HRR10 2

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Home Reading Report No.

A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings
by: Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Submitted by:
Submitted to:
Grade and Section
Ms. Jesselle M. Cortes
9th Page:
Comprehension Questions:

1. In the beginning of the story, why was “the world” sad? How was it described?
2. Who were the first people to see the “very old man with enormous wings?” What
was their initial reaction upon discovering him?
3. How was the “very old man with enormous wings” described in Paragraph 2? In
Paragraph 11?
4. Who said that the “very old man with enormous wings” is an angel? Why did the
people believe her?
5. What was the verdict of Father Gonzalo and the church about the nature of the
“very old man with enormous wings”?

Story is found on pp. 198-203

You may refer the comprehension questions on p. 207

 Short bondpaper (8.5” x 11”)

 1” margin for all sides
 Coverpage font is Lucida Calligraphy size 16
 Pages 2 onwards font style is Arial size 12
 Spacing is 1.5

 DEADLINE: November 18, 2022 (Friday)

 +10= Oct 26-Nov 11
 +5= Nov 14-17

• Correct Format - 10
• Content - 20
• Correct Use of Vocabulary - 10
TOTAL - 40
Please take note of the following:
1. Believe in your capabilities. This is the right time to prove to yourself and to
other people that you’re capable of making your own work.
2. Make your work presentable. Submit a clean and comprehensive HRR.
3. Manage your time wisely. You are given two (2) weeks to do your HRR, so
please maximize the time given to you.
4. Thou shall not CHEAT. Don’t put yourself into shame by just copying and
pasting the works of other people from the internet.

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