilities.

Step 6: Make available a reasonable number of buses ( promote and encourage

private investors )

Step 7: Integrate technologies and create awareness to ensure the quality of service
and make the public transport more attractive.

Step 8: Subsidize the fares of buses for some period to promote the use of
public transport in the city

Step 9: Restriction of motor bikes on selected main routes and let them to serve
as feeders to the buses together with other no motorized options.

Step 10: Enforcement of traffic rules by polices forces to maintain a consistent

level of service

Step 11: Evaluation and monitoring of the solution and take actions based on
the achievements and challenges.
overview of costs and revenues
The Revenue (Benefit) Categories
Revenue from fares of buses
The cost Categories
Revenue from travel time saving
 Master plan & design costs
Revenue from reduction of operational
 Construction and maintenance costs
 Cost of Buses Saving of Human Life: due to the

 Cost of technology reduction of traffic crashes

Revenue from material loss damage
Savings from reduction of noise and
• Lack of funding ● Force majeure • Political
• Poor quality of • Project delays
availability instability
services in ● Incompliance to
• Cost overrun • Cost overrun • Less accessible
buses. environmental laws
• Less accessible • Missing and missing and unaffordable
revenues fares of public
and unaffordable expertise.
fares of public transport
Part 4

Dealing with unexpected time & Cost overruns
 Solutions for Time Overrun
• Preparation of a detailed and realistic timetable
• Planning of buffer time for unexpected events
• Conducting clear communication with all relevant stakeholders if the buffer
time is not enough
 Solutions for Cost Overrun
• Preparing a sufficient contingency plan for unexpected events such as price
escalation, inflation, etc.
• Plotting a pre-aligned communication strategy and conducting an in-depth
analysis of the cause if the contingency is not enough.
• Generally, regular and periodic monitoring of the timetable and budget must be

Communication plan
Social Stakeholder management plan
Risk mitigation & management plan

Create action plan

Technica Expertise during implementation phase

l Quality assurance plan

Creating an accountability plan with relevant KPIs

Political Keep a scorecard
Continuous monitoring and engagement plan

Economic Account for inflation and other economic risks during cost
Budget allocation and monitoring plan
Procurement management plan

Environm Having a comprehensive environmental impact assessment

Creating a mitigation plan

Link project environmental objectives with national

Climate resilience strategies
Enforcing and Monitoring Success indicators

Increasing modal share of public transport • Construct BRT lines through rehabilitation.
• Maintaining and dedicating bus lanes for existing
bus routes.
• Maintaining quality of service through use of
• Asses user satisfaction using surveys and develop
strategies like ticket fare reduction, improve
frequency and accessibility to improve service

Reduce individualized motorized traffic (Motor bike ) • Restrict motor bikes not to access main routes
• Discourage passengers so that they will not use motor bikes through
telling safety risks (make bus transport fast more affordable)

Reduce Congestion ( waiting Time) • Increase number of buses and frequency and monitor through
measuring traffic volume

Reduce traffic crush's and increase safety • Reduce congestion

• Develop Safety regulations and Impose speed limits at respective
risky locations and enforcing laws.
Success indicators & responsibility allocation
Increasing modal share of public transport Ministry of Transport & regulating institution

Reduce individualized motorized traffic (Motor bike ) Ministry of Transport & Ministry of housing and urban
development, Douala city council

Reduce Congestion ( waiting Time) Ministry of Transport & regulating institution, private

Reduce traffic crush's and increase safety Ministry of Transport & regulating institution

Improved transportation safety Police, Ministry of Finance & transport operators

Best Practice of this case for Other Countries
Public transport problem is a global issue

• Disorganized traffic, congestion

• Resulting problems in air quality and decreasing quality of life

due to

• Poor road network coverage & conditions

• Unorganized public transportation management

Owing to this, for developing countries especially in Africa, the proposed strategy can be a
best practice.

It needs amendment based on the specific situations in the country

Thank you
for your attention

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