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What is Descriptive

• Descriptive text is text that explain or describe something, example:

describe thing, people, historical places and etc.

• Social Function: to describe a particular person, place or thing.

Generic Structure


identifies phenomenon to be
described. b DESCRIPTION

describes parts, qualities,

Features of the Descriptive Text

Descriptives usually include the following grammatical features:

• Using simple present tense ( S + V1 + O). Ex: She loves red colour. Her favourite food is ba-
• Using noun (my cat, my best friend, Prambanan temple, etc)
• Using adjective to describe the object (to give details).
Words that use to describe people

tall pointed nose friendly short blonde hair

smart skinny calm shy chubby

round face kind helpful stubborn

Word that you can use in descriptive text

Do you know the meaning?

Check your dictionary.
I have a friend, her name is Fia Adriani. Fia is a kind-
hearted person. She is very tall around 170 cm and her
weight is about 58 kg. She has a long straight but little curly
black hair. She has a beautiful black eyes and a middle
pointed nose. Her skin colour is light brown. She loves red
colour. Her favourite food is banana and donut. She prefers
EXAMPLE something sweet than spicy.
She is one of ‘matching’ girls. For instance, if she
wears red clothes, then she will wear red veil, red watch, red
bag and red shoes. She has so many accessories and she
always use it with its pair. She is a very lovely, friendly
and patient person ever. She will be there when I need her
and cheers me up. She loves to help people, I swear. She is
smart also, she is one of the best students when she was in
her high school. She loves singing although she has
no talent for that.
The bad side of her is sometimes she is lazy to do
her own assignment, take it slow and prefer to sleep. What
the worst is she almost late every day to class but I still love
her. When she is falling in love, she always shows her absurd
smile and thinks everyday is a beautiful day although she had
a bad day. I like the moment when I and her went to some
places and bought somethings priceless. All the times I spent
with her are going to be sweet and great memories for me.
Really, you do not need a boyfriend when you have a friend
like Fia Adriani.

• From the example above, find :

1. the generic structure of the text! (identification and description)
2. the example of nouns and adjective!
3. 5 example of simple present tense sentences!


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